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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Just for reference, I did not make a spelling error when I typed squee. I was referring to the typical anime, high-pitched squeal which is so well defined.
Misaki and Kim have been dropped from the plot for inactivity.
I have promoted all enlisted characters by one rank, on the wiki. Hanako will do the promotions when we get back to the ship.
Immediate plans

- Return to ship via shuttle
- Sign enlistment contracts / say oath
- Promotions for all enlisted characters (if they completed the above)
- Hanako's Gifts for the crew
- Starship familiarization tour for newer crew members
- Exploration mission
In any case, I'm frequently looking into the threads, just that waiting for the other party to reply...
Oh god, I'm looming over this thread like a hawk, seriously.

It's a strange feeling, going from a ship with 4-6 posts a month, feels like, to 2-3 a day.

Imakiri hasn't posted since January 24, so I dropped her from the crew roster.
Konoka's last post was Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:01 am - so that means she was supposed to post today (plot requires at least a one each 2 days).

I'm thinking we should just have her dragged back to the shuttle without waiting for her to post.
Everyone, I'd like to apologize for Konoka's brief absence. I use my school computer on weekdays, but it got a virus, we started a new scheudule, oh, and the building was SET ON FIRE. Will post more frequently from now on....Thank you for 'dragging' Konoka and not dropping her! I'm very sorry.
It's alright, no biggie.
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