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Approved Submission [Ersetu] Port North West

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Potato Salad
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Starbase & associated weapon
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Faction: Ersetu
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) yes, me, now
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) yes, included in above links.
Contains New art? (Yes/No) yes
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) no

Notes: The first of the Ersetu's few deep space outposts stations.

*pings @CadetNewb

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm going to say sorry and take back what I said, so you'll have to grab another tech mod. However, my current suggestion is to flesh this article out in more detail on things such as lodging, entertainment, food processing/production and so forth. Basically treat it like an actual city.
The art and tech side of things look amazing. Cadet's right, more detail in those areas would make the article even more amazing.
The "Class" seems to be just the name of this specific station. Does it have a class/type?
Okay, have added in information on the stations internal arrangement/sectors, as well as some notable locations.
I know these are already bulleted, but please indent the parts of the concourse to separate them from the rest of the listing with a further indent. It would look something like this:
The Concourse: The concourse is a large shopping and entertainment district dominating much of decks 387-391. This space houses many of the shops, restaurants and other establishments on Port North West, as well as a large central open space that functions much like a central park and city square.
  • Carrick's: Located in the concourse, Carrick's is a well known restaurant careering to the upper class residents and guests on Port North West.
  • The Brettony Arms: One of the oldest and longest running establishments on Port North West and the first to be established in what would become the concourse, The Brettony Arms is a public house opened a short time after the commissioning of the station, before the founding of the Dominion, by the retired Grand Admiral Brettony, of some repute, from the old Kinnon Royal Navy.
  • The Gunner's Daughter: A public house of less than shining repute. Located in the lower levels of the dockyards, it is a pub frequented by the less than respectable patrons that come to the station from various ships. It is notorious for it's special 'grog', which, unlike the drink served by the military, is incredibly strong.
Main Engineering Control: The command center for monitoring and oversight all engineering systems aboard Port North West, such as power generators, life support and the likes.

Have we had this type of powerplant in SARP before? I thoroughly looked over the Tokamak but I would like some of that knowledge of it moved from your mind to your article. Where is it? Brown Sector but it it the central orb? How big is it? Those types of things can be answered.

"The main armor layer is 12 feet thick..." Does this mean only one layer of the sandwiched layers or maybe this could mean the total? I would like to know the total somewhere of the hull's thickness somewhere in the article if this is not referring to the total.
The reactors and armor are the same type of stuff that is used aboard their ships. A tokamak reactor, or taurus-type reactor, is a real world type of fusion reactor that exists today in experimental state (there are about a dozen of them that have been in operation for the past few decades) and to which a link to the Wikipedia article about this reactor type. see: I will add in details of the locations of the reactors within brown sector.

The armor is a layer of sandwiched materiel layered on top of the hull. Quoted from the article: "Port North West features a composite battle armor, made from sandwiched layers of armor steel and ceramics, which forms the outer layer of the ship's skin, as well as added reinforced belts to protect key sections of the station." I cannot think of, or find a single ship in the setting that lists how thick its hull is under its armor plating. All previous Ersetu ships just have the armor thickness, but looking to Yamataian, Nepleslian and other factions vessels, they do not list hull thickness. example, the recently approved Fuji class starship neither lists armor thickness, nor hull thickness.

These reactors and armor have already been utilized in all previously approved vessels of the Royal Navy of Ersetu without any question, I am curious why they are being questioned now, especially since some of these were approved by yourself, without question.
The reactors and armor are the same type of stuff that is used aboard their ships. A tokamak reactor, or taurus-type reactor, is a real world type of fusion reactor that exists today in experimental state (there are about a dozen of them that have been in operation for the past few decades) and to which a link to the Wikipedia article about this reactor type. see: I will add in details of the locations of the reactors within brown sector.
I just wanted a bit of this explanation such as what it is and how it works within the article. Thank you for putting where it is within brown sector.

The armor is a layer of sandwiched materiel layered on top of the hull. Quoted from the article: "Port North West features a composite battle armor, made from sandwiched layers of armor steel and ceramics, which forms the outer layer of the ship's skin, as well as added reinforced belts to protect key sections of the station." I cannot think of, or find a single ship in the setting that lists how thick its hull is under its armor plating. All previous Ersetu ships just have the armor thickness, but looking to Yamataian, Nepleslian and other factions vessels, they do not list hull thickness. example, the recently approved Fuji class starship neither lists armor thickness, nor hull thickness.

These reactors and armor have already been utilized in all previously approved vessels of the Royal Navy of Ersetu without any question, I am curious why they are being questioned now, especially since some of these were approved by yourself, without question.
I only asked because I read the article in its entirety and was left wondering that piece of information. If you have something against adding it to the article, I'm all ears for why it shouldn't be in it.
I am still wondering why these things are being questioned and asked for now when they were not before on all previous submissions, including ones that you yourself approved. There are no ships that describe how their power plants work, they link to an article, which is what I have done, the tokamak is a real world fusion reactor that generates energy. The articles for the Plumeria class, for example, do not list how the aether generator works, neither does your Fuji class, it just links to the article on aether generators in part of the article, and not even the power systems section, which is, well slim on details at best.

To quote your Fuji class gunship article:

"Power Systems

This ship utilizes high-output aether generators. There are fusion reactors in engineering as well as anti-matter reactors in the nacelle pylons."

found here:

Additionally, hull thickness is not something that is required to be put in, your own Fuji class gunship for example does not list these details what so ever.

Again to quote your Fuji class article:

"Armored Hull

Yamataium Zesuaium Xiulurium-coated Zesuaium and Yamataium. The windows are made of transparent Zesuaium. All interior passageways and rooms are surrounded by Yarvex sheeting."

found here:

I am again, curious why I am needing to add details into this article that are not required, were not required in my previous tech submissions and to which you yourself have not bothered to include in your own submissions.
Because it is not meaty enough for what it is currently and I am giving you places to add to it. You need this article to be more than it was and it's getting there.
I can understand wanting an article to be more 'meaty' @Ametheliana , but the request you're making is not the most reasonable. A tokamak is one of the most fundamentally simple fusion reactors. Anyone who knows anything should know what a tokamak is, especially considering that the setting is sci-fi, making it rather excessive to demand that additional detail. On top of that, Gunsight's point regarding the hull is also correct; it's not required, and practically no other ship dives into that level of detail.

I don't think demanding this of him is acceptable.
I just noticed hulls and their density matter a lot with Ersetu. If it's not that much of a problem, we don't need to talk about it too much more.

It makes sense for the power systems to be more filled out, but if you want it to be as is, I'll approve it as is.
Ametheliana you are not answering my question as to why these details about the reactor and the hull thickness are being required on this article when they were not on previous submissions, both my own and other's, including yours, that have been previously approved. You are sidestepping my question and not answering them by saying it needs more details when there is equivalent detail about the reactors and hull thickness to previously approved submissions. I believe you are unfairly attempting to derail this submission and demand a different submission mod to take over and complete this in an unbiased and fair manner.

@Wes please step in here and remove her from jurisdiction over my submission. I attempted to talk to her on discord and was told that she doesn't like talking about submissions on discord and claiming that you @Wes claim the same, even though this is not something that you yourself have told us, then logged off before I could even finish a sentence to cut me off, twice before could finish stating my case on this issue. I think this was incredibly rude and disrespectful and I request that she no longer handle my submissions because she is not acting in a manner that is unbiased or respectful as a member of the NTSE mod team should be. I also think it is incredibly inappropriate that she should be putting words in your mouth that have not been imparted by you, to the community as an official rule and using it as an excuse to cut me off. There is no rule about talking about tech submissions via discord and for her to claim that you have said so much and to cut me off by dropping from the call, cutting me off so I cannot say my piece after she has said hers shows an incredibly bad attitude and inappropriate behavior as someone who is supposed to upholding the position of a submission moderator on this site.
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