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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Sorry I haven't really been doing that much with the Eucharis, I will getting back to better posting now.

I hope my return post is alright for everyone.
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Bloodyscarlet, why is your character assaulting their medical staff? The standing orders are to NOT provoke the rixxicore into a violent response and I'm pretty sure thats what is goint to result from that....
Well I was thinking seeing how bad the medical room for the rixxicore would make any self respecting medic annoyed, but I could always change that bit if it is necessary.
I get where youre coming at, but do you see the issue with physically assaulting a member of a hostile, easaly provoked alien race that are prone to immediatly attack everyone with shoulder filred missial launchers when just verbally insulted, let alone attacked?
The Rixxikor ship has a medical lab?? *scratches head* I'm not sure they even have medics! I mean, they're not exactly a culture that seems interested in things like healing others.
The ships that make up the rixxikor colony ship may have had medical labs.

The rixxikor could use the medical equipment there to keep their beer cold, or maybe season their cheese-wax with prescription drugs.

That's not an injured Rixxikor laying on the surgical table, he ate something from the pill dispensor and is now tripping balls.
Ah I just thought of it as a good way to get Taharial back into plot, but if i think about the med lab it would just be a basic room where a lot of deaths happens and pretty much no medical equipment, so she told them how to help with what they had, but it was probably just normal people tasked to try to help or kill off the weak and ill.

Sorry, I had an idea and @Zack is probably right as well, it is more of a discount drug shop.

I have changed it to be more friendly, it is sort of assuming that the insects would rather live than die off.
I appreciate that you appreciate it, @Wes. ;I

As for @BloodyScarlet, there is nothing wrong with Taharial just telling them off and it falling on deaf ears. I kinda like her naivety. The Rixxikor's idea of a medkit could be some duct tape and a bottle of space-whiskey for all we know, and they see Taharial as just some kind of ridiculous uptight prude. Clean? What's that!?
Not sure what I'm looking for so I guess it's good.
Going to be doing a medbay JP on Monday with bloodyscarlet if anyone wants to get in on it! More details when I get back home after this weekend's shananagins
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