Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Eucharis Discussion

Mehitabel isn't infantry so Candon would be much nicer;)
He's got the old school soldier mentality. He only expects toughness from combatant type soldiers.

@Wes, that's a good point but it looks like we're getting all enlisted. If it were all NCOs they'd probably be meeting in a more relaxed atmosphere but given the inexperience most of them have that, in my opinion, would imply undue equality, seeing as this introduction would be taking place while they are all on duty to newcomers. We're also not going to be sure who's going to be sticking around until some time passes, seeing as we've lost multiple people to inactivity. Treating the new characters as brand new recruits opens up the ability to drop characters more easily if that happens. For example, losing Mao was frustrating. A skilled warrior stayed in a crashing shuttle from high orbit to the ground? That really doesn't seem right, but that was about the only way to explain her disappearance. This orientation would give you, the GM, an easier write-off for inactive or abandoned characters and would give the new characters a chance to show that they're here for good and that they are good.

What if we met in a formal setting, like a pre-launch briefing? No shouting needed, just a standard orientation explaining what's expected of the infantry(to help guid those new to SARP) and an introduction from each member for familiarity. Would that be more fitting?

What is the Darkfire incident?
We had a recruit that was new to SARP and was treating Eucharis like a flying whore house. He was asked to leave.
I do like the idea of a pre-launch briefing for the new crew members to get to know the officers. Maybe it could be an informal meeting?
Briefing idea sounds good. Also, as bad as Darkfire was with committing HR violations, at least he wasn't thrown out of the airlock during orbital reentry like that one soldier.
That's totally true.

I was planning to cover readiness levels and assign 'homework' consisting of the info in the Eucharis wiki pages, that way we don't have any IC reason for getting lost or unsure of where to be and our writers know where to look for info.

We'll also cover weapons and PA. We're going to 'go around the room' introducing ourselves and our combat focus(gunner, demo, ect) so we can get a feel of where our strong points are.

Then we'll take questions. If there's still time I'll take them out to lunch;)

Is there anything you'd like me to cover?
Well, are we re-equipping with the Mindy 4 now? Are they going to replace the Mindy 2 completely, or just supplement it at first?

The whole "custom fitting" thing mentioned on the wiki could be an opportune backdrop for the meeting, as the crew are first being assigned their personal armor.
I figured most of the crew would get a Mindy 4, although it's okay to keep the older Mindy armor, I suppose.
Everyone gets a shiny new bike to play with, until they flip it over a bank and have to pull their old ten speed out of the shed.

Briefing would strike a good balance between OOC newness and IC not-total-newness. It'd also give Bel more of a reason to be there (as the Captain's clipboard holder assistant).
The briefing idea is a good one I think. I will try to get involved with Umeshu if you need me to, though struggling with my activity right now due to IRL issues.
Before the next mission. I had to run my father's company this week so him and mom could enjoy their anniversary week. Ma wanted an anniversary month but I don't believe my dad's up for a trip like that.
Awesome! Yeah, no problem with multi-threading this. :)
After confering with Wes first, I'd report back for duty on the Eucharis. Will there be a pre-mission thread for non-infantry as well or should Sigurd report to Candon?

I'm not opposed to the non-infantry folks making with own thread if it's needed.
Belle could contribute something to a non-infantry thread; who wants to fill out updated next-of-kin and whatever the Star Army equivalent of the Combined Federal Campaign is?

Or they could just sit around sipping coffee.