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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Some sort of space glow worms!!!
Oh my god yes.

Jax:*trips over a table during a blackout*

Hanako: Santo-Hei, is glow worm okay?!

Jax: Aye, Shosho. Kitty's knee cap is shattered like a dinner plate, but glow worm's okay. Don't worry, ma'am!
Wazu is trying to be open about why he is there without having to say 'it's kinda a long story that I should be telling in person.'


So it looks like there are a few good opportunities for one on one JPs in the near future. If you're interested in doing something social when we get to that point in the current plot please message me and we can work something out!
We should JP the Wazu-Candon conversation. Candon never had a chance to screen him so he at least wants to talk to him. After all, they're no longer running expeditionary missions, we're expecting combat and then all of a sudden a random civilian joins the crew roster without anytime for the intelligence specialist to even review his dossier. He has issues trusting people to begin with, of course he'd be skeptical of Wazu.
I think that is a good idea, I really don't want Wazu's history to be a giant wall of text. Doing it as a jp will give some good opportunities for Jax and him to actually have a connversation.

Plus, I think it'd be hilarious to see how jax reacts when he reads Wazu's file (I'm sure SAINT has one on him.)

As soon as a good opportunity for this comes along in the plot we can schedule a JP.
Aaaaarrrgghhhhh..... Still haven't gotten your names down yet. Much appologies.

I'm, uh, trying to stay in character.
I'm currently working on a post for our arrival in the area of operations, so if you have any more "current day" posts that you want to get in before the overnight timeskip, now's your chance.
In the evening.
Are you going to start a different titan pad or just reuse the current one. Also I didn't notice the main shift call when I wrote that response
Hey @Gunsight1 : The passage between Hanako's Cabin and the bridge is not the main passageway. I don't think anyone would cross paths with her.
Going to reuse the existing titan-pad. My availability is going to be all over the place this weekend but I should be on for the next few hours, and then again Monday afternoon at the very least

I also removed the main shift call from my post so it can appear in the titanpad.
When a human works out in a gym regularly that human's muscles usually become stronger in the exercised region. If a Nekovalkyrja or Minkan pump iron regularly will be to become stronger?

I ask because their bodies are constantly regenerating themselves
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