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OOC Eucharis Discussion

@raz It looks like Bronzi is holding Natsumi. Should Freyja just take her from the Hierophant's arms?
That's the gist of it, I think. You can go about it however you'd like, of course. Freyja's your character, not mine

It'd be cool if it didn't turn into Freyja and a 5-and-a-half meter tall mecha tugging on a limp Neko, though. Especially after all these lengthy discussions about following orders that have been going on. Lol.

Good luck!
Sorting through this... early on page 10, Freyja was searching the surface with the Hierophant. Then she suddenly went inside, and abruptly joined the others. Later on the page, a post for Jax seems to read that she's still outside with Bronzi, and then a post from Wes also seems to be based on the idea that Freyja is still outside with Bronzi, so it seems that neither noticed Freyja had moved inside. Bronzi's posts still indicated he was outside.

No one had acknowledged Freyja had moved inside even by the time of the next post for her, on the next page, after the Rix appeared. The post for Junko two thirds of the way down page 11 was the first time anyone else acknowledged Freyja was inside, and Bronzi was still outside at the end of that page. Bronzi remained outside on page 12 and Freyja's presence inside still wasn't acknowledged by anyone other than Junko until Natsumi's post where she yelled at Freyja for opening fire.

Bronzi was still outside after hearing Natsumi's yelling. After she passed out, he 'stomped over'. It's not clear how he managed to get inside, unless he jumped through the hull (takes 'stomping over there' to a whole new level), though it wasn't clear for Freyja either (she went through the airlock at some point?) No one objected to either, though, so apparently it was possible... I'd assume that the Hierophant found an open cargo bay and ran in through there. Natsumi had provided vague data of that sort earlier.
Natsumi's response to the airlock opening drew her attention. She got back to the airlock quickly, following the XO in. Her stomach turned at the sight of Rixxikor excrement all over the place. "Disgusting creatures," Freyja muttered. She saw that Junko was fine, but she still felt horrible for not going after her.
The question is 'how did the Hierophant get from the robot graveyard on the surface to indoors, on the other side of an airlock too small for the Hierophant to fit through'. So it's a bit more complicated than 'walking up', unless he was off to the side and had a big way around.
I don't think that really matters to Ira, Navian, so it's probably not worth working out.
I posted that it flew in most of the way.

I believe Tan Ann did the same thing with victory. He was also told to. I'm not understanding the problem.

The machine he is in was approved. It has space jets.
Tan Ann was on the surface the entire time, she never went through the airlock. The Hierophant couldn't fit through the airlock, the shuttle's hatch was less than two meters in diameter and the port on the station was only 'slightly larger', not larger by nearly half like it'd need to have been.
Wes told a few days me there was a larger entrance for the machine to go through, and that we could go through it when ever to reach the team.
Yup, sure, okay.

Let's just make the most of what RP we've still got room for this mission :>
That's what I assumed. It's not explained or detailed in the thread, but it's not impossible. So the Hierophant is leaving by some other route aside from the airlock, too.
Yea And The Heirophant is leaving via the larger opening used for loading that Wes explain to me. @raz it's in the chat logs from a few days ago. If you don't believe me you are welcome to verify and even ask wes him self. If I wasn't told that I likely would have just had them loiter around the entrance y'all went in though as previously commanded.
When will you post handing the Taii off to Freyja? Kinda waiting on that.
Can't wait to see how Bronzi reacts to the order he was given. Will Ira follow the same guidelines he gave to Rizzo?
But the truth is you follow your orders even the ones you dislike. Not following orders---in battle is quite a problem.
All this and more on the next YSS Eucharis post!
It's better to make sure anything your character is interacting with, including their travel routes, are described in the thread (unless it's something that everyone's supposed to read the wiki for information about). If the only source of information for what characters are doing for an RP thread is chat logs, it makes the thread hard to read and understand for everyone, not just for the other players.
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