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OOC Eucharis Discussion

he has a name you know, i think it was said somewhere in the other thread when we picked him up *Thinks hard* maybe
Just a heads up.

My IRL issues got a little complicated.

Family and work issues piling up one after another... which is not good.

I'll try to post as much as possible.
All of you should have just received a private message in your forum inbox with a short survey about the Eucharis plot. Please respond to the questions and PM it back to me by Thursday, April 16. If you respond on time, your character is eligible for promotions.
Alright, then.

Look, Wes! I always pull through eventually! Don't I? Don't I? Hu?


Next few days are going to be a little up in the air for me, though, so take your time. I'm changing commands, so I've got to leave this one and although there isn't much paperwork (I've already done a large part of it) I'm going to have to turn in my modem and cables and so forth, and turn off the internet.

Well, er, that leaves me with a lack of internet until I get back to Tiny Ass Town, Illinois, for my thirty days of leave. Should only be a couple of days at the most, but just keep in mind I'm not watching your happy rears so don't go off doing anything absurd!



I also replied to your survey.

I am pleased to await my appointment as Grand Hai Taisho!

Just pointing out an inconsistency or two here.

The Nadeshiko was being flanked and beaten with 12 heavy cannons before the Eucharis decided to launch her plan.

However, the means on how the Nadeshiko escaped the two ships pummeling her was not explained, and further more both the Nadeshiko and the Eucharis activated their mass meshers in plain view, lumped with the fact that a second pair of the ships materialized out of nowhere.

Honestly, the post you made Wes, was very jarring in its deus ex machina.
I didn't want to activate it so soon but Lilly forced my hand.

The volumetric displays made it look like the ships are taking hits and going the same direction, but the real ships are volumetrically disguised and have veered off to the side while the holoships went another way. This is why the Nadeshiko took minimal damage and why there weren't multiples of us from the enemy point of view.
<sigh> Okay, so we are on the shuttle. Must have been a hallucination that Hamada, Jalen and Tasuku were flying out the armor bay to the Irim. :lol:
Yeah I was wondering about that myself, last I knew we were all headed over to a ship to cut through the hull with aether sabers... or something... least that is what I thought was going on until now.

If this isn't the case I know at lest 3 or 4 posts that need to be edited for consistency.
Hanako pointed out (right after the aether saber post) that they could just open the door, and she suggested the shuttle. Pineapple's the pilot, so I made her pilot it there. Everyone else can go in just armor suits if they want, I guess. They end up at the same place.
hmm... somehow I missed that. I was focusing most on what the other team members were doing mostly I guess. Ughh... I'm way to tired to think this over right now, I'll try to reconcile it in the morning.

Side note: Tasuku's armor currently lacks FTL but has at least usable STL, in any event.
Ahh now I see... somehow 'the airlocks should open now' didn't really translate to 'we're taking a shuttle over now' for me at least >,>

I guess it doesn't matter, this odd way let us keep the firepower separate, instead of everyone in one fox...

Well, I'm paying attention, again. Got fairly well settled in here, and I'm preparing to finally take a look at what happened in-game in my absense. I assume Wes took over since it appears that things have moved along and forward in a general sense at least. Some of our chickens hatched out here, and I've been helping the folks re-side a pumphouse that's been falling apart lately. Strange, how life in small towns never, ever really changes. Almost feels like you can outgrow places.

As to the thread, having checked over the OOC thread, I'm going to take a little bit of time to have a nice, long, deep breath.

A post should be up by this evening, though.

I hath returned.
Welcome back!
Welcome back!

Now with the focus on the boarding crew, the ship side can relax a little, unless Wes or Gallant decides to make things spicy for them as well. :lol:
I'm looking for something to break so Junko can fix it. *evilface*
Oh? I can break things?

Shouldn't have told me that.

Also, er, sorry about the procrastination. -cough- It will be up there. Soon. As in, I am looking at it and deciding what to do, but by the time we got done with the roof, eh, tired. Nap. It's now what, two, three in the morning? I have church tomorrow, they want me in uniform, so I'm going to go iron the thing and square it away for the morning.

I highly appreciate the patience as I settle back in here. Accumulated a lot of crap over my months in GLKS. Whole seabag isn't even unpacked yet, what with people dragging me places.

If you EVER join the military and come back home after a long time away, DON'T tell anyone immediately. You won't get anything done.

Things are mellowing, so the post will be done soon.

We need to start talking about upgrading Tasuku to a Yamataian body when he gets back from the mission. This will also tie into the supply officer who is about to be assigned to the ship (plans are for the cadet to transfer from Geshrin to Yamataian as well).
It just occurred to me to ask: What systems outside of engineering, if any, in the Plumeria Gunship use coolant at all?
All major heat-generating pieces of equipment are paired with appropriately-sized heat absorbers, which rapidly and effectively absorb thermal radiation and convert it to usable energy.
Thermodynamics prevents you from getting rid of heat in this manner. As you can convert a heat gradient to electricity, but this will always increase the total amount of heat around. Converting heat directly to energy isn't possible, and being able to do so would lead to being able to cool things down below absolute zero and a bunch of other weird things that I don't want to contemplate.

That heat is going to have to be removed from the system somehow. The large wings on the Plumeria would make great radiators.

Also you would have to transfer the heat from your devices to your heat absorbers regardless of what you do. Liquid coolant would work well for this so even if coolant doesn't run around the entire ship small amounts of coolant here and there would probably be used where devices connect to absorbers.

The C3B is going to be using electronics submerged in a liquid non-conductive coolant called coldlube Industrial, from the makers of heatlube personal.
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