Star Army

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RP: Cirrus Station [Episode 8] That Sinking Feeling


Inactive Member
A short fanfare comprised of soft ringing bells sounded out, signifying a station-wide PA announcement.

"Attention all Cirrus Station personnel. We are now in System P1-9, over planet F121 'Fortuna'. Please note that the Head Administrator has marked this designated orbit for professional purposes and regular work hours are still scheduled. Unauthorized shuttle transfer to and from Fortuna without personal leave or consent from the main office is strictly prohibited."

As the soft-spoken voice echoed throughout the Cirrus, one could almost feel the collective sighs of disappointed men and women. Gold Harbor had been headlining Nepleslian news for the last month or so, with its growing tourism and invested interests for the bounty of natural resources beneath the arid crust. To be floating just out of reach of such attractions was indeed a damper on the already not-so-cheery mood.

The members of Squad 35, on this particular day, were not without their own share of problems. As each member went to retrieve their Cirrus Station Security suits, they would notice that the uniforms were actually not their own. 'Squad 101' stamped clearly across each suit and the nameplates also incorrect, the armor plates still fit relatively well, including Serra and Deacon's unique figures. A quick call to the manager of the armory would reveal that the mistake has been noted, and was probably an error made during maintenance. Contacting the actual Squad 101 also proved to be fruitless; it would appear that Squad 101 was currently planetside already, enjoying a short leave after the exceptional job they performed watching over the tram station during maintenance after the 'issue' a week or so back in time.

Squad 35 received no such honor, however, as Cassefin Montreal had personally made their schedule for the last week, setting them on regular hours and giving them no specific rewards. Word around from the other Savtechs say that Kess was doing fine for the moment, but was being secluded from the system and monitored to make sure she was completely function. Mimi seemed sad by the lack of her presence, but did her best to assist Squad 35 in what they needed of her.

On this particular day, Cassefin had assigned them to guard her, as she descended to the planet below for official business of which she had not specified. The assignment was a formality; Nepleslian Government had a lot invested in the Cirrus Station, and as such all Administrators were to be protected from would-be assassins and such... none of which have ever gone after Cassefin, nor any other administrator. For now, Squad 35 was to meet in Shuttle Bay A12 in front of Cassefin Montreal's personal travel shuttle, suited up and prepared for the journey while they awaited their Head Administrator.

The shuttle bay itself was fairly barren, mostly used for transport of personnel and not cargo or materials. Since this day cycle on Cirrus Station was the same work day as any other for most of the crew, the bay was deserted for the most part, the only others occupying the room aside from Squad 35 being a pair of junkers idly working at an exposed conduit on the far wall. Cassefin's personal shuttle was also harbored in the center of the bay, loading doors open but otherwise empty.
Blake entered the shuttle bay as if were wondering aimlessly through the station, looking around with wide eyes and fidgeting with his weaponry. He had somehow managed to unintentionally knock off the nameplate from his 'new' Squad 101 armor, and had left it wedged between his holster and his hip. The nameplate was barely visible; it was still proudly proclaiming the word "P1C FRANKLIN" in spite of its difficulties. Blake smiled softly as he watched the junkers fiddling with the exposed conduit. He had developed a certain fondness for them after blasting a few to smithereens the previous week on the tram.

As he stood at ease in the shuttle bay, Blake reviewed his orders for the day in his head. He was relatively pleased with the set-up. Although he did not have a command of any sort, Blake was excited to preform the duty he was trained for. As a member of the Care Corps, it had been his instructor's primary wish to train him in the delicate art of protection. Many of his superior's at Basic Training had assured him that said instructor had failed. Today was his day to prove his value as a bodyguard. Or at least as a competent meat shield.
Tweak arrived a minute or two early at the shuttle bay and looked around for Kokuten or someone who looked like they knew what to do. Meanwhile her hands twitched a bit as she tried to resist scratching at the back of her neck.

The last week had been an interesting one for the disguised Freespacer neko. After wrapping up the formalities and informalities resulting from the tram incident, Tweak had set her mind to optimizing the new data storage unit Dream had constructed for her. The unit's programming was effective, but she knew she could make it better. And the means of transferring memory data back and forth was also begging to"Tweaked".

Copying her handwritten and encoded entries from her journal books had been easy enough. She decided to keep the hard copies around and updated as a backup if the digital unit failed for any reason. Then she set to work messing with the formatting, software, and hardware for the unit. Software was easy: Now, assuming the unit was already plugged in, when she woke up it automatically pinged her with a code that identified the contents as her own work. After some other verifications, she would re-learn her recent history from the previous day to the earliest journal entry. It was odd for her every time the memories went from almost literally feeling like she was there to simple text and diagrams. Besides the format switch there were issues with encryption and space conservation, but her problems weren't just with the software.

One thing that Tweak had yet to solve was the need for a wired interface to access the unit. The data jacks in the back of her neck were highly outdated; even after finding the plugs that fit even one of them, they were large enough to cause problems when used with her CSS uniform and armor. To get around this, even temporarily, Tweak devised a substitute plug that laid more or less flat against the back of her neck. The thing felt like the tag on the back of a shirt neck, though, tickling her and being a general irritation. Without a wireless option that she was satisfied with, though, Tweak could only endure it for now.

Walking up to the shuttle, she nodded at Blake, apparently the only other person there. As usual she had the faceplate of her helmet down and polarized to look like just another faceless member of station security, though a little short for a trooper. The suit Tweak had been assigned today was too large by at least one size, hanging loose nearly everywhere and making her look smaller than she actually was...though that was admittedly not a difficult task since most of the neko's teammates towered over her by half a foot or more. Mostly more. Sighing to herself, Tweak took up position next to the shuttle's access and waited for the others, absently noting the drones in the room and letting her Tactical Operating System feed her info about what the Junkers were trying to do. Part of her wanted to join them and dig into the mechanics of the station, not be suited up for bodyguard duty. But orders were orders, and hers said to be here. Removing her CSS rifle from her back, Tweak started a visual inspection of the weapon to keep her mind occupied until the mission started.
What sort of name is Onasi Delarte anyway? Kokuten thought as he strolled towards the shuttle bay, security helmet in his hands. His green LED eyes surveyed the small nameplate on helmet and armor. He had gotten over the whole fact of how the armor was mixed up and was caught on the name of the person who owned it. The name wasn't Delsaurian, Nepleslian, Kennewesian, Elysian, or even Yamataian! Even if it wasn't that big a deal, it was just so...


Then again, that's mainly how the duties of the former Medical Officer seemed to him. He could easily face a hundred of his bleeding, dying friends and correlate his thoughts as a medic. Though, as a leader? Telling them to do things that were harmful to their health for the sake of the mission? To send them forward ahead of himself? No, those things ran against Kokuten's beliefs hard and as he leaned against the wall of the corridor leading to the shuttle bay, he sighed painfully. With the kind of tasks they've carried out, he worried deeply of the safety of his squad, and also worried that such preconceptions would only serve to harm their duties in the long run. Was he really the right person to be ordering people around, when he himself would rather take the forefront in the place of an ally? Leaders did not work at the front, they--...

"Argh..." Kokuten groaned, a pitiful expression souring his face as he rubbed his temples. To help himself, he thought about the operation he had performed on Method the other day, and how smoothly it had went. He remembered gratitude, oh the gratitude. He couldn't remember the last time someone thanked him for something, especially not after a medical procedure. During his run on the Expanse, he had helped so many different kinds of people, and it had always made him feel good at the end of the day to know he had made such a difference. Now? He was caught off from that joy, that way to assist and help. It made him miss being a regular doctor, and such a yearning was painful. For it would be a rainy day on the Cirrus before he'd get another chance to do something like that.

Now now, you're a Chiaki, and a god damn Marine. Stand up, and stand up tall, you've got a job to do. said a small voice that burned in the back of his mind. Kokuten rubbed his face, and reached for one of his cig--.

Oh right, Cassefin confiscated all of my cigars... He thought, a heavy frown forming on his face, his eyes following by dying into a saddened blue. Not having a cigar just made things harder, but as that small voice reminded him, he had to stand tall. So, he slapped a smile on his face, and forced his eyes green, and walked in the shuttle bay.

"Good day!" greeted Kokuten warmly, his helmet still to his side, his rifle strapped over his shoulder. His green LED's took notice of Morris, then someone who seemed to be wearing an over-sized set of armor, though he recognized it as Tweak by the way it hung off her frame. He nodded to Tweak and then also nodded to Blake. "Ah! Miss Tweak, and Mister Morris. It's good to see I'm not the first one here, how are the two of you today?"
This hadn't been a good day for Stovaa. The Id-Sol's day was well on it's way to being soured.

First, he cut himself shaving. Next he was caught in a cordoned off shower with another member of Cirrus staff in a state of undress. Third, they didn't buy his excuse that his genitals were dying and needed resuscitating.

Thankfully, he managed to get out of punishment. Growing "I'm a goddamn hero" wouldn't work again, he mused. I think I'll need to better secure that shower room next time...

Finally, after getting to the point of suiting up, his armour was wrong. Not as unlucky as the rest of his team though, he later learnt. His was only a hair too small, and he reminded himself to seek out his squad 101 analogue and thank him. Because this guy was seriously awesome.

Stovaa walked into the hangar, slightly upbeat. His armour bore the tag 'Sgt Badass', and there was a gentle flame motif flicking up on the bottom of the armour plates. His knife was sheathed at his waist, his rifle on his back and his muscles seemed fit to burst from the slightly constraining armour he wore.

"Go on, tell me I don't look like the king of awesome" he said to Claire, smirking to himself. "Because I won the name lottery, and the armour lottery. The guy even got "LOVE" and "HATE" on the fingers of the gloves! Totally the king of awesome, right here." Stovaa's enthusiasm was almost as infectious as it was incredibly irritating.
Method had, since she was released from the medical bay, been absolutely intolerable regarding her shiny new robot arm. She had been lavishing affection on Kokuten as well, apparently very grateful for his 'rescue' of her. She was seemingly unfazed by her utter failure at helping with the tram disaster, and in fact seemed excited about the new assignment after her period of doing not much of anything at all.

The Freespacer arrived on the shuttle dressed in the suit she'd been assigned, though the helmet was perched on the back of her head, the visor covering her scalp, and the left sleeve had been removed to make room for her robotic arm. The name on the jacket had been blacked out with a marker so it was illegible, and "METHOD NINE FIVE" had been written underneath in big blocky letters.

"Hi guys," she said cheerfully, waving to the assembled security team with her claw.
"You look like what now? Sorry, was just noticing that your uniform isn't quite big enough for you. Not that I'm complaining." Claire seemed mildly distracted for some reason as she walked in with Stovaa. Interestingly, the uniform that she had originally been given by Cassefin looked like it was meant for an ID-SOL. But Claire, being the show-off that she was, had somehow managed to swap it out with what Stovaa would've been given, that being a Nepleslian or a Geshrin uniform, and was back to wearing tightly fitting attire that showed off more of her figure than was likely intended for the clothes' design. She also had somehow managed to swipe her old nameplate off her usual uniform and put it right over the one attached to her current uniform.

Even then, the clothes that both of them were wearing didn't seem like they had been worn much, possibly with the squad they were trading with being relatively new. This of course brought no complaints from Claire, who even with the obvious duplicity of Cassefin's 'rearrangements', managed to be optimistic about it. "I think Cassie's got a special place in her heart for us, don't you think? She always wants us to be by her side. But of course, she's too shy to just come out and say she likes us." Ms. Winters smiled back at Stovaa, half implying the reason Cassefin's supposed attraction to the squad and half apologizing for her difficulty in staying on topic.
Blake smirked at the use of 'Mister' to refer to him. He was in a cheery mood, and everything was exciting to him. He nodded to Kokuten in recognition. He even laughed out loud when Stovaa entered the hangar.
Before he pulled his helmet onto his head, he said aloud to no one in particular, "Which arm do you suppose Sargent Badass rubs himself with? LOVE or HATE?"
Kokuten said:
"Good day!" greeted Kokuten warmly, his helmet still to his side, his rifle strapped over his shoulder. His green LED's took notice of Morris, then someone who seemed to be wearing an over-sized set of armor, though he recognized it as Tweak by the way it hung off her frame. He nodded to Tweak and then also nodded to Blake. "Ah! Miss Tweak, and Mister Morris. It's good to see I'm not the first one here, how are the two of you today?"
Tweak paused her weapon inspection when more of the team began to show up. She nodded to Kokuten, smiling a little behind her visor, but didn't answer on account of Stovaa's arrival.

The ID-Sol seemed to be on his way to being a Freespacer with armor like that. Tweak rolled her eyes, then went back to looking over her rifle, finishing the inspection and checking the ammo before returning it to the side of her suit's backpack unit, resisting another urge to scratch at her neck again. Instead she shook her head in a twitchy manner and took a breath before standing at something near attention and waiting for instructions, or at least a proper briefing. If one was not forthcoming, then...

The neko frowned to herself. Asking was an option. That would bring attention to her, though, and that was the last thing she wanted. Better to play it by ear, then. From her records, the Squad was really, really practiced at playing things by ear.
Kokuten gave a short wave and smile to Method as she entered and then to Claire and Stovaa as they came in. He took a moment to observe the artwork on Stovaa's armor, each of his eyes looking at a different point, seeking individual details. The Captain chuckled and shook his head, seeing that this Squad 101 was fairly unique in their own right.

"You know, Administrator Montreal 'does' seem to place us in her most sensitive situations." Kokuten paused for a moment to wonder if he had actually posed an innuendo rather than a statement, but only shook his head as he looked back at Blake.

"To be honest? I could only assume it depends on he feels that day." The Captain chuckled, starting to put on his helmet...

Holy SHIT, what the hell is that smell! Kokuten thought as the helmet neared his face. He started to look sick as his eyes turned a disgusting brownish-purple, while pulling the headgear away from his face. As he did that, he noticed the smell less. With that he took a whiff of the inside of Onasi Delarte's helmet and started coughing.

"Dear god!" Kokuten wheezed as held it away from himself. If he had tear ducts, his eyes would be watering, but it was obvious enough as his already purple-brown eyes started to gain a shade of orange. "What sort of hair item does this man use!? It smells grotesque." By the way he was holding it, it seemed as if he was offering someone else a sniff.

Curious, Tweak slid her visor up a little, enough to let some air in.

And immediately shut it again. Even as far away from the source as she was, not only was that smell potent enough to reach her sensitive olfactory nerves with sufficient strength to make her recoil, her TacOpSys nearly blinded her by covering most of her field of vision with the composition of the scent. Or scents, as the man to whom the suit belonged to seemed to carry several dozen, none of them good, all made worse by their combination. Tweak's eyes clenched shut as she held her breath, waiting for her own suit's ventilation system to filter the air to breathable quality again.
Of near the doorway, a small thumping sound began to emit from behind the closed bulkhead. The noise quickly intensified, eventually turning into thunderous stomping as George and Lenny appeared, running at breakneck pace into the shuttle hangar. Upon entering, George leaned over and put his hands on his knees, raising his visor to attempt to catch his breath. Lenny, however, seemed to have plenty of wind left as he stared back down at his smaller companion. "We're... we're here," George attempted to speak breathlessly. "On... on time..."

Almost immediately after he had finished his exasperated declaration, George was propelled forward by a kick straight to his rump. The short Nepleslian skidded across the floor for a second or two, revealing Cassefin Montreal behind him standing in the doorway, her foot still raised slightly from the blow, a look of annoyance across her face. "Out of my way, buffoon!" Cassefin spat harshly, adjusting her spectacles with a sneer. "You're blocking the door."

Cassefin was dressed a little differently, for one reason or another. Instead of her usual clothing beneath a Cirrus Research Station labcoat, the head administrator was wearing a pristine, professional white blouse with a deep lavender jacket and knee-length skirt, complete with a modestly-raised pair of heels. Her hair, instead of the usual pony tail, was bundled in a tight bun on the back of her head, and in her hands she heft a very large briefcase.

Behind Cassefin, waving cheerily at the rest of the squad, stood another familiar Cirrus Administrator. Purina Popjoy, in all her glory, was dressed in a similar business suit, her mass of pink hair done in two buns instead of one on each side of her head, simply because there was too much of it for a single bun. Beaming brightly as she waved at Squad 35, Purina supported a large, green glass case in her other hand, wider in girth but smaller in size compared to Cassefin's briefcase. From the looks of it, the clear green glass revealed that there was currently nothing inside of it.

The two administrators entered the room, Cassefin stepping over George's fallen frame while Purina cautiously skirted him. George scrambled up and was quick to fall in line with the others, Lenny trailing not far behind. Cassefin gave each of the CSS members a single glance over, surveying them to decide if this was, perhaps, the squad that she had asked for. "... Squad 101, huh?" She said in an almost mocking tone as she slowly walked her way towards the loading platform of her personal shuttle.

"Well, I hope you all are ready. Let's get a move on."
"Dammit!" A shout echoed down the hallway. There was the sound of angered shouting and the clatter of dropped plastic against the hall floor, then the thud of rapid footsteps.

An unidentified CSS grunt wearing a CSS suit with black-and-red plates and a nameplate reading "Trager" sprinted into the hangar, directly on the last group's heels. The soldier slipped around Cassefin and Purina, and performed a flying leap over the still-prone George before landing clumsily, falling and knocking his unsealed helmet off.

Noboru looked up, his goggles knocked down over his eyes, and stared at Kokuten. "Damned if I wasn't late; traffic was backed up outside the barracks. What have I missed, sergeant?"
There was a short whistle that came from the radios built into the headset. (Cassefin presumably had some method of hearing her squads' communications.) The following comments identified the whistler as Claire. "Looking sharp, Cassie! Though are you sure that's the right skirt to wear? I would think a bit higher would really make your presence felt." Never the one to stop teasing her boss, Ms. Winters was crossing her arms over her chest, and therefore her name tag as well. Why? Perhaps to heckle the administrator with her given identity. (Or perhaps to trick the administrator into reminding her what she was supposed to be called, as she certainly didn't have the other nametag on her.)

"We get to ride with you, sweetie?" She sounded almost hopeful, as undoubtedly she would relish being in close quarters with her squad and her superiors.
"Hi administrators," Method mumbled, her organic hand over her mouth and nose to protect herself from the wretched smell of whatever the previous owner of Kokuten's helmet had put inside it. That was why she preferred to keep her head shaved - hair was just so much trouble, and she could be doing more interesting things while everyone else was brushing and combing and pomading. "What's in the briefcase? Can I see?" Whether or not Cassefin answered in the affirmative, her claw reached towards the case.
Kokuten shook the helmet a bit to try and get the smell out of it. Though, he knew that it would be to no avail. When his superiors started coming in, he started to feel sick. With Cassefin around, he'd be expected to wear the helmet, despite the smell. Part of him didn't want to wear it because it stank, the other part, because it might get stuck on him if he kept it on. It was then that Noboru came in his gallantly flashy fashion.

"Damned if I wasn't late; traffic was backed up outside the barracks. What have I missed, sergeant?"

"Nothing, Mister Akio, you're just in time." Kokuten smiled, strapping his helmet to his belt, next to his dart gun. His Hypolathe was tucked on the other side of his armor, making the Captain look quiet industrious, especially with the larger size of his armor. He looked around to his squad and raised his hand in the air, and then dropped it towards the shuttle, which Cassefin was approaching.

"Squad 35, tighten up and board the shuttle!" Kokuten ordered, waiting for his unit to fall in line and move, his eyes scanned over the small group and looked them over. His eyes landed on Purina specifically, it being the first time had ever seen the woman in person. Though, he didn't let his eyes linger and looked back to the shuttle.

Here's to hoping nothing goes wrong today. thought the Sergeant, as he seemed to be distant from whatever was happening beyond that moment.
Stovaa saluted stiffly, a spirit of obedient soldier which wasn't there usually.

"Administrators," he said respectfully before quickly moving to knock Method's claw away from Cassefin's suitcase. "...That's probably not a good idea. Let's try to act like professionals, they're dressed for business, so we should expect the same."

It felt odd to be the voice of reason, feeling far more at home making lude jokes and wisecracks, but something about this... didn't sit well. He boarded the shuttle slowly, his body not used to this suit. The tightness put him on edge, and it made some parts of walking almost awkward. He quite hoped that he'd get a chance to pose around, show off his bulging masculine form and his pimping armour.

"Weird costuming problem, ma'am."
Blake sighed in spite of himself as he boarded the shuttle. It seemed that everyone in Squad 101 had flashy or sexy-looking outfits with fun colors or exotic smells. Everyone except 'P1C Franklin'. Blake surmised to himself that Franklin was either the most boring or uninteresting person in Squad 101 or he was the most badass of all, instead choosing to be a quiet loner type. Unfortunately, Blake was neither quiet or badassed. But he was very lonely. He sighed once again as he idly etched with the fallen nameplate a Lorath floral pattern into one of the armplates on his armor, adding some amount of personalization to it. The pattern gave him an idea. He smiled in spite of himself as he turned quickly to Kokuten before making the final stretch of the gangway.

"Sergeant?" he asked, at first nervously, "Do you think we could make alterations like this to our suits? I'm pretty good with a chisel and I know a lot about art! Do you think I could work on my armor when we get it back from wherever it is? Ooh, and why don't we get to wear business suits for this venture? We are supposed to be body guards, right? Did you know that I'm trained as a bodyguard? I went through Care Corps Bodyguard training when I enlisted. My superiors said it was because I couldn't possibly mess up looking after lab rats!"

Blake caught himself mid-babble and stopped, rushing onto the shuttle.
"You're bodyguards when I say you're bodyguards, and I pay you to be bodyguards," Cassefin snapped at Blake as she strode past him, snapping her large briefcase away from Methods prying hands. The Head Administrator paused for a moment when Claire addressed her, narrowing her eyes and glaring at the woman. "Indeed. Formality and security regulations say I am required to have a small contingent of men and women assigned to me in order to protect my knowledge of what we research here on the Cirrus. So don't get too excited; you're all here for formality and formality only."

Purina, walking beside Cassefin, gave Stovaa a smile in hopes to compensate Cassefin's utter lack of interest in his words. "So I see.... well, I still think it looks good! One-oh-one is a nice, round number..." the lovely young lady's voice trailed off as she caught sight of Kokuten. Immediately, Purina approached the Nepleslian, swinging her glass case behind her and grasping it in both hands. "Congratulations on your promotion, sir," Purina started, smiling sweetly. "With miss Dells assigned to Administrator Vanderhuge, Squad 35 will need some good leadership to replace her."
"Do you think we could make alterations like this to our suits? I'm pretty good with a chisel and I know many about art! Do you think I could work on my armor when we get it back from wherever it is? Ooh, and why don't we get to wear business suits for this venture? We are supposed to be body guards, right? Did you know that I'm trained as a bodyguard? I went through Care Corps Bodyguard training when I enlisted. My superiors said it was because I couldn't possibly mess up looking after lab rats!"

"If Squad 101 is allowed such honors, I believe we are more than allowed the same." Kokuten nodded to Morris, actually considering such modifications himself. It also was good to learn a little more about the man through his perilous ramblings which seemed to incite the Head Administrator.

I might the family seal on mine when we get back... Kokuten thought idly, he had put that seal on his WATER 2 back on the Alliance, it would likely look just as good on a set of Cirrus Security Armor.

"Congratulations on your promotion, sir," Purina started, smiling sweetly. "With miss Dells assigned to Administrator Vanderhuge, Squad 35 will need some good leadership to replace her."

Purina's approach had caught him off-guard all of second. Back we he was a grunt in Squad 267, the Administrators never noticed the security units, unless they needed to be scolded for some misdemeanor.

"Why, thank you, Administrator Popjoy!" Kokuten smiled back warmly, his green eyes burnishing a bright glow. The Captain had stiffened and straightened himself in her presence, but still managed to keep a personal aura through a professional look. "I am a Doctor by trade, and am also a veteran of the Imperium's Star Military. I've never lead a unit outside simulations, but rest assured that I will do to the utmost of my ability to satisfy the standards that this squad has already forged on this station."

The Captain looked past her for a moment, and the back to her again.

"If I remember correctly, you are personally familiar with those standards." He spoke as if she should know what he was talking about, which he hoped she did. Through word of mouth and ear, he had heard of the contained incident that had happened a long time ago involving one of Purina's specimens.