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RP: Cirrus Station [Episode 9] The Silver Lining

It was honestly one of the biggest surprises that had been handed to Kokuten all night. Cassefin was actually showing a measure of humility that was highly uncharacteristic for her usual behavior. She praised them, gave them credit for their work. Tweak was even mentioned for that event with all the cat-girls back on Prisilia. From what Kokuten had heard in rumor, that had been an insane mishap. For a long time, this woman had shown barely any concern for her Squad, and now she let's it all come out. Was it the sauce? Guilt? Perhaps she had actually come to a realization and had sucked down her pride? No... This woman's life was made easier by lying to them and sending them into dangerous places where all they would find were more lies waiting to them. Even if she was being honest, they had no reason to believe her. It was almost sickening, how Kokuten felt, finding no true warmth in her confession.

Even so, he tried, tried to smile at that, and let it sit. He thought he would be happier to hear this, but he wasn't. So, instead, he decided to delve right into the matter.

"This favor must be very troubling, Administrator Montreal." said Kokuten, putting a strong emphasis on the 'very' part. At the least, he was going to find out what she was trying to put them through.
From the behavior Tweak had seen that day so far, and noted in her morning review of her logs ("Last time, on Cirrus Station...") the rather humble display of gratitude was very unusual for Administrator Cassefin Montreal.

The neko was initially stunned. As Cassefin continued, though, Tweak began to smile. She was appreciated! It felt very, very odd, being thanked for something that she only had the equivalent of ultra-high-tech home videos to tell her about, but Tweak just accepted it, for now. When the administrator said Tweak's name and thanked her directly, though, the warmth of appreciation turned into a knot and her smile wavered, almost disappearing as she was singled out. Fortunately, Cassefin didn't seem to be looking for a reply and turned her speech's focus back to the group. When the speech ended, Tweak looked down at the tabletop, thinking.

Kokuten said:
"This favor must be very troubling, Administrator Montreal." said Kokuten [...].
Huh? Favor? Tweak looked up at Kokuten, wondering what he was talking about, momentarily distracted from her musing.
Having managed to managed to flag down a barista and half-drunkenly express his wishes to have the "biggest, baddest, blackest" coffee they could provide, he settled in for another installment of Cassefin's endless chain of suicide missions or lectures.

Had Stovaa recieved his coffee instantaneously, he would have been able to take a sip of it and spray it out surprisedly. Thankfully for everyone, he hadn't been served yet and he was merely left dumbstruck, lost for words.

"Uh... Thank you, ma'am..." he mumbled. COMPLIMENTS? Thanks? He mused for a moment whether or not this Cassefin Montreal was a clone or imposter sent by her enemies to destroy her fragile team structure with niceties. Such a thing was, obviously, not a good plan, so he dismissed it. Then again, he thought, The last plan her foes had involved hookers in helmets and skirts.

His coffee arrived in due time, the barista appearing dissapointed she was unable to use any of the fancier buttons on the coffee machines, provided the ID-Sol with what could only be described as a bucket of brown glory. Stovaa took a sip and relaxed further into the chair, wondering if he would be able to find a bacon sandwich at this time of day.
As though caught in the act of despicable thievery, Cassefin pressed her lips together and looked down at the floor when Kokuten began to question the exact details of her supposed favor... as he rightfully should have, given the past assignments they had been so lucky to have been given.

"Troubling... in ways that are different than those you have had previously," Cassefin replied as she heaved a quick sigh and cleared her throat, giving herself a second wind to weather their surprised and suspicious demeanor. "Although I did not know this at the time, this establishment is owned and operated privately by... Laj Vinross Yu," Cassefin began to explain grimly, a weak but determined streak crossing her brow as she fidgeted slightly in her seat. "At the time I didn't think much of how easily I was able to secure high-class accommodations for everyone, especially on the grand opening of this place. Laj Vinross Yu, as well as Marissa Cranker, sought out and found Purina, Claire and myself when we were drifting through the shopping districts," Cassefin quickly raised her hands up in a dismissive motion before continuing, anticipating their possible surprise. "But they did not... well, do anything. In fact," she lowered her hands back down into her lap, glancing off towards the entrance of the establishment, gazing through the paned glass into the main hallway. "... they invited us to eat with them later tonight. All of us were invited."

The red-headed administrator paused for a moment. Although the reasons should have been readily apparent, Cassefin seemed thoroughly distressed at this prospect. It was highly doubtful that Laj or Marissa would attempt something in this kind of situation; the area was so public, and because the establishment itself was not a part of their corporation, the dreaded Uniques were very much absent. "I... realize that we are all not on the Cirrus," Cassefin began once more, her voice low and decidedly unsure of itself. "And I know that you all are not on duty, and that I cannot ask requests of you, and you have the right to not accept the invitations they have extended to us... but, I would very much prefer it if," Cassefin paused again, her shoulders tensing slightly as she gripped at the edge of the table. "If you all would accompany me there for the evening. I do not expect anything out of the ordinary to happen, but I would feel much better and... ah... much safer with you all present."

When she had finished, the fiery redhead breathed a short sigh and looked at the men and women across the table. "You don't have to go, if you don't want to... I realize that this is asking a lot, given your past experiences. But that is the favor I have to ask of you all."
We just can't get away can we? What is that makes them hound us? The loss over their Captain? The Operation to attack us on our own station? What do they want from us? From Cassefin? thought Kokuten as the situation sat into his stomach, rolling in the pits of his gullet like a vicious can of worms having a hay-day. For one singular day, he wanted to get away from it all. He wanted to smoke a cigar, sit down, and just not be concerned with everyone. In a sense, Kokuten just wanted some 'him' time, or perhaps it was all just a cigar that was needed. At any rate, he felt that his vacation had already ended, and it was time to get back to it.

Though... Perhaps he looked at it the wrong way. One, they weren't wearing armor, nor were they heaving rifles, so it still wasn't 'at work'. Two, as much as he did not like Cassefin's dishonesty and characteristic childishness, he did like her presence. Three, he had his squad's two most reliable soldiers sitting right there next to him.

Stovaa was the giant of a man who reminded him of everything he missed of his tour of the Alliance. The clone may have not been a Marine in duty, but he was more Marine than most people he had met. He was tough, reliable, and downright clever, he would've made an excellent IPG agent, thought Kokuten. If not that, he'd make a very inspirational Sergeant, or Chief.

Tweak? Tweak got things done, whether you liked it or not. As much as she hated being on the front, it suited the hidden Nekovalkyrjan within her. In a fight, she was silent for all times except when she asked for the next order. Still, there was reliability in that shy Freespacer she became when the bullets stopped flying. Creative solutions, smart fixes, and a heart of a worker, Tweak was going places if she could get past her disease-like shyness, and find a way around the stigma that forced her into hiding.

That said, Kokuten rested one of his cool, dark hands on Cassefin's shoulder, gave her an honest grin. His eyes returned to a cool, green color and the inspected her with less interrogative purposes.

"I'm with you." said the Doctor, confirming his attendance to the event as he turned to the rest of the group. "They haven't killed me yet, I highly doubt they'll be able to do it now." He laughed.
"We're in Nepleslian space, aren't we?" Blake interjected, raising a hand like a student in a classroom, "Why don't we go to the closest gun store, probably not more than a floor away, and load up? Big pistols can be hidden under fancy clothes, and boy is it a fun feeling when you do it, too. If they try to pull a fast one-- BANG!" He made the universal sign for gun with his hand, "We 'dust' them, as I heard one especially colorful citizen remark at one time."
"As tactically prepared as that is, Morris, I believe going in there with a weapon would be sorely frowned upon if we were found out." said Kokuten, rubbing at his own shoulder. He looked at Cassefin, and then back to Blake. "And I highly doubt that they won't notice us purchasing firearms here. Was I the only one who found it strange that the attendant that led Administrator Montreal here knew exactly where we were and what we were doing?" He shook his head, leaning back into the couch as he gave the entire coffee shop a cursory glance. "This is no different from the station, with the exception that instead of the Head Administrator's eyes, it is Yu-Cranker's."

The Chiaki held up his hands.

"The only safe action is not to go to the event," His gaze turned to Cassefin, "but since the Administrator seems intent on being cordial, and I refuse to let her walk in alone..." He looked back at them with a simple, stern gaze, "Well, you know already that I'm going, safe or not. Still, it is your vacation, and it's your decision. You all need to consider that when we enter, we won't be going in with the means to defend ourselves. So if they do try something, our safety is nil. If they don't... well..." The Captain chuckled despite his last serious statement, "You'll be missing out on a very fine dinner."
"I'm up for it. On duty or off duty, if Miss Cassefin gets hurt, it'll affect us all." Stovaa said thoughtfully.

He took another deep gulp of coffee from his humongous container. "I've not seen any of those bitch-whore security idiots. But call me suspicious, but I reckon they're too happy with them to come here without them. If they were in plainclothes like we are, we'd never even know." He finished with a suspicious glance around the room, as if to say they could even be the cute barista.

His knife was tucked in his belt, as always, though it had a new leather sheath to match his new wallet, light brown with the words "Bad Mother F****r" on it. It's amazing what people will sell you when you're 7 foot tall and tanked.
Tweak listened to everyone's decisions while considering her own.

The last two times...the only times, in fact...that the Cirrus squad had encountered the Vinross Yu-Cranker organization had been under pretense of peace. Both times a third party had 'invaded'. Both times Tweak had found herself fighting an opponent greater than herself.

'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.' Yet here was a third time. What will that bring? she thought, more than a little worried. Her squad was attending anyway, regardless of the emerging pattern. Tweak closed her eyes, troubled. There was a chance that she could keep it from escalating by not attending. Or maybe it would anyway, she couldn't know. Squad 35 was capable, but there had to be a way to make things go right, just for once.

Maybe there is no way past this. If that's true, we're stronger together...maybe I should just go with them.
"Well, of course I'll come along too weapons or no, but do you guys think I'd have time to clean up first?" Blake continued, still frowning from not being allowed to purchase a shiny new gun for him to somehow aesthetically customize later.
Cassefin allowed herself to smile a bit at the relief of hearing some of them agree to join her for the evening. She didn't really expect them to be so compliant; it wasn't but a couple days ago that she had thrust them into a dangerous situation, if by accident or strange cosmic coincidence. "There will be time..." she answered Blake's question shortly.

The administrator looked on over to Tweak and the mistakenly-identified Maximillian, her eyes hopefully seeking their answers to her request.
It was great to know Stovaa was coming. That monster of a man didn't need a gun, he was a gun. If the excrement hit the rotary cooling device, then he would be the excrement-hitting-the-rotary-cooling-device insurance. Blake? Blake was a solid soldier, but the worry was the sort of dinner conversation the man could bring to the table. Then again, he was a flatterer, and last time Kokuten checked, pompous people like Cassefin liked to be flattered.

"If anyone else feels they need more time to consider this, you don't have to answer now." said Kokuten, resting his hand gently onto his knee before leaning forward and propping himself up with elbow on the other knee. He pointed at the remaining two who hadn't spoke up yet then let his finger arc across the whole lot of them, as if selecting them and rounding them up. "If so, then just show up for the event later on, that will be more than enough time to decide. The only difference between knowing now than later is a little mental security."

His face turned thoughtful before shifting a glance to Cassefin.

"Do they need a count for chairs?" The Captain arched a brow, knowing frivolous details like that meant something to the pomp and circumstance of these kind of dinners.
Glancing around the table, Tweak paused at Kokuten before looking down at the tabletop instead of looking at Cassefin. There was nothing else to really think about. Things were going to go bad, anticipated or not. However, Tweak really hoped she was wrong.

"I will attend," she said quietly. The data jack in the back of her neck was itching, but she refrained from scratching at it. Instead, Tweak located the bag she had left at this seat earlier and her fingers began fidgeting with the corded handle.
"Huh?" Cassefin looked over to Kokuten as he addressed her again, a blank expression across her face as she focused her eyes onto the captain. A short moment later his words finally seemed to hit home, and the woman's eyes widened in response. "Oh. OH! Oh, um, yes, that's right," Cassefin stammered as she stood back up quickly and placed her palms on the top of the table in front of her, her previous nervousness replaced with a sudden eagerness to wrap things up. "Yes, you all take a little time to, uh, think about it. I'll take care of the seating and all of that, no need to worry," she continued on, making swirling motions with her hands as she explained.

"The reservations are for 8 o'clock Fortuna Standard, and the restaurant is on the very top floor," Cassefin began to speak in a slightly hurried tone, casting looks between Tweak, Maximillian and the rest as she spoke. "It's the... uh... Whitecrest Cove or something like that. It's formal dress, so if you don't have something nice to wear, you can ask for a rental in your rooms, that butler guy will handle it. I'll pay for it, I promise. Just meet me... meet US... outside of the doors a few minutes before."

Cassefin stood up and clasped her hands together in front of her, taking in a breath of relief. "Well, thank you all for listening to me. Just be there, please, if you decide to go. I... believe I'm going to go lie down for a little bit. Excuse me," Cassefin cleared her throat and gave the table a short nod to pardon herself and began to make her wobbly way towards the door. Of course having just been seated, extremely nervous and clearly intoxicated to some degree seemed to quickly undermine her natural womanly grace. A simple misstep of her heel on the tiled floor sent Cassefin stumbling to her left, luckily able to catch the end of a table to her side before spilling over completely. The team could make out several foul-mouthed curses under her breath once she got a handle on what had happened, perhaps the first return to the normal this event had given them.
"Ah! Administrator Montreal!" yelped Kokuten as Cassefin came tumbling back down towards the floor. Was this woman really a Nepleslian? The amount of time that had passed between now and when they had docked was not even enough time to get the regular Nepleslian tipsy! Perhaps he misjudged the alcohol tolerance of Geshrins... Still, as their boss came down the Captain came up and hooked a hand under her shoulder to help her up. "Ma'am, I think it'd be a bit safer for all of us if you had a little help getting back to your room."
Tweak watched Kokuten go to the aid of the Head Administrator, then looked down at her bag of fresh-purchased (and some previously-worn) clothing.

I should probably find my room. She needed to store the purchases somewhere, and exchange some of what she was wearing for the supposedly radiation-blocking Freespacer clothing she had on to start with. Or find some metal or something to wear under what she had on.

Getting up, Tweak started following Kokuten and Cassefin out of the cafe, shopping bag in hand.
Cassefin huffed as she was helped up by the captain, still a little embarrassed from her fall. "I can handle myself, Chiaki-" the red-haired lady started indignantly, shaking her shoulder a bit to resist his help. Half way through her struggle to upright herself on her own power, however, Cassefin began to wobble again. She maintained her balance, but apparently was coherent enough to realize a friendly helping hand wouldn't be so bad. Cassefin scratched idly at her temple for a moment, appearing a little frustrated with the whole ordeal... but before long turned her head back to Kokuten and heaved a short sigh. "I suppose I could use a little hand," she admitted in a low voice.
Kokuten returned the compliance with a warm smile. He looped his arm under hers, as it to make it look more like he was escorting a lady rather than a drunk. It was a good thing she had complied to the request, because he wasn't going to take no for an answer anyway. She was a little too inebriated to walk back on her own with hitting her head on something, and it seemed like plenty of opportunity for security to 'remove a troublesome drunk' for the purposes of their employer. The Captain wasn't going to have that, not at all.

"There we go." said Kokuten with an almost parental comfort to his voice. He turned back to the rest of his companions, and gave them that usual smile, accompanied with the same warm face. "Remember, we meet up at 7:50 Fortuna Standard Time. I know I can count on you all, so I'll only ask you to enjoy yourselves until the time comes. Keep this whole thing in the back of your mind for now. It's still a vacation, despite what it has become." He nodded his head to the reliable Squad 35, and put his attention back to Cassefin. "Now, let's go get you some rest."
Waiting for Kokuten and Cassefin to make their way out first, Tweak paused once outside the cafe. She realized that those two were heading to Cassefin's room...so Tweak would be following them anyway, though not intentionally.

So she followed while keeping a short distance from the captain and administrator, thinking that it was a way of letting them know that, while they were going the same direction, she didn't want to bother them by inviting herself along. As silently as she moved, they probably wouldn't notice her unless they looked back.
"I... I'll stay here for a while. Sip my coffee, admire the... sights..." he trailed off, his eyes meeting the gaze of the barista for a second.
"Uh, could I get a muffin or something to go with this? What's the biggest one you've got?"

He took another swig and focused back on the rest of the team, slowly filing out. "I'll be there, boss. I'll get cleaned up and meet you there later."

Stovaa took stock of the situation. Probably enough time to drink and gamble his winnings away before he needed to clean up and report for dinner.
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