Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Eucharis Discussion

Which reminds: After the Blueberry line, Junko should try and sit Tsuguka down.

"So, during the shuttle ride, you made an interest in Freyja clear. I wanted to discuss this professionally and respectfully and reach an understanding."

And then she punches her in the throat.

I mean, less I want to punish you/your character, and more I find the bait and switch hilarious and its becoming more acceptably in character feeling that she might get a territorial streak.
Sure. But you should know from experience that Tugboat is totally going to take it as 'Training' and fight back.

And also probably think Junko is after Jax, since that's the fight that she was offering to Freyja. >_>
Some people were scratching their heads in chat around 9:30 PM PST about what this meant:

Wes: I noticed the bot seems to have been autoed and not one crew member was damaged except the gisnt hierophant.

Does this mean we should be writing our own damage and what exactly got autoed? This way we can avoid doing it in the future.
Specifically, I was under the impression that narrators declared if an NPC took damage, or dealt it. Like DnD, where you dont just say "My barbarian is unscathed. No, I don't need to roll."
I think one person was scratched? But yeah, I read the initial post as 'missiles just shot in the moment the hatch opened--you aren't the only ones waiting to shoot whatever's on the other side' and only justified Tan not getting hit because she wasn't waiting for the hatch to open, she was off to the side.

I found it odd that everyone came up with an explanation for how they weren't hit by the missiles--whether they were at ground zero or not--but not surprising, or particularly out-of-genre. I was wondering if it was intended or not.
The post detailed damage to the shuttle but didn't mention any specific characters, so I just assumed my character was knocked to the floor from the blast that was described. I've always been under the impression that the GM arbitrates that sort of stuff.

If we're supposed to hurt ourselves sometimes, though, let us know! I'm down to write that!
I was mostly planning to elaborate on damage suffered, it was implied. But Candon did take some hits and gunsight said natsumi wasn't 100%
Getting hurt by the GM is how I figured it would work, too.

I guess since it's only one enemy robot, people assumed it was a 'boss' sort of deal, and thus were neither allowed to auto-kill or get self-hit by it?... Generally players only start acting of their own accord completely when they are specifically told to, in my experience.
I was mostly planning to elaborate on damage suffered, it was implied. But Candon did take some hits and gunsight said natsumi wasn't 100%
Candon was also covering the door with his graviton projector which would presumably have been detonating the missiles prematurely, so since I wasn't assigned damage I just assumed it was because of the shields. I gave him a physical injury because of the massive amounts of explosive force that got through.
I was waiting to find out what happened in the exchange with the robot before writing another action, so... I'm not sure if Tan was still on the shuttle, or where else. I assume she'd have time to bail out before it crashed if appropriate, but I'm not sure it makes sense (from an OOC standpoint, anyway) for her to be separated from the others if they all went inside, or somewhere else, already.

In short, I don't know what scene I'm in.
In chat:

Wes: Everyone check yourselves out for damage.

Side Note:

So does this mean Masumi, Tugs, and Junko are locked in?
Yes, whoever went inside is locked in for now.