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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Quick question: Do you guys want access to power armor for the "revenge" half of this mission?
I'm enjoying the no power armor and limited gear.

If I were running this I'd determine what gear the black market has (including a few low level power armors) and then it would be up to the characters to procure as much as they can through negotiations/funds/threatening/what have you. A few hard choices might have to be made, less guns so we can afford the armor.*

*Your mileage may vary
@Wes Gotta go with Zack on this one. Everything we've done so far has been power armors. It really brings out the underdog story when we're placed outside of our element. Plus, I don't know how stealthy power armors can get, because it may be more beneficial to sneak back aboard the Eucharis rather than storm the joint guns blazing.
I agree, I think we should try to keep the feel going. If you really want some PA still, then it should probably be limited to only one designated hard hitting character or something like that.
I want to GM- post, but I kind of need some lighthouse team replies here.

Please try to post every day or two, guys.
Sorry about not posting. I've been having trouble lately with family members and I quit my job today. Time hasn't been free recently
@Rizzo ; Thanks for keeping us up to date at least, man. It's all good.

@Reynolds ; Sorry for not acknowledging the "opening up the shuttle doors to let them on" bit of your post, I just have no idea what happened to the Rixxikor shuttle directly after the explosion. Tugs was also already pretty messed up at that point. So it's your choice if the one vaguely flying above is the one Mitsuko is piloting, or the one Jax is piloting.
Already? Damn. I'll make an edit.

Actually just assumed that they had come back down, and I'd missed something, since Jax mentioned being able to see it. Musta been a pretty damn big explosion. x_x
Already? Damn. I'll make an edit.

Actually just assumed that they had come back down, and I'd missed something, since Jax mentioned being able to see it. Musta been a pretty damn big explosion. x_x
Well, low orbit. You can see fireworks on New Years from the ISS. I figure a catastrophic blast would be much more visible.
@Rizzo I'm so sorry to hear that... I know how hard being out of work and stressed out by family can be. I know you can bounce back from it, though! Sending prayers your way.
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