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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Hah, Mitsuko is awesome at her job. That sounds like it would be perfect, plus it gives Mitsuko a reason to tag along with us too if she wants.

Also, there's no reason we can't do both ideas either. Maybe cut the small SSCC instead and use one or two flamethrowers for a second jury rigged cooking apparatus? Then everyone is happy.
Yea I am here, sorry about that, my day has been hectic so I will post as soon as I am by my laptop.

Nightender has been busy with work related problems.
"Work related problems." That sums up my life quite well.

My job has me drive a forklift for 12 hours at a time, 4 days a week. Except they add on two more ten hour shifts each week. It exhausts me.

In addition, I've got a writing career that I need to open up. There goes what little free time I do have, essentially because it is another job. I want it to be my real job, my main job.

Sadly, that means it's been getting harder to get on here and post. And I want to post! I like this forum, this community, everything involved with Star Army and the Eucharis. I'm lucky that BloodyScarlet was kind enough to let me know you guys were wondering about me.

I'm going to try to post something now. I can't promise it will be my best, but I'll give it a try.
You are a very hard worker, and I hope all of that pays off for you in the future with that writing career. I've known someone in a similar situation, and they were able to get out and do what they loved with time and patience!
If he is still here after all that, that is definitely his purpose. I have to respect him for that... and if he's not so forward next time, Umeshu would be happy to talk to him about his issues.
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