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OOC Eucharis Discussion

It will have to be after this mission, but I guess I will start with the Sigurd and Kale, then go for anyone who lost parts of their suits in the this mission (Tsuguka ATM with her arm from last part) then everyone else's physicals.
For people waiting on Kale, other people can access his drones' data too. This means anyone can go to the entrance of the ship.

Reminder: Please try to post once every two days.
Oh boy... that I even wrote this statement. -.-
Anyways, how shall I treat Natsumi as Gunsight hasn't posted in a while? Shall I just quitly assume she quit the station or shall I somehow write her doing it? I'm not quite sure about it and especially have no feeling for Natsumis character.
Natsumi was to stay at her station it was tony that had to move to make room for you. she did and is now in the rear of the bridge.
Errr.. ok. I guess I missunderstood. I understood how the stations are arranged now, but I thought that, prior to Sigurds arrival, Natsumi was at science station.
Hey, after we check out this crashed ship, maybe we can swing by Yamatai to participate in the Candy Festival!
@Gunsight1 : The ship is on the surface, not in orbit!
O.O Human sausages? Never look at a brat the same way again.

Can I claim Cabin 9 for Sam or would it be better to share with someone?
Try to use the lower numbered cabins first. I try to save 9 for NPCs.
Heyo, firstly an apology. The past week and a bit has been "Fresher's" week at my uni. Since I myself fall in that catagory its been very hectic and I havent been near my computer much, less near here. Thankfully Im back now as things are settling down. Ill post something in the coming hour or so.

Edit: Also Kale's looking for a roomie. So if either Sigurd or Sam need a place to stay their wecome in Cab6.

Ja Ne!
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