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OOC Eucharis Discussion

On Aether Sabers

So the other day I was doing Saiga's Mindy 4 loadout and wanted to equip him with an Aether Saber because he's a cool samurai dude who likes killing. I'd used it in RP before so thought it'd be an easy equip.---

The party looted the Daisies for their Plasma sabres a few threads ago, as secondary weapons. A few characters still have them, I'm pretty sure. That might have been what MS was thinking of.

Its alright, The smaller one will work!

Y'all can always ask, Tugboat is a realist... Just don't let Bronzi lose it, lol.
I went with a plasma saber in my loadout for sure, since it's canon and exists on the wiki. Still wondering about Aether Sabers, given Wes's comment that an approved version exists.
Hope it was okay to open a Mindy 4's helmet like I did and to say that the metal moon is about 3,500 km in diameter (I looked up small planets and large moons and that seemed comfortable). Wes should feel free to edit the diameter if he had something more specific in mind! Everything else came from GM posts already in the thread.
I haven't figured out a good loadout for Freyja yet as a combat engineer type. Also seems a little redundant with Bronzi around. I'm thinking just swap out her NSB launcher for a pack with various explosives. Any suggestions?
I haven't figured out a good loadout for Freyja yet as a combat engineer type. Also seems a little redundant with Bronzi around. I'm thinking just swap out her NSB launcher for a pack with various explosives. Any suggestions?
Tbh, do whatever makes you happy. Explosives are a must, you're right, but that's about it. Maybe a Kalamari if you're feeling like you want to tech-priest.

That'd make 11 limbs counting Freyja's tail!
Reactions: Ira
It can indeed hold ammo. We could have it with a squad pack for additional item access in mission.
Support might be the best role? Long range would work well to compliment our good mid-range game and Junko's newfound taste for RIP AND TEAR.

Grenades are always a good choice. Maybe a launcher in case of crowds for one shoulder? Smokes if we got em, flashbangs, so on to disorient.
Phased pulse has good range, but the ABSR should be workable? I have no frame of reference to real life weapon ranges, so all I know about some of these is "Range = LONG"

Satchel charges and planted explosives wouldn't be a bad idea either in case we need to blow something up from a nice, safe distance.

Other than that, I think we're all good?
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