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OOC Eucharis Discussion

I thought about it, but did not update it because I wasn't sure what position to change Hamada to, since you can't technically have two XO's.
Random fun fact of the day!

Collision alarms sound when the ship is about to receive a jolt, whether it is from ramming another ship, or from receiving fire. Since both of these result in the ship being jolted around, lights flickering, and so on, the collision alarm is usually sounded as a courtesy so that people can latch on to something as opposed to being tossed around haphazardly and without warning.


http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss28 ... ck/Lol.jpg

Too big for post. Copypasta.

People were getting confused, so please let me explain with this HILARIOUS 3D IMAGE of what you would be seeing!

The thin lines are of course the Mishhu lines. They're not looking like walls, they look like thin lines, but use your imagination because I don't feel like drawing that many little specks.

The INTERIOR LINE has broken off and advanced on the fighting, taking an active hand in it. Previously, this line was much closer to the exterior line, and the little blue thing (the Depot) was within this line


The Interior line has moved, so you have a clear shot at the Depot.

They aren't firing at you. They're firing at all those ships in orbit.

Now, the ships behind you (shown as little white dots) are firing at you. Yes, yes they are.

OMG!! Gallant teach me your mad art skillz pl0x!! ((sorry all for the bad grammar and spelling, it's all intentional and i apologize)) On that note though, very nice job describing it
This is very useful.
Uh-oh I made an oops. Ramiro ever got memory backup so I hope this goes well. Cus i mean I was about to get it but then somebody called a battle simulation and wouldn't let me leave the bridge after that. Not pointing fingers though

And nice representation Gallant
Amazing Gallant, thats exactly how I've always imagined Yamatai displays.

I agree with Wes though, this really does help give a good idea whats actually going on in the system.

As for memory backups, well HX-12--->(vague ~45-50 min journey)---> Nataria. :?
Umm....since at least half of the ship is technicians/engineers/etc. or officers, all busy, very chaotic, vague, etc., and I just got into town 5 minutes ago....I'm confused....Where is Konoka probably right now, and what should she be doing?
Off hand, either in the medbay, or possible responding to injuries after that collision??
Kim be back.

*waves to the newcommers*

Sorry for my absence, but as Wes knows, I've had troubles IRL, but they're all fixed now.
Gallant, we need some posting action from you today.
Righto, I'll see what I can drum up.

Will start shoving the boarding party along, post the actions of the enemy ships. There should be something up by 1600, CST.
Hey folks can we get on the same page?

Meanwhile, Eucharis slipped between the seemingly endless rows of parked ships. Hanako signaled the shuttle that they'd arrived.

Since we are apparently NOT using the shuttle the Taisa mentioned, I have to go back and change my last post.


Well, I don't remember them ever leaving the armor bay, and you can deploy directly from the armor bay because it's got that fancy environmental forcefield thingymajig.

It's not like we need a shuttle to take us there. We're not punching through the atmosphere or anything clever or fancy like that.
I know that, but since the Taisa made the reference, figured she had her reason. :lol:
It's probably a necessity for Tasuku's sake. Also, it's faster than the power armors and we might need it for a getaway.
the ship directly behind the Eucharis exploded with electromagnetic energy.
Nike silently celebrated when her shots were true and taken out one of the pursuing ships. However, she did not expect it to explode in a BIG BANG filled with electromagnetic energy.
I LOLed. Gallant, maybe 'exploded' wasn't the best phrase to use to describe a ship firing.

It didn't 'explode', it 'emitted very violently'.

Damn thesaurous, betraying me again.

On a side note, I'll... find... some... way... to fix... the shuttle... thing.

It's just Shizu assuming that Mr. Black Armor has space capability.
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