Star Army

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OOC Eucharis Discussion

To prevent confusion, I'm asking everyone to start their posts with their location.


Wardroom, 2nd Squadron Dock

Sam's Grill, 2nd Squadron Dock

Crew Cabin, YSS Eucharis
Sune inquired, as he took a position to Hanako's left and slightly behind her.
She's in a booth seat so Sune can only get a little behind her without her sitting on his thigh or something. Maybe his hand is on her behind? Is that what you meant? :P
No, Sune is still standing. I never said he took a seat in the booth.
That would be a bit awkward with the sword. So standing outside the booth puts him to her left, and slightly behind her puts him even with the backing of the booth. It affords him a way to observe the members of the other party.
Oh. Okay then. When I read

Takeyu said:
Either way, he decided to hold off on continuing to see if his fellow engineers - especially Yaichiro which Takeyu could tell had taken an interest, had any questions.

I though Yaichiro would reply first, but it's no problem for me to.
hi. konoka here.

any chance of reintegrating konoka into the plot, or am i really out this time??

sorry all. a series of recent emergencies is now over. am i still ok to post??

if so, what should konoka be doing, actually??

sorry to all again.
You should have her wander in to one of the various scenes currently in the thread. :)
What do you guy think of a minor timeskip (to after the repairs) to starting Mission 10?
I was afraid of a timeskip being proposed. There were things I wanted Yaichiro to do. Meet people, talk to Hanako about possible upgrades, have more time to work on that fire solution (I suck at chemistry OOCly), do salvage, perhaps help Takeyu and/or explore the Mishhu ship debris...though some of those things could be done by someone else or the whole of the crew. If we had to timeskip, I'd prefer that we at least assume Yaichiro got a chance to salvage and get the items in the wiki.

There's lots of stuff to do and there's also the fact that for some reason, a fair bit of the crew seems to not be posting at all. Do you really want to start Mission 10 without them?
While the time skip might seem good, I believe there are still some people who have things they wish to attend to.

Sune isn't talking about putting the Eucharis into the cargo ship. Just using the cargo ship as a decoy.
I know what you meant Nashoba. That's just Takeyu's own idea, granted it may in fact not be possible, it is just an idea.
Then I'll edit it into a telepathic communications she can access whenever. I've been getting distracted often by important IRL stuff, especially when I made that post.
Hate to admit this but I've been unable to think up of anything for the past few days, the way I ended Takeyu's last post clearly presented me with a brick wall :|
Well, since Hanako has come back, he could offer to help, or ask her what kind of drinking stuff she has brought. Interacting with the CO is not a bad thing.