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OOC Eucharis Discussion

@Reynolds: Could you edit your post? There's still a handful of spacesuited Rixxikor in the armor bay,who managed to avoid being sucked out.
There, I hope that works. I figure they either had their helmets off and passed out or got banged around and didn't have armor on to protect them. Explains why they haven't been doing anything while Murakami and Stark have been busy, and why the drones didn't see any movement. But you can still always have them pop back up while she's there, if you really need to.
@Wes :: Curious :: Is Primitive Polygon (Aka Tsuguka) still active with the Eucharis Plot? Cause I would like some guidance on how to play this out.
He's gone inactive. He PMed me that he can't afford internet lately and this:

As a general reminder to everyone, we try to post a minimum of once every two days and not posting for over a week (with the exception of leaves of absence) means being considered inactive.
This mission is pretty much wrapped up, so I was thinking of starting a "downtime" thread that would last through December so we could go casual for the holidays. Also, posting requirements will be waived until after New Year's, since I know a lot of folks are going to be busy traveling and spending time with families.
Well, we could either say we dropped them off somewhere and they're someone else's problem, or...we could keep them around and use them as lowbrow comic relief.
Dropping them off at the nearest space station is probably the best bet. We can point a bigger ship with more hands at the planet.
I can't make people post, but I will start a new thread soon.
Well, I don't post because Sigurd is kind of... incapacitated.
And it wouldn't feel quite right to me if he's just up and running within minutes after decompression.
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