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OOC Eucharis Discussion

It looks like the announcement still hasn't been made, though. I think someone might notice eventually. It's probably not going to be Tan, since she doesn't even know that the ship has found something to investigate.
I think Tan is the only one that doesn't know, right? Verify that real quick and I'll have Masumi run to get a science scanner or something similar from the lab. If more people don't know, I don't know what to say as Masumi isn't the type to just make an announcement to the whole ship.
Wes has verified everyone needs to be told. I replied for you @Navian! Hopefully we make it before the briefing!!
Reactions: Ira
I dunno if the Eucharis' stock Daisys would work for this mission. They're not the discontinued Spacy model, so it might be hard for them to keep up with Mindys on the way down.
"Okay, so there is a death star outside, and nobody told me? Cool."

The perils of living on a ship full of computer people who access the sensor stuff at will. >_>
The Eucharis has the module version of the Mindy shield in its inventory (Ke-M2-D3000)
Reactions: Ira
On Aether Sabers

So the other day I was doing Saiga's Mindy 4 loadout and wanted to equip him with an Aether Saber because he's a cool samurai dude who likes killing. I'd used it in RP before so thought it'd be an easy equip. Much to my dismay, I only found the unapproved Ke-M2-3701. I passed this information on to Stylus when he posted about Junko having two of them.

Today, Stylus mentions Aether Sabers to Wes in chat and Wes says that an approved one exists. Needless to say, this revelation really activated my almonds and renewed my confidence that the Aether Saber was a real thing. So I went and found the RP post where my character used an Aether Saber and it links to the Ke-M2-W3801 Aether Saber! It exists!

But as you can see from clicking the link, it doesn't. Until you check out the old revisions section. For some reason an apparently approved version was removed in September of last year. Is that just a mistake? Should the 3701 have been deleted instead?

Pls let us know, @Wes!
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