Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Eucharis Discussion

Let's just say yes for gameplay purposes.
Woot! Here Sammy comes, Mindy-chan!

To enter the Mindy armor, a neko first takes off any clothing she is wearing, followed by removing the armor's helmet; the armor will recognize its operator and open its torso, revealing its fleshy interior. The chest and abdomen armor splits open along the armor's centerline. The pilot would then back into her armor, putting each foot in. The armor automatically creates a suction that will engulf the pilot's legs and pull her inside. Once the pilot is in position, the armor will close around her and she may retrieve her helmet and put it on. The Mindy can be operated without its helmet, but the pilot will not be able to use most sensor and communication devices without it on.
Sweet! Sam is so going to enjoy watching two nekos put on their Mindy armors.
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Nice to see you at last, fearless leader. :) I'd very much like to get the Rixxikor plotline pushed out to catch up, and would definitely be open to a JP.
Also, the modern PSC technology should dampen his static pretty soundly. No one can really be hurt by it but they'd probably be aware of it
Finally posted! Sorry about being off in space. I'm hoping to get back on track soon.

To those of you who sent me PMs, I got them, and I'm going to handle the issue soon, maybe as we transition to the new mission.
Hey guys, I've been really busy lately so please don't wait for me to post, I'd hate to hold you up. It's been a crazy week and posting will be difficult
I'm confused. Why are we picking out weapons?

Ke-M2-W3500 Forearm Weapons (2)
Each of the Mindy's oversized forearms holds a weapons system that draws aetheric energy from space and projects it out in three modes.

The first is a powerful energy blade consisting of a three foot long, two inch wide projection of aether for melee combat, and a six foot projection for hull cutting. It is powerful enough to ignite flammable objects, cut through blast doors and through most power armors in this melee blade mode, but is intended to slowly burn through thick hulls in hull cutting mode. Due to the dispersal of the energy over a longer surface area however, it is marginally effective in combat. The second mode fires a stream of rapid, piercing pulses akin to a short-range energy machine gun. Finally, the third requires two seconds to charge, but fires a more powerful beam which boasts longer range and better shield penetrating capabilities. The forearm weapons cannot function at the same time the forearm barrier shields are activated for each respective arm.

As the power source for the forearm weapons is the Mindy's Aether Generator, the weapon does not require munitions or batteries, effectively granting it unlimited usage time.

  • Primary Purpose: Anti-Power Armor
  • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
  • Damage: ADR 5 - Wristblade, ADR 3 - SMG, ADR 4 - Charged Beam.
  • Range: 1m (3') - Melee Blade, 2m (6') - Hull Cutter Blade, 5,000 m (3.1 mi) - SMG, 60 km (37.2 mi) - Charged Beam
  • Rate of Fire: Constant - Blade Mode, 8 pulses/sec in submachinegun mode and a 2 second delay before firing a charged beam.
  • Payload: Effectively Unlimited
The weapons already built-into the Mindy's forearms seem effective enough to handle pretty much anything.
That is a good observation, Sam. It's true that the Mindy and Daisy have integrated forearm weapons, however these weapons are plagued by a lack of range. In space combat a kilometer is considered close quarters. That is due to the dramatic increases in distance between combatants. When engaged in space combat an armor operator must rely on his/her instruments as he/she will be engaging hostile targets at a range that is greater then they can see. Also, engaging a full size fighter will require more firepower then power armor, which is hard to kill by default.

That being said, when you are fighting with in an atmosphere everything changes. Projectiles are subject to wind resistance and other related natural forces and tactics are vastly different due to the presence of gravity. Power armored soldiers tend to behave more like mobile infantry. The change in tactics now requires a soldier to have more tactical flexibility in regards to their weaponry. A rifle may not cut it, a machine gun may be required. Since Aether not an option in an atmosphere a soldier will have to fall back on high explosives to defeat heavy armor. In other words one weapon designed for a general purpose will not be able to fulfill specialized roles. The usefulness of the forearm weapons is undeniable, however like a tool they must be used correctly.

There is a unique advantage to having forearm weapons equipped on your armor, in the event that your main weapon become inoperable you will always have your forearm weapons.
@Samael Dude, I don't know how to explain this, but...

This isn't a sex RP. We aren't here to fuck, we're here to fight and live out an epic, action-filled adventure.

On that note, please tell me you guys are still alive!
@Samael, you are going to end up being removed from this plotship soon if this behavior continues. It's getting quite old and you insist on continuing to do it. Players are complaining and getting uncomfortable. This is Wes's mainline space opera Star Army forum, not some fast and loose 18+ RP thread (and even there any sexual content is tastefully done and not the sole focus of everything). You're just really lucky it's not my call on this issue...

In other news, yes, still alive. :) Umeshu is winding down the BBQ and hitching a ride back once the medevac team had unloaded back on the Eucharis. Just taking a long time due to activity dropouts that are common in vacation time...
Dude, Samael, you need to tone it down a lot. Your character is onboard a military vessel and is supposed to be a trained professional. Someone acting as your character has since coming aboard would never have made it through basic and would have been charged with herassment for sure.

I'm still here too. Just waiting for others on the shuttle to post, though I may post again very soon just to keep things moving at this point
Hey Samuel, I was hoping to talk to you about this privately at the end of this mission, but there's a growing pile of complaints from roughly half the plot's active members that continue to come in, and so I'm just going to say it here so everyone is on the same page: Your style of RP is just not fitting in well with the rest of us, and the way you play Samael as a horndog has even creeped some people out IRL. So I'm asking you to shop around for another plot to him into, someplace where his antics will be more appreciated like perhaps one of the adults-only plots. Sam will not be allowed to join us on the next mission (he's got to transfer somewhere) but I'll let you play him here until this one ends, which should be in the next week or so (?). I'm appreciative of the improvements you've made in post quality since you got here, and that you've been an active player, but it's just not working out in the Eucharis plot and I hope you understand why I've got to do this for the good of the group. Thanks.
@Blizzard You can hop off on the Eucharis immediately, unless you want to help with some logistics work and get to say hi to Umeshu directly. ( just don't shoot up the bugs and make them upset again, lol).