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OOC Eucharis Discussion

O.O Power armors have butt packs? Cool! Where exactly is it--inside somewhere under the pilot's chair or outside the armor strapped to one of the buttcheeks? Does the pack contain anything else?

Kinda off topic, but do power armors have built-in toilets? You know, if the pilot has to go while in the middle of a mission? It could be awkward if had to do a #2 and had to hold it while blasting a bunch of aliens. XD

I've also noticed we haven't decided upon room arrangements for Sigurd or Sam yet. How about Sam just randomly entered a room (Cabin 5) and put his stuff in there since he wasn't actually assigned to a room yet and wasn't too crazy about leaving his things in the hall like Sigurd did, then we could always RP an unhappy Tsuguka kicking the unwelcome intruder into the hall? After all, deciding whom he rooms with OCly isn't very realistic. It would be more enjoyable just to RP it out--even if Sam gets a beating.
It's a bag attached around the small of the back, that hangs down somewhat over the butt. See the article for what it might contain.

Room arrangements are kind of a free for all, though the higher ones are usually left for NPCs and Cabin 1 is the for the First Officer (we don't have one at the moment, but I'm still looking).
Hm... So the butt pack attaches to the waist OUTSIDE of the power armor? In that case the butt pack probably got shot off and is no longer available. So much for that handgun...

Not sure why there isn't a First Officer. Both Natsumi and Stark seem more than qualified for such a position. Blackberry would be an excellent choice if she wasn't an NPC. After all, she is pretty much the Night Shift Hanako for all intents and purposes.
Well Natsumi and Stark are both enlisted personal not officers, so their rank is too low. Blackberry effectively is the First Officer, but an NPC. I think what Wes wants is a PC as First Officer. I might be willing to do First Officer once I'm more experienced myself and of cause Sigurd is.
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Reactions: Wes
Its up to Wes, he could chose someone low rank because they have helped the Eucharis a lot, so they deserve it, it all depends if Wes decides the person is worthy as Hanako's first officer.
(Talk to the ship? Riiiight.)

Sam got out of the power armor and walked to the side of the room, petting the wall as if it were a kitty. "Hiya, Euch-chan. How ya feelin? These little buggers botherin ya?"

(Um, ya... Good thing Sam's a little comatose at the moment from low air supply. Don't want things getting too awkward.

At this point, I'm not even certain he can even remove the armor on his own. If he's as shot-up as I think he is, he may have to be cut out since I doubt the disengage armor button still works.)
Well, Sigurd is not really a communications type and made that up on the fly. Of cause it's complete nonsense, but the hope is, that the Rixxikor are stupid enough to buy it and let the three of you go without coming further into the ship themselves. That way we could just lock them in the PA Bay. Bit risky though with all the equipment in there.
He was last seen on the forum on Sep 30 and last posted in the Eucharis on Sep 22, and his character's last known location was the armory.
I've got to head out for a bit on errands but my big post is partially finished and will get posted tonight. Thanks for your patience, guys!

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Just wondering how I will do the physicals?

Because I get what I need to do, but I don't know where I would do it because it would be weird doing it in a post mission thread.
Just whenever there's an opportunity, you can get it started. It's a good chance to socialize and inevitably someone gets embarrassed about being naked, lol.
Oh, dear... A-a girl doctor? I'm not sure whether that means 'poor Sam' or 'lucky Sam', so I'll just have to wait and decide later. XD

"Or Darkfire-Hei?" She gestured towards the damaged suit and the injured but living Nepleslian napping inside it.
Why is a human of Star Army being referred to as a Nepleslian? O.O Aren't they the enemy of Star Army?
Most humans that Yamataians meet in the SARPiverse are Nepleslians (as in the Nepleslian subspecies of human), so it's common for any human to thought of as Nepleslians. For a long time, every human in SARP was called a Nepleslian but recently there's more use of the term human since more types of humans have showed up, such as the Sesestrans.
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