"That's... nice." Kokuten said with a weakening smile. He seemed to become more and more uncomfortable in the situation and less interested in pleasing the ego of the group in front of them. One of his eyes looked to the right as Akio made his statement, the other eye still focused on the Uniques and their bosses. He turned his head to face him, his vision refocusing, his eyes seemed to shift in color, moving to somewhat relaxing blue. The metal gaze of the Doctor seemed to rest on the Yamataian for a moment. He nodded firmly, and turned back to the two CEO's and their commander.
"Mmm, Indeed, Miss Cranker, we have certainly seen what free clothes," One of Kokuten's eyes looked at Captain Bell, his face somewhat neutral, "do for a girl." His eyes focused back into place on Vinross Yu, frowning in the process.
"If I may, I'd recommend that you handle the first-impressions when approaching others in the station, sir. As you can see, your Captain's haughty attitude forces people to be more tolerant than accommodating, and last time I checked, our boss has rather little tolerance." The Doctor nodded, affirming the statement.
"As for your safety Mister Vinross Yu, we are still a little..." Kokuten looked around for a moment, trying to search for a word, "... bothered by the recent scrub with the Pirates earlier in the day." He continued in a smoother tone, "So, in any case, we are here to make sure You, Miss Cranker, and your Uniques are properly escorted."