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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Sometimes all three. But there are exceptions! Like all those shows that are about an absurdly powerful student council in a world that takes something oddly specific very seriously.
Heads up, due to alcohol in Candon some sentences are going to reflect my ADD more than usual. Be advised, my thoughts interrupt themselves frequent- SQUIRREL!

@Primitive Polygon, is their a reason your referring to Tsuguka as multiple entities?
Same here. I'm writing a post, but, my new job isn't cutting any breaks. We've got a film production in our site this week so I'm working weird schedules (10:30-18:00, 16:00-24:00, ????).
For the record

The Eucharis isn't an 18+ plot so I wasn't going to write too much about Wazu in the flesh.

However, things are well trimmed and kempt down there.
Should I add this to his wiki page?

I had to look up Saiga's size to confirm that he is taller and heavier so his clothing would likely fit loosely on Wazu.
Sorry, got really sick last night and did 0 sarping.

I have a date in mind, good thing jax volunteered himself.
Hrm, what can we do to speed this up? I feel like waiting for the next dare is taking a while and one day I'd like to get on with the actual mission lol.
What we'be been doing in 188604 is starting a new thread and letting them both play out at the same time.

It can be a problem if something major happens in the past but so far it hasn't been an issue.

Also sorry for holding things up. It was unavoidable. I'll have a post up tonight.
How about we go ahead and start the next part of the mission, but leave the Beach thread open so we can keep having fun with that.

Then, to prevent mixups should someone do something that would affect the mission, we all say our characters were too hammered to remember what happened. At least until the mission is over.
"All that drink... All I remember was being in a tree..."

Takao can go after Jax if we keep the thread up and running. I agree with the plan on running the main mission as well as the Beach.
Wazu would be ok with Jax making this a team effort, should be want to include more than one willing helper.
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