Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Eucharis Discussion

I started trying to type of a post to explain this but it's kind of confusing an complicated so I'm trying to break it down as simply as possible. Basically:
  • Humans are a species.
    • "Baseline" humans are the "pure" humans like those of real-life Earth. For a while (particularly on planet Nepleslia) they were considered rare enough that scientists wanted to study them. Now they're becoming more common due to genetics projects. Most baseline humans on Yamatai died in the Great Plague of YE 08, causing their low numbers.
    • "Nepleslians" (as in the species) are a type of human subspecies that is not purely human (e.g. mutations, sharing a bit of DNA with aliens, etc). It's also used as a general term for any humans that have their family roots going back to the colonists that settled Damasica, Kennewes, Nepleslia, Rok'veru, and other early human-settled worlds in this area of known space. For a long time, all humans in SARP were considered Nepleslians.
  • Since Nepleslia is no longer part of Yamatai, it's become less appropriate to call a Yamataian human a Nepleslian, unless they're from a recent Nepleslian heritage like Taisa Rufus Sydney, who used to live on planet Nepleslia. This is because it can be confusing with regards to nationality or an improperly-applied species label when used on baselines. Instead, the term "human" is making a comeback in the YSE.
Thanks Wes,

Oh I am making the hybrids page now, to be used when Taharial is done with her project, the one that is a Star Army Nightmare Type, someone will probably test out the body before I don't mind who, but I will just say that it will probably only be one person who will be the Nightmare Type probs just a random character, I'll say its not enough resources to make more bodies.
I just wondered: Are there actually rank insignia on the power armors? If not Sigurd couldn't have known, that Mitsuko was of higher rank than he was.

I guess it would make sense if there weren't rank insignia as the PA can transmit the ranks of their inhabitants to other PAs and in combat it should be beneficial if the enemy can't easily determine who the squad leader is.
Any digital-mind species (e.g. Nekos and Minkans) and people in power armor who are in the Star Army are going to be able to see virtual nametags. Think of the names over people's heads in MMORPG games. But it's also customary for assigned power armors to have rank painted on the arm and left breast.
Glad you're doing well, BloodyScarlet. Somebody has to be, right? ;)


Every day off, I send at least one letter trying to recruit an agent for my sci-fi thriller novel. I do what I can to keep working on new stories, both short and long. I'm working on drawing more, trying to get the art part of my enterprise going stronger (I did draw my e-book cover after all). I've learned how to read two books at once, something that I haven't been able to pull off until recently.

And I work. Four to six days a week, usually closer to six. My short shifts are ten hours, the long ones are twelve. It takes a toll on me, but it pays well.

Still, I love talking with people online, sharing and building stories. With some drastic changes in other parts of the web, I've found my way back here. It's always good to see others around, especially if there are things to discuss.
YSS Eucharis - Power Armor Bay

Without warning, the damage door's air containment forcefield collapsed, spewing the power armor bay's atmosphere into the planet's almost nonexistent atmosphere. One moment, the bay was crowded with Rixxikor refugees, the next it was chaos as most of them were sucked out of the side of the ship.

As well as Sigurd, which would just kill him, since he is a baseline human with no PA whatsoever equipped. The fall alone should be his end.
Is there someone who can go out there and grab him? One of our Nekovalkyrja, even without a spacesuit, should be able to briefly fly out there and bring him back. Alternatively, he could be hanging on to something and someone could bring him a spacesuit or drag him to the shuttlebay. There's an air containment forcefield between the shuttlebay (though the door is shut) and also in the doorway to the passage with the medical lab in it.

Tell me he wasn't left alone with 50+ hostile aliens.

@Rattenkind If you want me to remove my post, I'm willing to do that too.
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Nope, Mitsuko and Tony are in there with him, both wearing PA, so it might be possible to save him, although its unlikely.

Concerning your post its your decision and I accept whatever happens. In military operations there are the occasional casualties and if thats Sigurd, it's Sigurd. I don't need a deus ex machina to save him, for I can just as well create another character and have fun with him.
In light of our current lack of technicians (our only day shift technician character was abandoned because his player left the site), it's not really the remaining crew's fault that the damaged power armor bay door didn't get fixes in time. So, for the sake of fairness and being less of an asshole GM, I've made some edits to both get rid of Dirjon and to give a better chance to Sigurd, if his shipmates react appropriately. And they better! Because I really like Sigurd.
I assumed in my post, that the trace atmosphere of Splorfin III isn't significantly enough away from vacuum, so I let Sigurd pass out of decompression. He isn't dead yet, but his heart should stop within a minute or so. He can be revived, though, if he gets brought into safety within ten or fifteen minutes.

If I'm wrong with my assumption, @Wes , please tell me so and I adapt my post accordingly.
@Rattenkind Really it's up to you. Control of your character is your right as a player.