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OOC Eucharis Discussion

*smacks head*

figures... I went through that list the first time and didn't notice them. Thank ya Toshiro
I am heading out to ConCarolinas in a few minutes. I will have limited internet access via my itouch, so I may try posting from the hotel.
Sorry Kyle, I think we just had a minor editing collision (there were two "it's" in your post that should have been "its" and I was fixing them).

I plan on giving out promotions this weekend!
Np Wes

But yea, seems the minor edit I made got reversed, will redo that edit (where Takeyu was responding to Yaishiro
Wes, let me know when the best time to catch up with you for the prisoner interrogation is. I'm available just about all the time except for about 6-8 or 9 Mountain.
Sometime tomorrow? I got SARPtalk and potentially a dinner engagement tonight.
I'm back.

I've read the posts regarding Irenika's movement to the DOC. Is she suppose to support Yaichiro in loading stuff into the Eurcharis' cargo bay?
That's her choice -- Yaichiro knows she's not an engineer. If she volunteers to do it, that's fine, but he won't keep her from her bridge duties if she has something better to do.
Toshiro, sorry I didn't respond to your character in time (as I recall he was asking Takeyu a question)

Was having issues trying to get to this site and to reply
Sorry about yesterday Wes, I got completely swamped under in the afternoon. If you can do it this afternoon, I'm going to try and be around.
konoka was last seen conversing w/ akechi shika-hei, who apparently has vanished off the face offf the earth.

don't really feel like being killed off again for inactivity.

quite unsure on how to put konoka back in plot and somehow explain where she has been......ideas?

even konoka's spazziness seems like a lame excuse here.


i figure after that is settled, konoka can head to cargo bay.....

sorry y'allz. will post soon. i have more time now, summer break starts today, so after this is sorted out , expect oodles from konoka.

km out.
Oh, I thought you'd dropped out!

Just show up in the cargo bay like nothing happened. As long as you start posting again you should be alright.

Shika has just got orders to transfer to the YSS Vesper.
Wes, I give up on getting this JP done, I'm sorry. If you want to throw something together NPCing Kumiko, I'm fine with that, because my schedule has been so messed up lately I'm sleeping at 6 am, and waking up at 1 or so. I just don't know if I CAN work something out at this point.
So it would not do for Ketsurui Hanako, Princess of the Empire and the Taisa for the 2nd Squadron to meet them looking like a.... refugee? Impressions are important in diplomatic situations if I am not mistaken."
Hanako is freshly showered and in a pristine duty uniform. What's the idea with saying she looks like a refugee? It's insulting.
Me thinks there is a typo here
[quote'"Toshiro"]and felt a more-than-subtle range at the sight of the "processing" [/quote]
Yaichiro can feel ranges? wow he's talented...
I will be at my mother-in-law's place tomorrow (Saturday the 19th), anniversary+packing Sunday the 20th, and traveling and visiting my grandparents for the following week. Because of this, posting requirements are waived until Monday June 28th. Remember if you are going on a trip too, please let us know the date so we're not waiting on people that aren't available to post.

Since the ship is in repairs, anyone that wants to go off one a side quest between now and the above date is welcome to do so. Ask Hanako ICly.
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