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RP: Cirrus Station [Episode 9] The Silver Lining

"Well, sooooorry that I made the assumption that someone like you would actually drink something that couldn't melt hair out of a clogged drain," Cassefin flared right back at Kokuten, her hushed tone becoming not-so-hushed in light of the circumstances. Off to the side of the table, Purina began to show some slight tinges of concern at the edge of her stifled smile. "Pure ethanol? Are you high?! Do you know what that could do to your insides? Do you know what you could've done to my insides!?"

MissingNo said:
"Heyheyhey," she said, her nervous tic actually managing to sound hyperactive rather than...well, nervous. "I need to walk. Do I have time to walk before the food gets here? C'mon, I want to go walk outside, just a little bit? Please?"

Cassefin turned her white-hot glare past Kokuten for a moment, resting it upon Tweak as she attempted to gather Kokuten's attention away from their argument... and Cassefin didn't like that. Not a bit. But, in an amazing instance of nothing short of a miracle, Cassefin held her tongue and shot her glare back onto Kokuten, as though daring him to make a decision.

"You know what? Yes, I would like to take a walk." said Kokuten, his eyes dulling back down to a comforting green, before quickly pushing his chair back. "Let's go for a walk. Walks are healthy, helps build the appetite, good for the health."

When he made the most obvious choice, however, Cassefin didn't do very well at hiding her distaste for his decision, her mouth hanging slightly agape from behind her cupped hands as she looked between the two of them in disbelief, as though her staring was supposed to magically make them stay. She still looked quite angry, however.

From across the table, Laj Vinross Yu cleared his throat and politely attempted to alleviate the growing discomfort at his table. "There is an area cordoned off on the other side of the restaurant. A viewing deck, for smokers, since it isn't permitted in the dining areas," Laj informed the two of them, no longer smiling in amusement but still friendly in tone. "Please take your time."

Off to Tweak's right, George seemed to have been content silently watching the amusing events unravel off to the side. At least up until the point where Tweak suddenly felt the need to get a breath of fresh air, bringing Kokuten in close behind her. His smile turned straight, and although he seemed to have his protests, he couldn't really voice them at the moment without seeming a little too forward.
Okay, Cassefin still wasn't happy. But at least she was letting them go. Tweak spared a quick nod to Laj with a thankful smile, then pulled Kokuten off in the direction she hoped was to the viewing deck. She wasn't looking forward to smelling smoke, but anything was better than letting things get worse.
Claire sipped her drink again. What more could she add to it? Kokuten was being dragged off by Tweak who correctly assumed that this needed to end now, with the debacle having outstayed it's welcome. With that though, she did feel the urge to comment on Cassefin's own mistake, in a non confrontational manner at least.

"Cassie, hon... you know that almost all of us like to drink. For future reference, exercise some caution whenever you wish to partake in our festivities. All of us here would feel awful if you got sick over our fun."
Kokuten nodded a bit of thanks in Laj's direction before ignoring Cassefin solidly as he felt himself pulled along by Tweak. He was hit with a strong sense of deja vu, as he was reminded that this was the second time the Freespacer had dragged him along to an area. He didn't resist much at all, but avoided the eyes of the others out of a slight embarrassment. He was quiet for the trip past the restaurants patrons, as moving past them all entitled them a look on the somewhat stained and mildly miffed Captain.
Once they were out of sight of the table, Tweak slowed her pace to a normal walking stride. Every couple seconds, she glanced over at Kokuten, but didn't say anything.
Cassefin watched Tweak and Kokuten leave silently, still in a deeply agitated mood. It wasn't that she was legitimately angry, however... it was highly likely that the administrator was simply embarrassed at her own mistake and was, as usual, using the others as an outlet for her frustration.

Dragonnova said:
"Cassie, hon... you know that almost all of us like to drink. For future reference, exercise some caution whenever you wish to partake in our festivities. All of us here would feel awful if you got sick over our fun."

The red-haired administrator looked over at Claire in surprised disbelief. "W-what? That was not my fault," Cassefin argued across the table, an indignant look across her face. Some of the others didn't look so convinced, however, and when she took noticed, she began to look even more indignant, crossing her arms in a brooding fashion as she did her best not to make eye contact with the other patrons.

"You could have at least apologized, I think," Purina said in a calming tone, looking on distantly as Kokuten and Tweak vacated the area. "Poor Mr. Kokuten."


A short walking distance from Laj and Marrisa's private presidential booth was the area that Laj had mentioned earlier. Perched along the side of the restaurant, a fair distance away from the other tables, was a small area encompassing a single large balcony that provided a stellar view of the surrounding city. The Lady was one of the tallest buildings visible in the surrounding area, giving patrons a terrific panorama of the distant light show. Lining the accenting railing were several cushioned seats set in front of small wooden tables, the area itself dimly lit by a handful of lantern light fixtures hung atop poles set between eat bench. The area, at the moment, was vacant, the only sounds being the distant conversations and music from the main restaurant.
"You mean?" Blake's stare was steadily glazing over. The painkillers were taking their effect while his slowly simmering mind tried to peice together the facts, "You don't just... sneeze everywhere? You're not just some... Messed-up... girl? That's really cool."

The glaze-gaze Blake was sporting slowly warped into a satiated smirk. He slump back in his chair and exhaled. "That's so nice."

Then, just like before, he produced from his pocket a clay-sculpting knife and lifted up the table-cloth. Without regard for Laj's table or Cassefin's attitude, he started etching a picture into the table. Delicate curves and harsh lines began to take shape in the soft wood underneath and more tablecloth was shoved out of the way to expand the picture.

"You know, without the germs, you really are a beautiful person, Nell." he explained, "Much like Administrator Popjoy, I, uh... think. You aren't afraid to be who you are, even if it makes you look..."

His eyes drifted slowly to Purina for just a second before he sloppily slurred out a single word: "Daft."
The gleam of the dim light shined off the contours and edges of Kokuten's cybernetics as Tweak led them onto the balcony. He marveled at the design of the entire area, the whole building was like an art piece, what with its expert decor. Still, it wasn't enough to completely alleviate his frustrations, the short argument with Cassefin still hung heavily in his mind. He released Tweak's hand to look over the balcony, taking in a sight that would help his mind a bit. The glittering lights below them served as a nice distraction from the escapade in the Presidential Booth.

He had come to the dinner to support Cassefin, and the Cirrus as whole while facing down their current enemies. Usually, he would've simply apologized outright, taken the blame, and sat quietly, being the unassuming soldier he had always been. Yet... For some reason that was the last thing on his mind in that very moment. All he could think of, in the midst of Cassefin's incessant insults, was wanting her to stop embarrassing herself.


He needed a cigar. It was time to take break, and just enjoy the scenery. Kokuten reached into his inner coat pocket, pulling out a single Kennewesian Rueben. The brown blunt squished between his fingers, as the circuit on his left hand began to glow from the coursing electricity. He put the cigar between his lips and was about to light it with the palm of his hand, before he took a look at Tweak.

That's right... She doesn't like the smell of smoke. Kokuten sighed that within his mind before bringing his palm/lighter down to his waist, putting a thumb through his belt. He gave a warm smile to the Freespacer, before putting out his right arm and drawing the Spacer in for a short, friendly half-hug. He bounced her off of his chest before releasing her again.

"Thank you, Tweak." Kokuten's expression become a little more gracious, his smile a little warmer, his now green eyes proving it genuine. "I'm not sure what I'd do without you."
Tweak watched Kokuten as he worked through his frustration with Cassefin's behavior. She couldn't think of anything to say, so she left him with his thoughts, following the captain out onto the balcony, a couple steps behind and off to the side.

When the cigar came out, Tweak glanced at it and her eyebrows drew together slightly. Well, if it would help him calm down...and she could always move downwind. They weren't walking this time, and there was plenty of room on the balcony. She closed her eyes, letting her TacOpSys get a sense of where the airflow was coming from and going. If her ears were out, then that would be much easier...

The hug caught Tweak off-guard and she tensed out of reflex. By the time she had realized that it was Kokuten, he had already let her go.

Kokuten said:
"Thank you, Tweak." Kokuten's expression become a little more gracious, his smile a little warmer, his now green eyes proving it genuine. "I'm not sure what I'd do without you."
The smile came easily for Tweak, but she shook her head. "You're welcome," she said, looking down. "We both needed to leave that table...nothing goes the way you hope it does, especially not for Squad Thirty-five, does it?" she said with a heavy sigh, moving toward the railing before turning and looking up at the squad captain.
"No," replied Kokuten, plucking his cigar from his lips, "Nothing ever does, to be honest." He took to leaning to the railing, giving a look over the side, to the city below them. There was a certain tranquility in looking down at the busy lights of cars going every which way, the lights of shuttles passing around to dock and leave. It reminded him of Funky City, only a little more docile in terms of industrialization and chaotic traffic. At home, a building like this would be nothing more than a flashy hill compared to the mountainous buildings that covered the entire planet. His smile softened a bit, remembering home in such a way.

"Still, we are at least provided with a safe haven from it all," went the Captain, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I've learned it's good to be thankful for what little victories we possess. I'm in a nice, quiet setting, with a view over a wondrous city, my problems at a distance, and a good friend to keep me company." He grabbed the tip of his chin with his index finger and thumb, before tossing a side-long glance, a little grin forming up the side of his face, "And considering the fact that my company is also a lovely young lady, I'd doubt my own luck is that bad." He chuckled at that.
Stovaa nodded soundlessly to his captain and team mate as they wandered off.

"I assure you, Fidela, that kind of thing doesn't happen that often... Only when we're around the head administrator..." He nervously glanced at his boss before taking a large swig of whisky.

"Honestly, once a week at most. Claire, back me up please..."
Fidela eyed the ID-SOL somewhat carefully before hazarding a glance at Cassefin. Her fingers drummed somewhat nervously on the table before she went to adjust the accessory in her hair. Watching the once calm Captain snap quietly at his boss like that made her somewhat anxious.

"Why'd he talk back to her like that? I thought you guys were just security." whispered Fidela to Stovaa, putting both her fists in her lap.
Claire set her drink down and gave Fidela a reassuring smile. "We've been with Cassie for a while, dear... Sometimes we're familiar enough that we forget the ranks, but it's a rare occasion. I think poor Mr. Chiaki is just under a lot of stress, he'll shake it off with a little break."

She nodded once as if affirming and then said a little louder so perhaps Cassefin might hear, "And Cassie's a smart lady, she understands everyone has days with a short fuse from time to time, but she's awesome and wouldn't hold that against anyone."

Luckily, Purina was just out of earshot of Blake's assessment of her personality, seemingly content with watching the others around the table as she sat.

Nell, at first, wasn't too sure what the make of Blake's words. She seemed confused for a moment, tilting her head to the side, silvery hair swaying slightly as she gave him a peculiar gaze. She understand that he was complimenting her, in some fashion or another. A short moment passed before she simply shrugged to herself and shot him another wide grin before turning slightly to Odette to her other side. "Ya see Odie? Alls I gotta do it be mahself and I make plenty a' friends," Nell said in a drawn-out, somewhat mocking tone to her fellow Unique.

Odette smiled back, her browline furrowing a bit in playful anger as she cleared her throat to speak. "Well, Nell, I think you might have just been lucky this time around, that's all," the normally mild-mannered woman returning her own argument in a resentful tone. "Normally, being well-mannered is the best way to convey your friendliness. Normally."

The silver-haired Unique narrowed her eyes and continued to emit that sly grin, readily aware of how her words seemed to grate on Odette's nerves. Nell relished the small victory, turning back to Blake at the height of her moment. "Yup, that's me, always mahself. What about you, you flirt around like this to all the pretty gals, hmm~?"

"My goodness Sarahs," Marrisa commented from across the table. "Why don't you two get a room already."


While the festive talk to his right went on, Laj seemed preoccupied. He had watched both Kokuten and Tweak leave with a stolid gaze, which did not break until they were far out of sight. "...a little trouble in the office, Professor Montreal?" Laj spoke across from him to Cassefin, who was beginning to recover from the mild embarrassment she had just recently underwent as she caught wind of Claire's subtle compliment to her character.

"Huh? Ah... no, not really," Cassefin replied with a dismissive tone and hand-wave. She turned her head a bit to the right to see if she could catch a glimpse of the two, but they were long gone by the time she had turned. "I just think he's a little embarrassed, that's all."

"Well, you did spit on him. Not a very common action in this setting, I believe," Laj shot back at Cassefin in a chastising voice, to which the red-haired woman was forced to look away for the moment, lacking a better excuse. "It was an accident, nothing more."

Laj smirked and leaned back into his seat a bit. "I'm not making judgments, Miss Montreal, just observing," the man stared whimsically across the room, over the rocky barriers separating the dining tables of the restaurant. He stayed silent for a moment after that, his gaze fixated on the horizon; after a long moment, the sharply-dressed CEO moved his chair back a bit and began to make the motions of rising from his seat.

Odette, to his right, was quick to turn in an instant, looking up at Laj as he rose. "Is something wrong, Master Laj?" The woman spoke in concern, also beginning to rise from her chair. Laj stopped her, however, holding out his palm in front of her to alleviate her potential worries. "Not at all... I believe I'm just going to have a short break before our food arrives," Laj reached into the inner pocket of his blazer and pulled out the front end of a cigar from the confines, quickly placing it back into the pocket when he saw Odette take notice. "Maybe have one of the gifts that you got me. No need for concern, Swann. Besides, I know how you dislike smoke, I'd hate to put you through such a thing."

The raven-haired woman remained silent for a few seconds as she looked up at Laj and evaluated the predicament. Eventually, however, reason won out and Odette leaned back into her seat, allowing Laj to pass behind her as he made his way to the exit.
The complement almost made the disguised neko blush again, but her own reason for wanting to get away from the dinner regained the weight it had built up, now that her Captain seemed to be feeling better. Tweak looked down, moving to the railing and resting her forearms on it while trying to see what Kokuten did. The lights were pretty...

"I...don't-don't-don't think Marrisa likes me," she half-whispered. Her paranoia flared and Tweak checked her TacOpSys for any bugs on the balcony and in the area immediately around it. "She has been...digging, trying to make me trip up somehow. She knows-knows-knows what I am. She saw me disappear in the first encounter."

Footsteps approaching the smoking area made Tweak frown and she glanced toward them. Couldn't she have just a little more time alone to talk? "I need to ask you something later," Tweak added abruptly, cutting off whatever reply Kokuten had with an apologetic look and another glance at the steps. "Can we talk after the dinner?"
Tweak's sweep of the area revealed nothing outstanding; electric currents and cables, heat from light fixtures, soft hums of the sound cancellation devices reverberating the noise of the city away from the rooftop restaurant. Voices of patrons, discussing business, pleasure, their favorite parts of the hotel and casino, the fine food and wine. All things normal... Tweak would not have picked up anything truly out of the ordinary throughout her stay at the Lady of the Ocean, aside from Marrisa's constant prodding or George's sudden interests.

The footsteps she heard drew closer, and before long, their owner appeared off to the side. Laj Vinross Yu, staring out across the expanse of the moonlit sky, a soft smile across his face as he drew in a breath and released a satisfied sigh. Laj turned his head towards the two of them, waving them in salutation as he slowly approached the two. "Well, that was interesting, to say the least," Laj referred to Kokuten's unfortunate 'shower of affection' as he took a seat on the bench next to the two, reaching into his blazer and pulling out a single cigar as he grinned enthusiastically at Tweak and Kokuten. "Does that happen often? Her making such a ruckus, I mean. She seemed so civil back at the Eco-Eco Conference."
Kokuten was about to open his mouth before he caught the nervous glances the Freespacer-Neko was giving the doorway. Someone was coming, and he was sure her senses were picking up on the intrusion. He simply returned her anxious expression with a warm, reassuring smile before putting a hand on her shoulder in hopes to calm her.

"Of course," said Kokuten, his eyes turning a warm green. "Just catch me after dinner, we'll talk then."

"Senator Vinross-Yu!" went the Captain, appearing surprised at the man's entrance before taking a short bow. "You'll have to forgive the Head Administrator, she's had a lot on her mind as of late, too much to be honest." Kokuten gave Laj an apologetic stare, his cigar rolling over his metal fingers, "I'll admit that I did nothing to help her frustrations. That short incident back at the booth was simply another stress added onto the pile she's exerted under, sir. Normally she's very civil, this sort of thing rarely happens. Whatever trouble caused is my fault. I am sorry."
Tweak managed a mild, but friendly wave in return to the Senator's, staying quiet and letting Kokuten do the talking. She momentarily eyed the cigar that Laj took out. What was it with guys and their cigars? She mentally shrugged and returned her attention to the city, letting the men converse. She had nothing to add to their line of talk anyway.
"Ah, I see," Laj said with a simple nod, continuing to look out over the city as he lightly tapped the end of his cigar against the hem of his blazer's sleeve. "I suppose the invitation was a little sudden. I think it would be alright for you two to come back, though, after you let her cool off for a few mintues. Quite the lady, isn't she?"

Laj flicked his other hand at the wrist, and a short click emitted from the confines of the sleeve. In an instant, Laj's empty hand was granted a small ornate lighter, appearing to be made of emblazoned, tarnished bronze, decorated painstakingly and given plenty of use. The Delsauria senator paused for a moment, turning his upper torso towards Kokuten as he waved his cigar about shortly. "I believe I have you to thank you for tonights selection, am I correct?" Laj queried the man with a smile, flicking the lid of his fancy lighter open and closed idly as he spoke. "Swann always did have a spot of trouble buying me gifts by herself."
"Oh, no no no," shook Kokuten's head, waving off the compliment a bit with his cigar, "Blake also offered his own advice on the situation as well, so I'm not the only one to thank. Though!" The Captain held up his own cigar, showing the exact same brand and make as the one Laj was lighting. "Ruebens are a personal favorite. The buckeyes on Kennewes are always your best bet when you're looking for a good cigar with thick smoke; earthy, appealing scents; and all around better taste. Other than that you've got the Chattasaw, Nexim Blenders, Nexim Brown, Nexim Chief, Othorope Milds, Chiliburns, Noma Tigre, and one that is surprisingly good are the Bayou Bitches, rolled and blended by the Bayou Bastards. I didn't see the last one in your store, though." went Kokuten, counting the numbers of high-quality cigars off on his fingers.

The Captain took a moment to look back over a Tweak, noticing how she had gone back to being socially invisible. Laj obviously made it impossible to discuss any private matters between them, and concerning how she was being, whatever she had to say concerned the threat of her cat-eared form. He didn't dwell on it much, as it was something they'd speak of later. So, he turned back over to Laj, before holding up the palm of his electrically charged hand just in front of the tip of his cigar.

"Anyway, Miss Swann seems to think very highly of you, Senator Vinross-Yu." said Kokuten, realizing just how easy this man was to talk to. He plucked his cigar in between his lips before lighting and puffing out a little smoke. "Ruebens aren't cheap, and she was gracious enough of our assistance to pay for both of ours." Puff, Puff, went the edge Kokuten's lips, "You're a very lucky man to have such loyalty and respect in someone like her. She's regal, tactful, and appears a meritorious soldier, which leaves me wondering."

The Captain exhaled the smoke from the edge of his mouth.

"Why pick one of her subordinates for an elite position of command? I know of some Chiefs in the military who would take that sort of move as a slap to the face."
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