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OOC Eucharis Discussion

You already made them available for purchase some time ago. People have been buying them, I thought.
Before I make my post; I've seen a few others here control Charisma's actions, though limited of course.

I just want to know if I'm allowed to do this limitedly, since Takeyu's current report job is to cut away those shuttle bay doors (I'm running under the assumption that there is a shield over the shuttle bay exit, which is what is keeping the oxygen inside)

Please let me know if I'm wrong please.
Yeah, people are allowed to control Charisma to a degree. They can have her conduct scans, perform tasks, etc. Don't be disrespectful though. Even though it rarely comes up, Charisma has rank of her own.

Also remember that nonessential systems have been shut down, so her control of certain ship's systems might be limited at this time.
I don't see any problems Kyle. In fac,t if you can have Charisma respond, go for it. In theory she always responds immediately so if a player knows what she'll respond I encourage them to post for her.

- - -

This week is the last week the kids are in school so things will be extremely busy for me as I try to take care of all the end-of-the-year work. I will probably not be able to post as often as normal. Try to interact less with the captain and more with the other Player Characters if possible. Also, this weekend I plan to go to Timegate, a local sci-fi con. My summer break will probably start sometime around Jun 3.
The OOC lack of posting for the non-Engineers is causing some IC delay, it seems. We need to pick up the pace a bit and get some more people to post maybe?
Konoka Miyazawa said:
What should k have konoka do next then to catch up, so to speak?
I don't understand what this means.

We need to pick up the pace a bit and get some more people to post maybe?
Well, I intend to keep this train moving and I hope my fellow Eucharis people will do the same. TACAMO! (TAke Charge and Move Out!) -- You don't have to wait on the captain or anyone. Just do what you think is helpful. At a minimum: Fix something or grab some floating loot!

@Postchivalry: If you're around, I need you to get a post up ASAP. We're starting to think you've flaked out on us.
PostChivalry's last post was over two weeks ago on the 15th. I think he flaked out on us. At this point I'm looking for excuses to remove the deadweight character from the plot. Let me know by PM if you have any ideas. He was last in the medical lab.
Apologies to Everyone...

Work Life has been terrible to me, let me do a post once I get back home.
I'll have to somehow update the contents of Yaichiro's room once he's assigned one. He brought a few things as well.
@Everyone: I need a volunteer to question the NMX neko. Let me know and I'll have Hanako ask your character to do it. I'd prefer someone that can JP it with me.
I can do it, depending on when you want to JP with me. Just let me know, and I can probably do it, though tonight I'm gone and tomorrow I'm doing a JP for the RT game. I can probably do both at once though.
Toshiro, I might be busy for the next few days. If there's a need to hasten the turrets' replacement, you can mod Irenika in aiding Yaichiro in getting them done.

Thanks and apologies
Life happens, howIam. I know that. I'm grateful that you took the time to let me know and everything!

Also, everyone, please reply to Yaichiro!
Before I post (since I can't get into IRC right now to ask) the work pods ARE located in the Power Armor bay right? (I'm assuming)
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