Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Eucharis Discussion

Gallant said:
This is the message she sent out.


Taisa Ketsurui, Bridge Commander
- Taii Hamada, Mission Operations/Com.
- Nito Hei Himeya, Weapons Systems
- Nito Hei Ramiro Valencia, Navigation and Piloting

Ship Service/Security

Nito Heisho Yamamoto, Master-At-Arms
- Itto Heisho Blackberry
- Itto Juni Blueberry
- Nito Heisho Pineapple
- Joto Hei Lime
- Joto Hei Mango

Medical Staff & Casualty Team

- Itto Hei Jalen, Status Pending
- Nito Hei Konoka, Status Pending


- Nito Hei Himeya, Posted Engineering Mainspace <---
- Nito Hei Takeda, Posted Engineering Auxiliary

The Engineering list is still wrong Gallant... :lol:

Shouldn't Nito Hei Endoh be in charge of Mainspace? :roll:
... We need a way to standardize how these names are written. This is driving me up a wall.

Last, First.

How difficult is this?

-goes in and starts tracking people down to confirm surnames-
Gabriel said:
Oh right, my bad. I'll have to remember to limit how much I'm doing at once from now on, sorry.

Since you have taken over the main gun, go ahead and press the trigger once those sim mobs get in range. Nika will backup with the other weapons. :lol:
Kimberly M said:
"On a different and happier note, I just received an Email from Lilly, which says that her RL and internet problems have been solved, and told me that she's likely going to return around the middle of next week if you still want her around, and that she's willing to help you like she used to."
Gallant and I have already discussed this.
Sorry about the monster post to anyone horrified by the massive blocks of text. Since the battle is already over, I didn't want to spend multiple posts on damage control for the engine.
Actually, I highly enjoyed reading it.

-starts an engineering outreach program, and drags Sean along...-

Good job to everyone, OOC-wise. =]
simulated damage to the portside engine was relatively light.
While I didn't specify the amount of damage, I didn't expect you to decide it was light, either. In my mind we were leaking anti-matter out into space and that maintenance tunnel was full of radiation.

Next time I'll be more clear. Anyway, the post quoted irks me because it either makes the SMX seem lame when they're not or makes the Star Army look stupid by having them simulate unrealistically light damage. I also expect you to ask for details on major damage if you need more info.
I understand your objection and want to preface this by saying of course I’m not out to hijack your vision for the Eucharis.

But to explain where I was coming from, I’m sure you didn’t miss the back and forth I had with Gallant about the roles of engineers, ICly and OOCly. From that, I was left with the understanding that major damage, ones causing system failures, would be described by the GM, and that other relatively minor damage would be either ignored or RPed by the engineers at their personal discretion. In reference to this combat engagement, the only description of damage was “(simulated) damage to the main cannon and the port sublight engines.” The phrase used, “causing damage,” didn’t seem to me to indicate any really urgent damage the way “knocked out,” “ripped up,” etc. would. Further, the only other mention of the engine was from Ramiro, the helmsman, and he didn’t mention any loss in maneuvering power. And since there hadn’t been any back and forth between the Mainspace and the Bridge about the damage, I had no other indication. So when given to me to do damage control, with the information I had and the fact that engineering was behind the other sections in terms of progressing through the simulation, I opted to make it light damage and readily fixable.

You're certainly right that your mental image of leaking antimatter and radiation is not "light damage." At the same time, I hope you can see that from my perspective the implication was that damage was light and that I had no real reason to ask for more details.

Now, I’m perfectly happy to go back and edit my posts to make the damage more extreme; it would simply make the engineering problem more difficult and thus more interesting/fun. But in the future, I think it would decrease misunderstandings and let the RP flow quickly if major damage is described in some level of detail, perhaps by way of listing systems with major damage on the Damage Tracking page for the Eucharis.

At any rate, let me know if you want me to change my posts.
Whew, alright folks, calm down. It's fairly obvious there's been a gap in communication, so there's no need to get irate over the whole shebang, since (in my personal opinion) this doesn't look like that huge of a deal at the moment. I mean, sure, it looks a little bit like we just fuckpwned a bunch of SMX warships, but that can easily be brushed away with the fact that there are certain things about those ships that are just not known to the Star Army. If they are, they weren't in the files I was looking at. If it can't be explained that way, it just gives us another opportunity to figure out why the simulation fucked up. Or something like that. Either way, editing a whole buttload of things seems counter-productive.

There's new crew, ICly and OOCly, and trial runs (what we just did) are meant to point out what needs worked on. So let's work out how we're going to handle this sort of thing in the future, and keep things chill. This was as much a test of a virgin group as a virgin crew. I for one think we did pretty alright overall. Now we've just got a couple of OOC things to work on in addition to the IC things.

Hands off the knives!
"Sorry for being so slow, but I'm here...Geh, what type of burn is it?"
To avoid the same thing that happened with the ship damage, let me specify here that the simulated burn is a moderate electrical burn.
Ok, so that is what the PMS will get from Charisma when the medics scan the victim?
A 'Moderate Electrical Burn':

Electrical burns tend to be rather difficult to treat, because the burnt tissue is usually not completely on the epidermal layer and can sometimes be hidden beneath the skin, in the actual muscle etc. and depending on the strength of the shock there could very easily be damage to internal organs, most importantly the heart, which probably just got pumped full of several volts of electricity!

The electrical burn results from what is essentially YOUR BODY short-circuiting an existing electrical circuit. So you have, basically, two really charred looking burnt holes. It's usually considered a serious class of burns, but let's just suppose that it didn't travel very far (say, head to toe) and just traveled possibly from an accedental brush up against something, to the ungrounded deck plating.

Randomly, ships aren't grounded. You're floating out in space. There's no earth. So getting shocked? Well, it HURTS LIKE A MOTHERFUCKING BITCH! (Ahaha)

I assume this would be visually represented by either Hotaru's fancy holographic system, or the ship's IES.

Feel free to scan though (I assume it would tell the extent of damage to internal organs!)
Yes, the scanner would reveal damage to organs and nerves. Which would also be affected by an electrical burn.
In regards that Wes wanted to move things quickly as we have dragged the thread for quite a while...

SMX gunships actually sent out attack crafts. How are these crafts taken out since Hanako reported that AA guns are not used?

Of course this doesn't have to be answered since Wes has the final say in the thread. :D
We didn't use the AA guns because the simulation ended due to our quick victory. If the battle had continued, we'd probably have used them on the pods as they came in range.
Went back to re-read the previous posts and yes, it was posted that Hanako ended the sim after the main ships are destroyed. :geek:
Wes, I'm sorry I've been gone, and I'm sorry, but I can't come back for now. My parents are getting divorced, so I'm taking care of my 13 year old sister for now, my car's brakes are failing, and my water heater quite literally exploded. So, pretty much my life has gone to hell in the last couple of days. I want you to NPC Kumiko until I can come back; hopefully I can get everything in order within the month, possibly within a week, but that's only if I'm lucky. I would ask you not to drop Kumiko from the plot, if at all possible. I do plan on coming back as soon as possible. Thanks much.
Okay. I hope things get more normal again for you. Take as long as you need but please don't forget about us! I moved Kumiko to the night shift and marked you as LOA (Leave of Absence) on the roster.