Star Army

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RP: ZHS [Episode 1] Is The Order A Neko?

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"Looks like the, ah...transfer student...isn't quite fitting in. We might have to ask her to skip lunch if this continues to be a problem. I'll speak to the Principal..." Another teacher sitting near Nenna had noticed her studying the Vekimen and consulting the data they'd all received about the alien, speaking up and nodding towards the lonely student before continuing to eat. Even her roommate had abandoned her, it seemed, choosing to sit with two male students instead. On the other side of the room, Sakaki and Bryn were just sitting down when they noticed a bit of a commotion brewing near their table.

The two Neko that had been sparring the day before were back to causing trouble. They were passing a bowl of miso soup back and forth across the table, as if neither wanted to be the first to try it. It had started to slosh onto the table, as the passing had soon become a game. Both were giggling as the stakes were raised...the bowl lifted and half-tossed, their abilities helping the bowl weightlessly float even as the soup (mostly) stayed adhered to it. Students nearby were pointing and watching, a few moving their trays away to escape splashes. After a few volleys, the expected happened...the bowl flipping over and dumping soup all over one Neko and the girl next to her.

The entire cafeteria could hear the high pitched squeals, as the two girls hopped up and patted at their uniforms, the Neko's soaked while the other just had a splotch on her skirt. Still, neither seemed happy. The seated Neko troublemaker was giggling wildly, until food started flying her way in return. A fish roll bounced off her head, before she realized taking cover was advisable. This meant the next volley from the pair of unhappy girls flew wildly off target.

Zoia was minding her own business, curiously observing the way that gelatin wobbled in the container as she eyed it, when something splattered all over the back of her brand new, custom-fitted uniform. One of the girls gasped as she realized there was now a full serving of wet noodles sliding down the alien's back. This noise wasn't quite enough warning for the others, as a handful of nigiri suddenly bounced off of Kunio and Sarena during their conversation, another piece landing in William's lap.

A sudden, tense silence hung over the cafeteria...

...before one loud, lone voice spoke up from the crowd of shocked students.

Sarena quickly looks to the nigiri that bounced off of her, and decides against eating it. As war is declared, she takes her remaining tray of food, and runs for cover. Despite her best intentions, she ends up stepping on a thrown piece of squid, and her attempt to recover her balance results in her flinging her tray around wildly, launching melon bread and fish rolls into another bank of Nekos.

Her attempt to recall them from mid-air only puts her further off-balance, made worse when she forgets that her other foot isn't clean, when she puts it down. She falls directly onto the tray, face pressed into what little of the bread she managed to save from going airborne, with a pitiful wail; a hail of loose fruit bouncing from her unsecured sling bag.
ZHS Cafeteria

Kunio looked for a second that he snapped, and gripped his real Katana at his hip but didn't pull. He instead let loose of it and grabbed his platter using it as a shield of sorts and runs for the young Nepleslian who wasn't having a good time. He crouched down and spoke in an almost fatherly tone, "You okay?" He used the tray-shield to shield her instead of himself. His face relaxed into his normal look, almost as he cared not for what was being thrown at him, even though it began to annoy him.

He proceeded to make an attempt to lift her face from the bread without being too pushy or awkward. He began to regret bringing the Katana to a food fight as it was pretty useless and the scabbards, along with his uniform, were beginning to stain.
ZHS Cafeteria

Sarena spits out bread, peels some more off of her eyes, then chews on another piece attached to her cheek, before her reply. "I should have brought crab apples. Bad for eating, good for throwing! Crab apples." It takes her a moment more before she realizes what Kunio is doing; after which all thoughts of crab apples are set aside, as she gazes at her protector, starry-eyed.
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ZHS Cafeteria

Kunio gave an idle smile before taking her by the arm in attempt to stand her up on good footing, "We may win this war yet soldier." He took his 'shield' down for a moment, laying it down to pick up a piece of bread. He wound back and threw it towards the Neko group that had started this mess. He then grabbed his 'shield' to guard both himself and Sarena from the occasional flying roll or wad of flying rice.
ZHS Cafeteria

Sarena allowed herself to be lifted, but at her size, she was too easy a target. After another two impacts, she knelt and picked up her own tray to use as a shield, side by side with Kunio, in some mimicry of his technique. With this she found more success, and returned his smile.
ZHS Cafeteria

Nenna had her chopsticks halfway to her mouth when her colleague mouthed off about her student. Putting her food back, she was about to tell them to shut their mouth when all hell broke loose. What, she thought, ducking under a thrown soup bowl, is it Thursday already?

Quickly picking up two trays, hers and her illustrious colleague’s, the Nito Juni made her way to the Vekimen, flinging her newly acquired ammo, wasabi-laden sushi rolls, at anyone who so much as looked at her. Except for Bryn-chan. Don’t want Huld to get mad at me.

Reaching the middle table relatively unstained, the NCO put her trays down on the table, sat next to the lizard, and said, “Hey, kid. First firefight?”
“Ahh,” Bryn replied, tossing a tempura into her mouth as tthey walked to a table. “Fun.” Hearing the other Neko’s question, she turned slightly and said, “Basically, the Projectile School is all about fighting at a distance. Bows, shurikens, pistols, anything that can kill your opponent before they can even get to melee range we get trained in. Don’t do close in too much, but that’s what SACQC and karate are for.”

She was about to say more, but was interrupted by a piece of squid hitting the back of her head. The Neko held her composure for a moment, but lost it when she felt soy sauce run down her back and the food fight began in earnest.

Whipping around, the student picked up a brace of tempura with her anti-grav and fired at the more energetic students. Turning back to defense, she used her tray to block incoming fire, trying her best to protect Sakaki, with varying degrees of success. Turning to the other East student, she looked at the nigiri and asked, “Are you going to use those?
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Zoia continued messig around with her Gelatin when suddenly something wet slaped against her back. She was up and on the table immediately, mane puffed, teeth bared, and claws already having dug grooves into the table. She was a poised weapon ready to strike out, having been hit by something.

She did realize there was a teacher talking to her. She crawled head first under the table she was on, contourting her body unnaturally to remain standing before answering. "No... At least not with food. Why do you ask?" She questioned, seeming to calm down a little now that she realized food was what hit her.

Nenna nodded sagely. "Wondering if I was escorting a civie out or not," she said, picking up a sushi roll and preemptively taking out a Neko that looked at her with a fist full of noodles. "Sounds like you got a head on your shoulders, so that's good." Looking under the table, she pointed in the direction of Bryn and Sakaki. "We're going to get some covering fire, then exfi...get out of the building. You game?"

"You really need to speak Yamataigo. Of course I have a head on my shoulders, I would be dead without it," She commented, looking over at the people she was talking about. "And why don't we just... Walk? Why are we afraid of food?" She asked.

The Nito Juni smiled at the Vekimen's comments. "I like Trade personally. And we're not afraid, it's more of an honor or entertainment thing. I like to not get hit, but if you do, you can trade stories about how you hit someone with a bunch of soup, but got smacked in the head with nigiri." She shrugged, turned to fire another sushi roll, then continued, "Play how you want."

Zoia thought about it, then picked up a random food article off the floor and hefted it a little. Her eyes quickly scanned the room, and despite being crouched under a table, she pegged some student in the head hard enough to make them stumble. "Like that?" She asked.

"Exactly like that," the Neko said, grinning from ear to ear. "Now, lets group up with a couple of other troops." She then turned, waved at Bryn to get her attention and gave the signal to provide covering fire. After getting an acknowledgement, she turned to her student and asked, "Ready to break for it?"

Zoia just nodded, shrugging.

Snorting, the drill sergeant said, "I didn't hear you, Zoia 'Sivaro-san. Are you ready to go?"

Zoia growled. "Fine! If you're going to be like that" She growled, her voice loosing it's normality and sliping into a gutteral hiss. Quickly, she slithered out from under the table and her coiled legs launched her forward with enough strength to let her slid under the table Bryn was by.

Has issues with authority, she noted, taking the longer way to the three students, and has enough lower body strength to destroy all the long distance jumping records. The soldier smiled. She's going to be a lot of fun to spar with.
Zenjinkaze Fighting High School


"These?" Sakaki asked as she picked up one hamachi nigiri and popped it into her mouth before grabbing a second and aiming, then firing, much like a projectile that Bryn had just spoken of. It hit William square on the back and she gasped at what she had done after it happened. She wondered if she was doing it right when she noted a teacher ushering Bryn and possibly her towards some unknown destination. Something sopping wet splashed across her feet and she looked down, then away and to Bryn, with eyes wide in horror.


"It is very hard to kill Nightmare Mishhu, indeed," Rei said. After a moment's breath, she turned her attention to the cafeteria window. She watched as her new students made messes of themselves before turning to Tavigo to say goodbye to him, "Saraba da!" Rei then made her way away from him and out of the courtyard, to the sports field, where she began a kata she planned to implement in the classroom.
ZHS Courtyard

Tavigo nodded at Rei not knowing what the expression meant before looking into the Cafeteria.

Seeing the commotion going on in there Tavigo stormed up to the door and slammed them open. He screamed at the top of his lungs. "STOP!!!" When a bowl of mashed potatoes hit his face, it was quite clear that he was furious as it slide down his face and onto the floor.
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ZHS Cafeteria

Kunio went a little cold and help up a hand behind his shield to Sarena. "Stop." He had high respect for the groundskeeper, and would like to think that he had the same for him. He stood up, still using his shield but uses his other hand to brush off his uniform, his face solemn.

"We've upset enough people."
ZHS Cafeteria

Sarena hadn't thrown anything yet, but she at least stopped thinking about it, and stood up next to Kunio. She kept her knees bent and maintained a defensive posture, less for the sake of protecting herself from any more incoming projectiles than to try to keep Kunio from noticing her height. "Okay," was all she managed to say.
Zenjinkaze Fighting High School

William was still calmly sitting, as all the food fly by or near him. None had hit him though until...


Food smacked against William's back and splattered up and down his back. He stood and turned to see a shocked Sakaki. He smiled softly and looked back as the groundskeeper yelled to stop. William sat back down and went back to meditating.
ZHS Cafeteria

Bryn snorted at Sakaki’s antics. “Yeah, those,” she said, her attempts to stop from chuckling taking her focus off of defense, with obvious consequences. “Aah!” she yelped as a cloud of tsukemono hit her. “Dang it,” she said, wiping her face in disgust. “I hate pickles.”

Noticing movement from the middle of the cafeteria, the student saw Neena-sensei wave at her. What do you…oh. Do I really have to help the alien? Shaking her head in annoyance, she gave the other Neko a thumbs up, and started throwing her remaining tempura at her classmates that looked like they were going to throw food at the teacher. She kept this up until she froze in fright as the Vekimen flew through the air, slid under the table, and landed at Sakaki’s feet. Well, she thought, meeting her neighbor’s gaze with a nervous smile, “I hope Nenna knows what she’s doing.”

As the soldier got to Bryn’s table, the groundskeeper’s yell brought him to the group’s attention. “Head out of the cafeteria, kids,” Nenna said, pointing pass the Qaktoro’s potato splattered face. “Let the faculty deal with putting this down.”

“Hai, Neena-sensei,” the younger Neko replied. Putting her hand on Sakaki’s shoulder, she said, “Let’s go. And you should probably come too,” she continued, looking under the table.


Once the students were clear, the Nito Juni cracked her hands and made her way to the nearest table with actively engaged students, now dodging every incoming dish with practiced grace. Sitting amongst the combatants, she said, “If you guys don’t stop right now, you’re only getting old Star Army rations for the next week of meals.”
The groundskeeper's shout had broken through the chaos, causing a sudden moment of silence. Unfortunately, the compacted vegetable projectile had been launched slightly before his big entrance. The bowl clattered loudly to the floor in this situation where any of them could have heard a pin drop.

Nenna and the other teachers took this moment to make their push, moving into the main cafeteria area. Apparently most of them had taken cover after their pleas to stop had been ignored. Zoia and Sarena found themselves reunited as they exited the cafeteria, as the groups from each side of the brief battle met up after passing Tavigo on their way outside. Looking back, they could see the pair of Neko troublemakers, being admonished by a group of teachers while other students quickly fled. The duo were covered in various food products from head to toe, clutching each other and bawling their eyes out at the indignity of it all. Things were only going to get worse for the two, as one of the teachers pointed towards Tavigo, mentioning something about him supervising them while they cleaned the cafeteria...

Meanwhile, as the others made their escape, they realized they didn't have much time left before class if they wanted to clean up. Sarena knew this meant the group was likely about to break up again, and she'd be left with her odd roommate once again, while the other boys and girls paired back up.
ZHS Courtyard

With a terrible sense of dread, Sarena said what had to be said. "We'd better go to the baths and get washed. Quickly." She started to walk there at a brisk pace, still light-headed and shaky, though she complained aloud, "I'm still hungry..." She gave Kunio a second and third glance on the way out of the courtyard, but felt too awkward to say anything. All she could do was blush through the remaining food on her face.
ZHS Cafeteria

Tavigo had calmed down from the whole ordeal. He cleaned the food off of his face before approaching the two trouble makers. He decided to make himself look more intimidating and so leaned over them and said. "Why do that? Waste good food you did." Having wanted the two to learn their lesson but also wanted to have a bit f fun with it while he was at it.

"After school you go to garden shed we continue talk then, but now we clean." He then grab be the needed cleaning supplies and handed them to the two.
ZHS Cafeteria

Kunio looked around to William, "I'm going for a quick bath and a new uniform, I'll meet back up with you." He took a few steps outside the door before looking to Sarena, catching one of the glances. He smiled warmly and gave a wink before walking towards his dorm to get cleaned. He brushed a few bits of food off of his scabbards as he walked, cursing to himself a little for getting them stained.
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