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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Thanks guys!

Maybe next time I'll remember how to use actual pencils for once, through. And maybe take fashion advice from something other than fighting games.

I'm about to head to bed but once I'm up I'll post in the festival thread. Thanks everyone who has joined in so far. We even have Hidden Sun Clan visitors in the thread now!
I don't understand what you mean. Finding spots?
Its has been busy lately, but I know he has been interested in getting bronzi on the Eucharis.
You need Infantry? How many? I have an Infantry character that would kill to be on the Eucharis.. literally

Oh, and while we're on the subject, are we going to revive Cherry before the next mission? Because now we're back to the original problem that prompted the creation of Becker.
Huh. Well this is embarrassing... Not massively sure why you wanted everybody else to see that little scene.

Oh well. We are all adults. Let's just say it's not in the 18+ section for the extremely mature complex narrative. -_-
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