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OOC Eucharis Discussion

I could've sworn there was more than just one infantry candidate. We've only had two people arrive so far, and one isn't even infantry!

I hate to seem like I'm impatient with newer writers, it's not that at all. Posting in the orientation thread, despite it's lack of glamor, shows that you are going to be able to 'arrive' in the story and won't just randomly drop out when things aren't too interesting. We actually had one character begin talking to Jax and then never respond. I think she's still standing in a cave on some life-barren planet engaged in that conversation!

Please, anyone applying for Infantry needs to report for duty. It's an order, not optional. This thread will include being fitted for a brand new M2-4! If you fail to arrive Candon will get and have to do his face to make your character as she gears up in her old M2-2D!
Still alive here too, life just got very interesting past week. intending to make another post for Umeshu soon. Can't let Jax have all the fun at the hanami, and need to say hi to the newcomers.
Nah, you guys are fine. Unless you would like to upgrade to M2-4 Mindys you won't be required to attend orientation. That being said, I've only heard that infantry are recieving the M2-4. I don't want to overstep my boundaries, as long as @Wes gives it the green light it will be done.

My idea of being fitted is them stepping onto a 360 degree scanning machine to have a 3D render made for the factory to work with. I hope that is accurate.
I had an infantry apply in character at the festival, but didn't know if I had all needed okays to transfer and hop over.
@Dumont Yeah, you have the okay.
Thanks HotelKilo!
@Mad_Stylus I need to apologize. I somehow mistook your post in orientation for a post from HotelKilo. I'll have to be more careful when I'm reading. @Wes if that's all the infantry were expecting there's no reason to wait anymore. Shall I proceed or will there be more joining us?
Go ahead and start. I'm going to start wrapping up the Hanami fest soon.
A heads up! I'm probably not going to be super active this coming week; I'll try, but my longtime girlfriend is going to be in town for her summer visit so I can't really make promises.
Stay hydrated, HotelKilo.
Will do; had a big event for work to start everything off. Stood out in pleasant weather and shouted about 19th century military tactics and equipment for eight hours.
I've started a new thread! This is getting the ball rolling for the next RP mission.
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