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OOC Eucharis Discussion

It's carrying Yaichiro and Shika, which is pretty awesome.

Toshiro: You are cleared to post in the Mission 9 Side-Story Thread.
Well, I learned something new today:

Just an enquiry:

Is Kumiko's team suppose to go via a different route from Sune's team? Got a little confuse on how I should post.
We haven't split up, we are at the point where we would be splitting and going in two directions.
Can someone clarify a few things please?

I may have been born into a military family and rasied partially as a military 'brat' (as some people tend to call us ) but I wasn't rasied entirely to follow what the military does (unlike my father, who was raised militarily)

That being said; the laser communications that the PA armor use's, is that only for sending messages (such as text) or is it also capable of sending voice messages, such as wearing a headset and sending a traditional message to your squad leader.

I know this is probably something I should've already known; but it is somewhat nagging me considering I want to get the most out of the experience.
For the purposes of this particular mission, let's stick to text.
Hmm perhaps a future enhancement to the Mindy system
Will do Wes


Hmmm... I think Sune is going to be busy thinking up of some enhancements after the mission?
Some of my best submissions from discovered issues in missions.
Ok, which version of the Rippers and what number so we can tell how badly screwed the mission is now. Either version is bad

Mindy 2 6 SP vs Ripper 15 SP and that's not taking shields into account.

Space version, but their shields are down because they're inside. I figure there's at least five of them in the first wave.
Fred's survival tips and tricks:
This pertains to Kyle. I'm not your GM, though, so nothing in this is an absolute.

1. Your Mindy II's forearm weapons used as an aether sword is a great equalizing factor to the stronger armor and shielding of the Rippers you're facing. If you can land one or two deep hits in the chest they'll probably go down.

2. This said, that would be one on one. Right now, you're facing a squad of them (I'm thinking 4. 4 seems to be Wes' number when he thinks about squads/squadrons - plus, there are also internal space considerations to take under account). Facing them and winning by yourself is very unlikely.

3. A Subspace Detonator Mini-Missile will take a Ripper's shielding down. This will allow you to strike at it directly for a short while - assuming you have the default countermeasure missile pods.

4. You took a dorsal hit and your backpack module may be damaged. Find out. Backpack modules tend to be powerful and they could make a big difference in this fight if you still have them. Teleporters will give you more mobility and an escape plan; barriers will increase how long you will survive.

5. Delineate your goals for this fight. You just set a bomb - if you just hightail it, your enemies might find it and ruin your attempt to set a bomb. Is it worth fighting a delaying action to defend your bomb until your allies come? Should you intend try to use thermoptic stealth and make a run for it toward allies to find safety in numbers, or plain retreat back to the ship? Or do you need to put the squad of Rippers down quick and hard?

6. If a squad of Rippers has discovered you, odds are most of the mishhu in the place are very aware of your presence. Even with jamming, they still have a 5km+ telepathy. Worrying about further discovery now looks moot.

7. The Mindy II's forearm shields are very good. If your goal is to turtle, even if you find partial cover you can still kneel and use the forearm shields to protect you. You'll be able to last awhile like that under fire, though not forever - when the forearm shields take damage, your energy reserves will slowly deplete themselves even if you're only defending.

8. Your AIES can provide the rest of your team with accurate teleportation coordinates and awareness of the situation - that's what PANTHEON networks do. If you want to have cavalry come in quickly, it's probably best that they not come in blindly charging for your sake, and theirs, by having a coordinated approach. Time Takeyu survives is time people can think about what to do to help him.

9. If your odds look like they really suck and that you need the Rippers to be taken down quickly and hard... there's always your Mindy II's self-destruction system. It sucks to die, but if you're going to die, you're probably better off taking all four of them with you instead of being mowed down and doing next to nothing to them - depending on how things go. A M2's blast radius is pretty wide, so this is something you want to make sure will not hit the bomb, and not hit allies.

10. Hanako is monitoring from the Eucharis' bridge. She was keeping quiet to not break radio silence, but with the Ripper squad gunning it looks rather redundant. Maybe you can count on some help from her. Captains/GMs tend to coincidentally have good advice to offer to get player characters out of bad scrapes. ^_^;
Yea I was reading this and wondering 'Eh, what? Since when was Takeyu hit?' and then I read the post

I think Takeyu is regretting what he said back on the ship. Oh well, time for some fun and action.

Thanks Fred, that advice does help considering that without it I would've been a tad confused. Though in all reality, I'm sure Wes has other tricks up his sleeve to
Can we get a description of the passageway we just entered?
Holy fish, Wes, my internet provider finally gets fixed up for good and I find out I'm dead.

Please, let's make sure Konoka gets brought back after this misssion somehow!

I'm terribly sorry, but I PROMISE to post zealously from this day forward. jesus.

I'll check back for her brining brought back via backup then??

Again, my apologies!
Sorry, I thought you'd given up on us!

We should have you back as soon as someone goes does to the medical lab and makes her a new bod. Unfortunately Hanako, Blueberry, and Blackberry are the only ones left on the ship!

Ah, MEGAMI's avatar can do it.
If the armor teams make it back, they will probably have a lot of injuries. There will also be some people that need new bodies created.
Lol, I figured Mikael had been axed awhile ago. Is it too late to save his skin?
No, it's not too late! Emerge from the burning shuttle and make sure the Rippers don't see you!
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