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OOC Eucharis Discussion


Well, my apologies. I misunderstood somewhere along the line.

As for leaving the ship unattended, I was more referring to the distinct lack of bridge crew. I mean, Hanako's up there and she's a one-girl army obviously, but the list I had created beforehand was created with the intent of leaving certain, vital crewmembers on board.

By 'vital' I don't just mean able to keep the thing afloat for an extended period of time. I mean full and effective battle readiness.

At minimum, for instance;

A medic (Now, Jalen Sune, who despite his EMO should probably be aboard if the mission fails and we wipe,)
At least two people on the bridge (Nika and Valencia are doing a fair job of it)
At least someone belowdecks (We're NPCing the other Engineer)

The point is that, should the entire landing team be oblitherated, the ship would be able to fly off with minimum inconveniance.
Erm, as I always understood it there was a seal to the armor launch bay. And there was no one left -in- the Shuttle bay, which is a different entity in the pressurized areas of the ship?

The ship could fly off by itself, really. A backup team is there but still leaves crew members on board, even if everyone died.
Lilly said:
The ship could fly off by itself, really.
This reminds me of the YSS Valiant fiasco, where a Sakura-class with a low-ranking captain sent down armors to the surface, but when a large Mishhuvurthyar fleet showed up, the ship computer (which had a higher rank than anyone left on the ship) decided the best option was to retreat, leaving the away team on the planet.
He said if everyone on the surface was already dead. If we're dead retreat is a wise option to good old Charisma.
Is everyone back on the ship now? It's time to fold out of here.
I started the Mission 7 thread. The Mission 6 thread is still open for any finishing posts, though.
I'll be finishing up in 6 with anyone that wants to make a few finishing posts, since the jump to Nataria takes little while IC (40 min?), guess that gives everyone a chance to get in position.

Also this give's people a chance perhaps make sure that the man still inside the black suit of power armor, is clear and not a mishhuvurthyar agent of doom... :?
Hey, I tried, alright? Sometimes things just have to be shoved along for plot purposes.

Speaking of.

-rubs hands together-

Y'all are mine now.

In answer to the scans;

Most of the ships that are flying around in that mass conflagulation that is the battlefield are difficult to pick apart, but preliminary scans show that the battle is nearing an end, as most vessels have at least lost one or more major systems, if not shielding.

The vessels in front of you should be listed as the;

YSS Salvior, NG-X1-762
YSS Izumi, NG-X1-106
YSS Delver, NG-X1-103
YSS Ohare, NG-X1-551

As a group, it is fairly clear that they have been in combat, but their shields have apparently had some time to recharge. The YSS Izumi, in particular, is showing severe signs of battle damage and has not been able to restore its shields properly.

The NMX vessels manning the perimeter seem to have sustained minimal combat damage in most cases, but they were probably engaged in light battle before the chaos became quite so chaotic.

It should also be noted that there are several pod-like craft deployed among the legions of NMX 'infantry'. They might be shuttles. They might be something like floating mines, or bombs. Hell if I know. They're hollow, at least.
actually not the only one, Kurusu Misaki is still listed as not on ship.
YSS Salvior, NG-X1-762
YSS Izumi, NG-X1-106
YSS Delver, NG-X1-103
YSS Ohare, NG-X1-551
These ships don't exist! Those are registry numbers for First Expeditionary Fleet gunships...but there's no ships with those names and registry numbers and all of the gunships in the First Expeditionary Fleet are listed on our Squadrons page, and the four Second Squadron ships (Eucharis, Aurora, Nadeshiko, Starling) are the only ships from the First Expeditionary up here anyway. Additionally, there are no Sakura or Plumeria gunships (NG-??-??? numbers) in the depot.

I also need to know what that distortion is. PM me.

Edit: I didn't factor in the First Expeditionary's Irim-class gunships when I wrote this...they could have NG-X1-??? numbers, but none of them are here right now so it's not significant.



-goes off in his little corner to cry-

PM will be in the box.

Also note that today (April 07, 2009) I have watch from 1600 (when I get off work) to 2000, CST. So I won't be posting, or around, until then.

Fast paced bishes.

Probably you had made up names already being used by Wes & Co. :lol:
Nashoba said:
actually not the only one, Kurusu Misaki is still listed as not on ship.

I fixed that. Shame on you guys for not doing it yourself when you noticed the error.
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