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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Well, with the technology given in this RP Board, all these should be stuffed into the brains of all troopers. :lol:

Most of the are basic stuff that troopers need to know, but its good to point them out.

(7-Line) Request For Medical Assistance - Can omit from the Medical since its already stated at Communication.

Use and navigate by a planetary terrain map - Geography and Topography? :geek:

Under Security - Sentry & Patrolling

Lastly, since the troopers need to know how to use a Power Armour, won't they know how to use machine guns or rifles? :?:
The 7-Line Request should probably stay in the medical as well, because it has a different interpretation, for the medical people its knowing what to take in response to it.

Use of machine guns, and some of the rifles, would probably be expected for Infantry personnel. My two cents worth.

What about Escape and Evasion? In my AF days, all Air crew officers had to have this training.
I got a question on the telepathy thingy.

Will a neko able to broadcast to a large group of people, or one has to do it individually?
Hanako has broadcasted to the entire crew several times before we left port. So its possible, to send to a group, or to an individual, though other telepaths can pick up that a telepathic conversation is going on, they won't necessarily be able to tell what is being said.
Starship operators, check your Private Messages for something interesting.
What do you mean? Anyway, the info needs to get relayed to the captain. I didn't have Gallant do it because he's moving this weekend, and I didn't have the the computer inform Hanako directly because I wanted a player character to do it.
On the message is that some form of encryption? Also if that location is correct then that would mean what exactly?
It's a scrambed message, maybe due to interference or enemy jamming. The meaning is unknown.
I'd like to apologize for Konoka not being around. I should probably have mentioned: I commute to school, so I live somewhere else on weekdays, somewhere with no computer. I've been using my school's computers to keep up, but we've got a virus, the mouse was stolen, my family's office computer is inaccessible due to a new scheudule, and now that I'm home, with my computer, and have moved all my stuiff back, we have a computer virus as well. PLEASE do not drop Konoka! I'm very truly sorry, and will find a way to fulfill the posting requirement. Thank you for your patience thus far. Did I mention everyone here is awesome? .....In case that counts for anything....
In regards to the reply by SSS:

Should Nika be forwarding the message to Hananko through the network or just to re-PM you on it?

It's alright, I saw it.
Hey, folks!

Want to apologize. Something the Taii put out in-game was an error player-side.

She would have called the folks to muster in the armor bay, not the cargo bay. I've already written something that should tie up that loose end and it should be posted after this.

Sorry to the folks it inconvenianced!


P.S. - For reference, here's the list of people she did call (positively):

M4-1) Hamada (SQLD)
M4-2) Jalen (MED)
M4-3) Takeda (ENG)
M4-4) Blueberry (SEN)
M4-5) Lime (RDSHRT)

Also, welcome back, Konoka! Sorry for switching you out, I had thought you were still on an LOA.
Hello Eucharis roleplayers, figured its time to pop into the ooc thread.
Seems you have a text response already.
Yeah, I'm a little quick on the draw, Nika doesn't like it though because I always beat her to the good stuff
Gabriel said:
Yeah, I'm a little quick on the draw, Nika doesn't like it though because I always beat her to the good stuff

Prompt posting is always appreciated

And a random little note, since its not yet mentioned as far as I'm aware, the Starship on the surface is a Geshrinari Light Freighter (perhaps of the F5 model series), anyone who saw the visual should know the ships (fairly common) class(maybe not the model though).
Just to check, the "away" team listings have not been disseminated to the crew, yet, correct? Nothing I've read seems to suggest that anyone aside from a few people contacted correctly know they're taking armor down the surface. Of course, I might have misread something; hence, my question.
Gabriel said:
Yeah, I'm a little quick on the draw, Nika doesn't like it though because I always beat her to the good stuff

Lol! That's alright. Time Zone difference can be frustrating...
How did Hamada know what team Misaki was suggesting? She only passed it to Hanako, not anyone else. I don't see an indication that it was approved and assigned?

And I didn't select Blackberry for a reason, nor expected Bravo team be used unless things were dire. It's alternate, but everyone should be able to use an armor if they're a solider. Between Hanako and Blackberry the bridge would be well off enough, at least for a rescue. We kerploded a battleship with a lot less crew than we have now ^^
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