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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Opening it too soon may also be something that kind of goes against the direction the mission has taken of being broken apart team-wise.
Reactions: Ira
Okay... I'll just try to figure it out on my own. It doesn't seem to me much time elapsed during the firefight, so I'll focus on the shuttle.
The medic going after Victory does make some good sense.
I'm assuming there will be some kind of teleportation interdiction field or something. Intentionally left my current post vague, in case that is not true. It's a little meta, but can we get a confirmation, Wes?... Then we can just RP the results ourselves.

As for that last post, Navian, sorry, but an older post of mine did specifically mention Tsuguka;
Whilst talking, she leaped upwards through the hatch herself // Boots were on the station now.

I'm going to assume with all the smoke and bouncing shrapnel filling the cabin, not to mention the lights and gravity probably turning off, Tan Ann Pan may not have realized they were now alone. >_>
Yeah, I spent a while trying to figure out what happened and came up short, but that is why I left it uncertain.

I didn't think you could just pick someone up and teleport them, especially someone unarmoured...
The wiki article says 'DANGER: In atmospheric environments, causes a shockwave of heat, light, sound, and radiation. More dangerous indoors. The shockwave can rupture eardrums, caused temporary or permanent blindness and flash burns.'

So... maybe. I don't think being in vacuum makes it safer for passengers! The article only mentions the new model being able to carry two armours. I'll figure something out.
Reactions: Ira
I think a more in-depth explanation of teleporting and its effects is needed
There's some merit to teleporting with Victory. If she's already heavily wounded, the teleportation shock won't do much more damage. Since she's a durable Neko, she could be taken to the medbay for a quick pre-death backup and restoration so that she doesn't lose the hour of lived experience she gained since pre-mission backups.

There's also the second medic coming down with Jax in the other shuttle, but Tugs may not know about that stuff.
Victory might also be wearing a space suit. Which... I mean, if I was flying into a combat zone, I would.... There should at least be one on the shuttle that they can put on, at any rate, if they are still both alive and conscious, and the shuttle isn't already completely decompressed after the crash.

Part of Tsuguka's orders was that she knew the vessel was already venting atmosphere, being as it was previously shot full of holes... But yeah. Teleporting directly inside the Eucharis would also be bad, unless there is a pre-depressurized airlock free.

As for the Mindy's actual carrying capacity, yeah, it's merely based on weight. The damage to exposed organic tissue seems to result more from explosively rapid changes in the density of the air around them. I would say a suit should be fine.
Odds are that the cockpit was sealed prior to docking and realistically she would've been wearing a space suit. Especially when the mission is to dock with what may very well be an ambush.

Anyone transporting PA's to a mission zone would know that it may result in them being close to a dangerous encounter, especially a long time member of the Eucharis crew. I would just assumed that it's standard operating procedure to be ready for problems.

EDIT: ninja'd
Postponed the teleportation problem and related issues. Also, apparently I can't get over how fast things fly when writing sci-fi.
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