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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Hey welcome, Bloody!! Or... Should I call you Scarlet? I'm more comfy calling you Scarlet ^-^

Glad you're back! I joined Euch the Beaut right after you left, so it's cool I'll be able to RP with you now!
Thanks for the welcome Amethe, Scarlet is fine by the way.

Hehe well Taharial is an interesting person, either super sweet and nice or she goes into scary angel and starts to throw scalpels. Just be nice and you don't need to worry. ^^
I have an idea as to how poop got on the door. They probably docked to it with their own shuttle and entered through the door and in the process someone hadn't washed their hands
I have an idea as to how poop got on the door. They probably docked to it with their own shuttle and entered through the door and in the process someone hadn't washed their hands
Ding ding ding!
Haha, I shouldn't have waited so long to post what Tan was doing while the others were taking aim... I promise I didn't decide retroactively, though.
For a post that came essentially simultaneously to mine, I think it worked out really well and still makes sense.

Nice one!
They're still pretty civilized by chimpanzee standards, but then... 'humanity's closest relatives' is more or less where we get the uncanny valley effect from.

Slime mold aliens are still pretty gross, though. On the plus side, when your diplomats inevitably throw up on them, they're likely to take it positively instead of getting upset, like most species.
@Gunsight1, Candon is packing 3 of the L-mark-two 40 mm grenades, each packing 20 lbs of antimatter. @Primitive Polygon, Tsuguka would know this. That being said I'm portraying the grenade as being too heavy for the M'cel to launch under its own power, thus the forearm graviton projectors.

Just one of those will wreck a small ship, so it would probably evaporate the airlock and everything in and around it.
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