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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Bel's actually kind-of tri-lingual. She's only natively fluent in Seraphim, the language no one else on Eucharis speaks but Wazu. Yamataigo has a habit of leaving her short of a metaphor or more advanced vocabulary.
Double post. (Although it's been 4 days...)

I was just looking at the crew roster page for the first time, and we have a Kohosei on board! From my understanding of his Pre-RP history, he's still in training at the Academy and he's on the Eucharis for some form of hands-on educational training. Since he's an Operator you KNOW he has to have had Ramiro as an instructor and, if my understanding that he just came to the ship is correct, you KNOW that Ramiro gets to the ship only to find out that he's been assigned as the on-post "instructor" and has not yet escaped teaching...


Yup, Takao is here on his cadet cruise prior to his senior year at Kyoto War College. He had been flirting with he idea of running the condensed two-year program which he has mostly gotten through with already so who really knows. He is already well versed in his field anyway due to a long service time as enlisted. So who really knows what will happen, depending on what happens Takao can ask Kyoto for the two year condensed course to be completed or just return to Kyoto for his last year.
Traditionally enlisted who have extensive experience both in their field and in leadership are allowed to skip the Kohosei rank. My assumption based on your character was that they simply didn't have sufficient leadership experience to warrant the jump. Realistically, your character could get away with the promotion without completing the entire Academy coursework, so long as it's been deemed that his prior experience combined with his coursework is sufficient to cover all of the expectations/requirements.

Obviously, promotions are up to @Wes but if we have Ramiro take Takao on as an apprentice/student/advisee/mentee, especially given that Ramiro got done teaching Starship Operations courses for officer candidates at the Academy just this past academic semester, it could provide a good justification for him to get the promotion without going back to school. With Ramiro acting as kind of an academic supervisor, Takao could essentially claimed that he's been getting instruction equivalent to coursework the entire semester, Ramiro could even do one-on-one instructing during their freetime, and the Ramiro could put in a recommendation that the rest of his coursework be waived.

It would be good character ties because (1) these two characters have an almost 100% chance of knowing each other since they just came from the same place, (2) Takao was likely in Ramiro's class last semester, and (3) it makes for good RP for a little while.
Reactions: Wes
He has all of the technical stuff to jump to Shoi, but doesn't have the leadership completely hammered down. He has orders for the Eucharis, as a Shoi Kohosei, so he's been deemed 'worthy' so to speak. I think an apprenticeship would be nice, it's just who takes him. He has the Starship Operations stuff down to a science, just his command stuff is rather weak.

I'm up for having Ramiro and Takao know each other and to do the instruction thing. I was also just thinking, in all honesty, who he would get his command strategies from besides what the College has taught him so far.
Exactly. Ramiro's teaching abilities in terms of command strategies will be somewhat limited (since, you know, he isn't an officer). However, he taught coursework related to commanding a Starship, he himself has commanded small-scale unites before, and he's familiar with fleet-scale tactics (but not strategies). Between a mixture of Ramiro, Hanako, and Natsumi (who also used to be a Starship Operator), he'll be fine.
@Wes Would you know why I might only sometimes get email alerts when there are new posts? I have the entire Eucharis forum watched, along with the current, and I have my email settings configured to send me emails (which I sometimes get). Sometimes I don't get them though. Does it only send one email since the last time you posted, and then you have to post again before you get another email? Because it certainly doesn't send out a new email every time there's a new post, or even if there's been a new post since you last were online.
Sometimes it doesn't even give you forum alerts about posts. Not sure of the hows/whys but I've had the same issue.
I suspect there's a hard limit on how many emails we can send out per hour, and sometimes we hit it.
@Gabriel and @HotelKilo

Bel is actually a Nito Hei, but that's not reflected on the wiki! I know HK did a lot of adventuring after the awards and promotions, so it makes sense why she didn't get updated.

Fixed. Although I'm very tempted to argue that not having an updated wiki equates to your character not having an updated uniform yet.
@Gabriel and @HotelKilo

Bel is actually a Nito Hei, but that's not reflected on the wiki! I know HK did a lot of adventuring after the awards and promotions, so it makes sense why she didn't get updated.

That's.... Bizarre. I was sure I'd updated everyone at once on the crew roster. I remember seeing Pan as the only Santo Hei left as a matter of fact.

Unless you mean her own page in which case, yeah, probably totally forgot to actually update that after doing the bio additions.
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