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RP: ZHS [Episode 1] Is The Order A Neko?

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Well-Known Member
ZHS Cafeteria
First Day of School


After being split back up for the first half of the day, this was the first time all of the students at Zenjinkaze had been together since the brief orientation the previous day. All three buildings worth of kids were funneled into one large room in the main, northern building. It was a bit of a shock for some of the students. Many of the other schools in Tsubomi served lunch to individual classes, eaten at their own desks in their own classrooms. Although this campus encouraged some competition between the different buildings, this was a time for everyone to come together as fellow Zenjinkaze Fighting High School students. It was definitely somewhat overwhelming, especially for some Neko only months old, who had just recently been sharing desk space with elementary schoolers arguing over who had the coolest bento or best chopsticks.

Even though they had been brought together, the tables were still roughly grouped by building. East and West at their sides, with South in the middle. In the front of the room, near the kitchen dispensing food and accepting dirty dishes, were a few tables where teachers were enjoying their lunches as well. A few students had joined them, likely members of last year's student council. Similarly, some students were mingling between sections, sitting with a friend or two from another building.

Yuu and Bryn entered from one direction, as William and Kunio came from the other. The other set of roommates, Zoia and Sarena, were already seated. It was easy to spot them, and not just because one was a rather unique species wearing her new custom-altered uniform and the other a girl taller than most of the male students. Their entire table, and several nearby, were otherwise empty. Likely due to the cloud of foul-smelling gas lingering around their table. The Vekimen seemed content with a tray of what seemed to be raw meat, while the Nepleslian was frowning at the pile of food in front of her. She'd been a bit too quick to make her selection, and now she was stuck with six individually wrapped melon breads. Which, she was now aware, did not actually contain any melon. The disappointment was almost enough to distract her from the rather unique and especially hazardous odor her roommate was creating. An air vent right above the table they'd been led to was doing its best, but this was the first day field testing this arrangement...
Thinking quickly, Sarena drew some cherries and huckleberries from her bandoleer sling bag, and, with a knife, began implanting them into the face of the bread while unwrapping them, all as a hasty, field-expedient method of performing flavour-enhancement surgery, for the rescue of her critically bread-like foodstuffs. These meal-saving maneuvers were more than enough to maintain her preoccupation, even in her determination to overcome the present Zoia-pertinent circumstances.
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Zenjinkaze Fighting High School: Cafeteria

Kunio was dressed in the school uniform he had fitted, wearing both katanas. The sheaths was wrapped about 16cm from the hilt downward in school colored cloth, one color per sheath. Inside of them were his training sword and his actual blade. Both swords were hanging from his left hip, tied to his belt. His smile was upon his face after a good night's rest. He began to stride towards the kitchen line.

What he received was a small platter of fish rolls and sushi, which he happily accepted and proceeded to pick a table at random. He picked one just in earshot of the other group and beckoned for his roommate to get his food and join him. His smile seemed to glow even once he began to pick at his food.
Zenjinkaze Fighting High School: Courtyard

Tavigo was outside in the courtyard eating his lunch with the cat. Tavigo was sitting in an open area that could be seen from inside the cafeteria. Tavigo didn't much care for the food that was served other than the meat. So he was munching on some of the plants he had grown and some chicken. "Sure lonely out here yes? Would love eat inside but too big for tables."

After eating his fill Tavigo set the fruit that was left over on the stone bench he had been sitting on and went through the movements of The Hidden Sun Clan's dance fighting style.
Zenjinkaze Fighting High School


After having gotten a near-sleepless night's rest, Sakaki rubbed her hand to her eyes and looked to Bryn, the Neko she knew next to naught about.

"What is your fighting style?" she asked, the one thing that truly interested her to know about every one of her classmates, as they entered the line to get their food.


Not one to eat in groups, or to be seen eating at all, Rei was roaming the courtyard. With hands held behind her back, she walked along the bridge, not on the walkway but on the railing of it and then hopped off, landing mid-air instead of on the ground. She watched the big and small cats as they went about their business from her perch in the air. Once Tavigo had finished one routine and before he could start on the next, she chirped at him.

In Yamataigo she asked him if he had really battled Mishhu, saying, "Nani? Anata ga tatakai Mishhu? Īe..."
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"It's actually really simple!" the alien rambled to the girl who was trying to make her food taste better. "It took me an hour or two to figure out the exact translations for the math, but in laymans terms" She said, putting her laser pointer down. The set-up was rather simple. Before her, she had a Laser pointer, a small clear tub of lightly coloured gelatine, some paper, and a protractor.

"If I take the laser pointer, and shine it through the gelatine, you will see that the light actually goes askew to where the light should be going based on this line here" She continued, pointing to the lines on the paper it was on. "So, if we are to assume this laser is straight, which as a laser it should be, we can tell from the angle exactly how fast the speed of light is based on how it refracts through the gelatine. Mathmatically, the equation is..." She started, getting another piece of paper.

"The Angle of the beam entering the gelatin, divided by the angle going through the beam equals the speed of light through the air over the speed of light through the gelatin. This is equal to the refraction index of the beam through the air over the refraction index through the Gelatin. By doing the basic division available here, honestly I don't now why this would be considered advanced highschool stuff, but whatever, we come up with the speed of light which everyone should know is 299792458 meters per second. Isn't that cool to see?" She asked.
"I think you cheated to get that precision," Sarena complains. "Light can't move that fast in air." She turns toward Zoia after a moment, and involuntarily inhales some of that air, suddenly realizing that no food would taste good if she stayed here, no matter how well-administered to. "Sorry," she said again, standing up and grabbing her food to relocate and plod over to a more distant table.

After some indecision--though not until she's already cleared most of the distance--she nervously takes a seat across from Kunio, spends a brief and wistful moment glancing at his two swords, and then avoids making eye-contact, as she tends to her wounded melon breads.
"Well actually I roun..." She started before she noticed her roommate had left. She sat, blinking at how they left, ad then huffed a little. She idly pushed around her little tub of gelatine, wondering why in the black the school had asked her to come to this as naturally as possible /without/ defying school regulations as per in the book. Vekimen we caustic to be around, and while she had ways of dealing with that, she didn't. She didn't because a little birdy told her not to, to use a Yamatai Idiom.

"Great... What a wonderful idea. Next time I'll try to not listen to morons, and just focus on my school work, while not making people vomit..." She muttered, taking a closer loo at the gelatin. "Hmm... I could eat this..." She commented, more as an afterthought then a legitimate contemplation.
ZHS Cafeteria

Kunio swallowed one of the fish rolls, then noticed that he had someone else at his table, someone new. He also noticed she didn't want to be seen. "You don't like them do you?" His voice was smooth yet cautious, as it donned on him that she wasn't naturally Yamataian. It also donned on him again that this was basically a refugee town and that was why he was here anyway.

His mind wandered as he looked down to take another bite of his food. To keep himself focused he went over his swordsmanship in his head, then thinking about the food in front of him. He then swallowed and looked up at the young girl again. "Do you like fish rolls?"

Sarena shook her head, in response to the first question. It was probably not a denial. To the second she nodded. Hey, she'd managed to get away without saying anything! Though, it was probably better not to keep that up. She offered some of her be-fruited bread. "Do you want to trade?"
ZHS Cafeteria

Kunio smiled and nodded his head. He took his platter with one and hers with the other and switched them. He bit into one of the bits of bread, and enjoyed the taste, even with the berries "mixed" in. He swallowed, "They're not that bad, if you like melon bread. The fish rolls are good as well." He felt like he had helped someone and it warmed his heart.
Zenjinkaze Fighting High School - Courtyard

Tavigo hadn't understood all the words so he whipped out a small translation book and quickly looked up the words before putting away. "Ah. Yes fight one I did. That one look like neko only one I see so far. If allowed ask, why?" Tavigo indicated for her to join him on the bench which he sat back down on.
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ZHS Cafeteria

Bryn stretched her back as she walked alongside her classmate. Ahh, it’s good to get out of the classroom. She paused in her calisthenics when Sakaki spoke, lowered her arms, and replied, “I’m in the Projectile school mainly. Learning some SACQC to make sure I can deal with close in stuff, but I really like shooting things.” Picking up a tray of tempura and miso soup, she waited for the other Neko to pick her food and asked, “What is your style, Sakaki-san?”


Nenna picked at her lunch of grilled mackerel, looking at the article on her datapad. So that’s why she smells…bad? Weird? Shaking her head, she looked at the lone Vekimen that had the middle table all to herself. Of course, the question is how will she deal with being…unique at the school? And, she thought, going back to picking at her food, can I resist the temptation to play mother hen? I’ll fight against it for now. If she’s like most teenagers, they don’t like adults getting too involved.
Zenjinkaze Fighting High School: Cafeteria

Once William entered the cafeteria, he veered off and grab a bottle of water. He wasn't hungry, so he went and sat down with Kunio, closing his eyes. Both his training swords were attached to his hip, with clean cloth wrapped around the hilts. He did as Rei had always instructed him to do, clear his mind and practice his techniques in his head.

As the newcomer appeared, he looked slightly shocked to see another Nepleslian. He looked to her and smiled softly and took a sip of his water.
ZHS Cafeteria

"Thank you!" Sarena sticks a roll in her mouth, and chews on it. After she's finished, she looks over William and Kunio once more, again showing a particular interest in their weapons. "How come you both have two swords? ...Did you get one from each of your parents?" It felt like she was missing out, somehow.
ZHS Cafeteria

He bit and swallowed another bit of bread. "One of them is real and the other is a training sword." He pulled the training blade halfway out of it's scabbard, it's wood clean and 'sharp.' "This one," he pushed the training blade back and edged his family blade out slightly, "This one is... well you could say it is the family sword. It's actually just a well made custom from a forge in Kyoto." He slid the little bit of the blade back into its resting place. He looked to his roommate to explain his two, not wanting to impose.
Zenjinkaze Fighting High School: Cafeteria

William looked over to Sarena solemnly. "No, I purchased these myself, both a training swords. I was an orphan, and I wasn't adopted till recently." He replied. "It took me awhile to save up for them, but I am pretty happy with them." He added.

He looked in concern to his roommate, knowing that his story was hard to speak of.
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Zenjinkaze Fighting High School


"Karate," Sakaki replied as she pulled on a plate of nigiri and brought it close to her body. "Styles like Neju Koyu. I know all of the kata, at this point, of Neju Koyu. I hear a teacher here knows it, too." After they sat down, she asked, "Could you tell me more about projectiles?"

Rei stayed in the air with her hands clasped behind her back and nodded as he spoke. Then she asked, "Dō yatta no..." noticing he was having trouble with Yamataigo, she asked in Trade, "How did you do that? I want to know."

Tavigo began to speak more comfortably when it switched to trade. "I used the fighting style which I am most proficient at, silent fighting. I used claw blades to do it. It was very hard since I hadn't faced one before, and I got this scar from it." Taboo pulled off his shirt and turned around showing his large scar. He then put his shirt back on and down. He then pulled out his necklace. "I too this bone and turned it into a necklace as my trophy."
ZHS Cafeteria

"Oh." Sarena seemed a bit let down, but she struggled to smile through it. "Should I bring swords to lunch, too? I just left mine in my room... That won't be very good if the teachers decide to start some surprise training, all of a sudden." She dropped her voice to a conspiratorial whisper, while voicing this notion, and then hushed herself by eating one of her remaining melon breads.
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