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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Oh, sorry. My friend list is full right now. Jk. Welcome to the party! Dirjon's probably going to be visiting her pretty soon. Launching missiles and grenades inside isn't safe, you know.
yea well I hope she wants to go to see the medic with the nickname of the butcher, it's a little joke i thought would be good for a medic.
As a 'man' of science, Tankyusha supports this new medic and her unorthodox ways. Welcome to the Eucharis.
I like it when people aren't afraid to make their characters just a little flawed. Makes them way easier to talk to, more relatable. Welcome on board. ;I
I like it when people aren't afraid to make their characters just a little flawed. Makes them way easier to talk to, more relatable.
Unless there's any nudity present. Then Dirjon gets all confused and timid. Ironically, if I was dropped in the middle of Times Square butt naked I'd probably just casually stroll into the nearest clothing store and ask if they accept IOUs. ->

Also, why is Aikiko refusing to link up?
@Rizzo ::Spine/Neuro link with the Manipulators Arms. Don't need the extra worry when dealing with explosives. Radio frequencies to tend to trigger unwanted explosions. Her Mindy is still transmits a locater beacon btw.

@BloodyScarlet :: Welcome Aboard new people. Glad to have an active medic aboard. I'll just have to come up with a new nick for you, Scarlet.
That's old school radio. Assuming they'd be using new digital radios or even futuristic radio tech there shouldn't be any issues. So far there's no bombs, EOD specialists typically turn off these devices only when the presence of RC explosives is confirmed. I hope to god that millions of years in the future were not still using analog radios.
High tech engines typically transmit performance data back to the manufacturer. I'd assume that they at least transmit back to Eucharis for safety. These use nuclear fusion thrusters. Miscalculation in maintenance would make it into a fusion bomb.
Also, this isn't a combat zone, it's an expeditionary sortie. With all the radar and lidar in the air I severely doubt an old fashioned RC bomb is going to be a problem.
Now if she's trying to be independent that's different but teammates typically try to rely on their other teammates skills and talents rather than making them obsolete.
OOCly it doesn't matter but ICly it looks like she's up to no good. Whether this is the case is irrelevant. She has no reason to cut ties to the team but she does so and then proceeds to 'scout ahead'...
See what I mean?
Honestly it makes no difference to me but I'm not Dirjon and I'm not there. All I do is make the characters. After that whatever happens is beyond my control.

Kinda forgot to sign in yesterday when I returned here. I shall be your geeky code jocky for (hopefully) the forseeable future.

For those of you who don't know me, Greetings. And for those who do, It's great to finally be back.
Yo, so I am on vacation as of today and will be out of town till the 14th. While away I will have limited internet access and will not be able to post regularly. I will when I can, but will not be back to full posting frequency till the 14th.
I was wondering, birds need their feathers to fly. Can an Elysian fly with their wings wrapped up in an Ames?
The air is probably too thin anyway. Low gravity and all that. She could probably glide for a moment if she started falling really quickly, through.
Dirjon picking her up should be good enough. The guys still at the mouth would know that something is wrong.

As for getting into a Mindy, well... We don't have another active medic at the minute, so I hope Taharial knows how to sow her own wings back on.
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