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RP: LSDF Val'ta [Expedition 1] - One from Another

In front of the Carpark

Menelik looked on at the activity in the Car Park while he waited for Ashlinn to get into position- and maybe some kind of translation because he didn't speak Yamatai-go. He could read some body language, and from the way they were running around like chickens with their heads cut off... maybe they were scared of them? He couldn't know, really; all the voices he were picking up in their strange accents were completely alien to him given that he didn't speak their language.

"Ashlinn, what are they saying?" he asked their Neko, before turning back to look at the Car Park. Maybe it was a longshot, but if he could calm them down...

The large snow white and urban gray camouflaged power armor shifted, placing the large rifle it carried in its hands on the soft snow. It was soon joined by the armor's sub-machine gun and vibroknife, leaving it completely unarmed (Except for the missiles and pulse lasers, which Mene put on standby). It was true that he had been eager for a fight, hoping to do what he'd been trained for, something about this made him not want to go charging in at all. Disarmed, Menelik raised his hands in a peaceful gesture to show his intentions and lack of armament.

Hopefully they wouldn't shoot at him.
Knight's Cottage, Tea-party

Aran'ya gave a little smirk -- nope, wasn't poison. Just your average Yammie breakfast tea in the cup after all. She wasn't much of the type to drink it though, but still the L'manel took a sip or two out of a show of camaraderie to their robotic host, as her tight-suited bottom found purchase in the chair Akemi pulled out for her. Though when she heard the words coming out of his mouth she got the excuse to spit out a little of the beverage without seeming rude (truthfully, the hints of citrus in it suddenly disagreed with her arachnid aspectation).

"Are you serious, Akemi? If that kind of ugly monster is your idea of cute, then I must be the friggin' Goddess herself," grimaced the Medic at the male Nekovalkyrja, then shook her head a few times. "If you're gonna lower your expectations cause I play hard to get... try something that doesn't want to kill or eat you, eh?" This comment was followed by that smug little smirk of hers, as she crossed one long, lanky leg over the other.

The Trooper refocused her attention on the robot and Porrim as she felt the mechanical eyes studying her words and movements. "Please excuse the Neko, he can be an idiot sometimes. Thankfully it's not entirely terminal," she quipped to Knight, placing the cup back on the table. "Since you're active in the community, do you think you can introduce us to some of 'em? Better that way than stomping around and just scaring people off."
Knight's Cottage, Tea-party

"Oh, so your majesty is actually hungering for some Neko affection? You should just say so. I'm sure there's still a nice hotel room somewhere around here we can visit after we're done for the day." Akemi swiftly fetched something soft to daintily dab at Aran'ya's mouth from behind.
Er'red's Group, Overwatch.

Ash's ears were twitching and abuzz as she listened, watched Menelik carefully and then panned her attention over towards the group of Neko's as she blinked slowly and forced the hair on her tail to relaxe when she realized not only did she understand and comprehend who and most importantly what they were, that she was unsure how she should react. That hesitation stretched for a few moments as she dredged her mind and finally settled on a barren field of cares she couldn't quite grow, NMX or not, no Neko deserved living like this. Rather, No Sentient being at all, "Whelp, They're speaking heavily accented Yamatai-Go, And I'm Ninety-nine-point-nine percent sure they're former NMX." She'd cycle her sensors and provide a full playback for everyone to hear, "They certainly are afraid we'll hurt them, I'd suggest extending the olive branch?" She glanced at the massive cannon she had trained on the group and actually kinda felt bad she'd loaded HE rounds... Didn't mean she didn't keep a solid lock on them however.
Knight's Cottage, Tea-party

Knight looked between Aran'ta, Porrim and Akemi. It was calculating response as all these people were in some way reacting to him. Two lorath, each pretty different and very bizarre nekovalkyrja. It was strange that Akemi was a male, even though he seemed as sexually active as the information on the race said. That all went over Knight's processor as he could not really understand attraction and sexual pleasure.

"Well," he finally said. "Like I said, I reckon that the Shocktrooper is but a rumor. I am not sure what Whirlwind is, but if there is a Shocktrooper, than if it is any kind of Power Armour or armoured fighting vehicle, than it should be able to make the trooper a goner, if the operator knows his or her guns."

"Miss Widow, I did not reckon that you were a royalty. My bad, should I knew that I would get something better than just a tea ma'am." Knight reacted to Akemi, calling Aran'ya 'your majesty'. Though it seemed strange, apparently the lorath royal family was bigger than his information stated and he also wondered what a queen or princess would be doing on planet like this. Not to mention that it was Porrim who called the shots and not the royal.
Porrim’s Team, out in a field

Ny’za did not know Yamatai-go so after seeing the two men hide behind the wall, she did begin translating as much as she could using the frame’s systems. While that was processing she sent a data packet on LSDF lines to the team in the area displaying the location of those she saw, she really just wanted to send it to Elm, but she didn’t want them to realize her location if they were monitoring signals. While she waited for the results she kept her eyes on as much as she could, making sure nothing snuck by her. “The area seems a little more active than it’s letting on.” She muttered to herself.
Knight's Cottage, Tea-party

The spikey-haired L'manel rolled her eyes at Akemi as he suggested a little tryst in an abandoned hotel room, and pushed the napkin away. "No thanks, loverboy. For all I know your affections might be so rough they collapse the whole place on our heads... and no room service, either."

Aran'ya then raised an eyebrow when the robotic host starting saying she was royalty, likely because Akemi was getting way too into his little servant roleplay act before. The Medic put up both of her gloved hands and waved it off. "Woah there, sheriff. I'm flattered, but I'm no blue-blooded Xiaah or Turlista scion, except maybe in this here cat's mind... you'd almost think he was a Helashio servant instead of a Neko."
Er'red's Group, Contact

Well, if they weren't going to shoot him, Menelik might as well approach them. But it might help if...

"This is Berhane. I'm taking off my helmet and attempting to make contact. Out." There was a WHOOSH of air as he popped the seals on his armor's helmet and pulled it off, bundled up dreadlocks going free to hand down to his shoulders now that he was without a helmet. The nepleslian shoot his head against the cold and took a breath to try to get used to it. It wasn't... really that bad, if you were used to the cold winters of the mountains back home and everything. With another deep breath he held the helmet in one hand to his hip while the other was raised up to show it was empty; Menelik was walking forward, towards the Car park, hoping to the creator that they didn't decide he was a threat.

"If you can hear me, don't be afraid, I'm not a threat." Was what he said, his voice as clear and loud as he could make it without the suit's amplifiers, hoping it'd carry to them; "I don't understand Yamatai-Go, but I am a member of the Nepleslian Marines; and we aren't here to fight you. I'm a part of an expedition here to find survivors and give them aid, regardless of affiliation!"
Er'reds Team

Er'red had picked up a spare chair on his way up to the top floor of his chosen building, not waiting for Ix'ion to decide if he was coming or not. Casually dumping the chair on the floor and taking a seat to watch out the window the young officer puller up a pair of binoculars and put them up against the dark blank features of his mask. It took him a moment to get used to the idea of looking through field glasses through his mask but it only took a few blinks to work out.

"Yeah, yeah, Skippers Team is okay. Continue mission." He radioed Berhane when asked about Porrims team.

With his free hand he took out a tactical manual and started thumbing through it for guidance in this situation complicated situation. Er'red was a nurse, not a peace operative.

"Just keep talking and nobody dies..." he muttered as he flicked through pages.

And then Menelik announced he was taking off his helmet.

"Waitwaitwaitwait! Do not remove your- Oh, by the Goddess, the idiot!" Er'red shouted, completely unheard from within Meneliks now removed helmet.

Er'red turned to Ix'ion and shrugged, throwing his hands up. Clearly at a loss of how to deal with this.

"Ashe'lin, keep a record of what they say so you can relay the important parts once Private Berty realizes he can't get a translation without his helmet on. Mirage, get ready to pick up a body if they shoot him in the head." The young nurse clearly reverting to more familiar sounding names in the stress of the situation.
Knight's Cottage, Tea-party

"Well now I'd have to be at least that forceful," Akemi replied with a very contented look, crossing his arms. "I'd hate to disappoint a lady. I'll just take this as you subtly stating your preference. I certainly wouldn't mind serving your tastes."
By no fault, and I repeat, no fault of my own, I'm caught in a bit of a predicament. I require assistance. Of the armed varie#####

J'ann's voice came onto the comms, but soon yielded to static.
Porrim's Group, Tea Party
Porrim put her tea down and put her fingers to her earpiece, processing what had just come over the radio. Outside, the wind was picking up. The captain's ears perked up and she walked over to the window, looking outside and listening to the wind. Above the group, Ny'za, Mirage, and My'ean could see a snowstorm coming in. Indeed, a weather alert flashed on everyone's HUDs. 'WARNING - SNOWSTORM APPROACHING!' the alert buzzed.

"I'm unsure if we all heard over the sound of the alert, but it appears our morale officer may have been kidnapped." Porrim stated matter of factly, watching the snow begin to pick up across the street and more snowflakes fall from the sky, carried by gusts of wind. "Also seems like there's a snowstorm coming for us."

Knight knew there were some less than savoury people hiding around - not the ones Knight knew across the road, but closer to the Radio Tower west of where he lived. He'd shown a couple of them a lesson in pain for trying to shag one of his sheep. To his knowledge they inhabited a dingy office that still had running water.

"Knight, we'd love to stick around, but it seems one of our own has become separated from the group, last known position..." she grabbed her datapad and looked at the map she had, and noted a light blue patch on the map with the dancer's last known position, just west of the team's position. "Feel like engaging in some neighbourhood watch, Mr. Sheriff?"

Ny'za and My'ean meanwhile felt the wind pushing their frames around and forcing them to lower their altitude, perhaps even needing to walk. The scout Elm had also lost a lot of visibility in the snow, but they had gained a blanket of cover to move with relative impunity. She had to maintain radio contact though, or risk getting lost.

"Ny'za, Elm, give me a headcheck!" Porrim sounded off for her group over the headset. "Get to cover from the elements, and continue scouting. If you can't move, seek shelter indoors, and remain in a defensive position!" She looked over to the others around the cottage. "Everyone else, we need to get J'ann back. Akemi, you're in front with me. Aiesu, stay in the middle with Aran'ya." She looked over to the house guest. "If Knight wants to come along, they may lead."

She stood at the doorway to the cottage, and noticed that the sheep had started rushing towards their barn, while a dog zipped between Porrim's legs and came indoors to rest by the fire. If the situation wasn't so dire, Porrim would've given the dog a belly rub.

Er'red's Group, First Contact
Shortly after Menelik took off his helmet in an attempt to be friendly to the Neko (and display an incredible lack of self-preservation to Er'red), he could feel his lips becoming dry and chafed as a gust of wind and snow interfered with his visibility. Without the helmet on and trying to pin things down with sensors rather than the naked eye, he lost sight of the two Nekovalkyrja, and his voice was caught up in the wind. He was beginning to feel cold too.

Mirage experienced turbulence, staying in the sky was beginning to seem like a poor option as she started to drift off-centre, the mecha trying to compensate for the buffeting winds. She could see the Nekovalkyrja exchanging quizzical glances at the Nepleslian, then noticing the inclement weather. They ran down the ramp to a level beneath the top floor to get cover, and stayed near the wall and continued looking out. They seemed to have lost sight of Menelik, they seem to have lost sight of a lot of things, and appeared to be taking cautious position with their comrades. Their voices were caught in the swirling blizzard too.

Seemed as though Mother Nature had other plans for Er'red's group...

A Dingy Office Building
A leggy New Tur'lista with a huge bruise on their forehead and missing portions of their WIND armour (the torso and the crotch were gone) was being dragged by the legs by two raggedy and decidedly unfriendly looking sorts. "Quick, take her underclothes off and her earpiece out."

J'ann could feel the earpiece he had getting torn out of his ear and tossed aside. "Glad we got in before the cold came by... I wonder if they have anything valuable?"

"I reckon so." The other replied as they begun to fiddle with the buttons on J'ann's uniform. "I heard Lorath women are - what the, where's the tits?" Further groping, this time between the legs. "This isn't a woman at all!"

"Y--You're the one who spotted them!"

"Um, listen. Nevermind." The other sighed, exasperated. "Alright, fine! Put him with the other guy, the Nepleslian."

"The one that won't shut up?"

"Misery loves company." J'ann could feel himself being swung side to side for a moment. "Heave ho!"

With that, J'ann felt a six foot drop before landing in on his back what used to be a cubicle bathroom. The door out of the bathroom was barred from the other side, the mirrors were mostly intact, and he'd landed on a cushion. In addition, there was someone sitting there on a broken toilet in a cubicle whose door had been torn off, wearing a raggedy Nepleslian Marine uniform...
Tange IV, Misato City, Above the Super Awesome Positivity Group

When the blizzard hit Mirage sighed. There was little to do aside from switch over her primary sensors from visual spectrum to infrared making the spread out group, and the Nekovalkyrja in the carpark glow through the otherwise blinding flurry of snow. While remaining stationary had become a bit of a hassle it was easy enough to keep her position relatively close to the group by accelerating into the wind, and letting it slowly buffed her back and forth over a distance of about a hundred meters, functionally no different, and it kept her entertained while watching the sensor sweeps of the local area carefully.

After a moment spent indulging in the idle piloting task Mirage spoke over the comm line, "Cadet, I would recommend that you encourage Private Berhane, and Sarn-Hei to get the meet-and-greet moving along... Else we might have to delay contact until after the storm passes. I'd hate for one of you to go missing in this storm." With the visibility for much of the group reduced to functional non-existence and a general feeling that high power sensor sweeps were not allowed given the technicality of being in a civilian zone, Mirage wasn't liking the idea of leaving their squad spread out for longer than needed.
Heavy panting echoed within the darkened chambers that had inexplicably become his new prison.

"Oh shit, oh no, oh no, oh no."

The Nepleslian sat there on the broken toilet, inexplicably utilizing it for purposes other than normal the course for a waste receptacle. Needless to say, a crudely drawn image on a piece of paper was illuminated by the rapidly depleting battery of a flashlight, intermittently being put down for a second as the Nepleslian set about to actions that could be described as lewd.

He had been down here for so long. There was nothing else to do other than calisthenics to keep himself active and another form of exercise to work off the post-workout stress. He had been fortunate that despite the dilapidated condition of the bathroom, there was plenty of toilet paper. Sometimes he would wonder how in the holy tits he got there, but that seemed to be a practice in futility.

"Oh there it is, h-here we go." He was almost finished, but then the noisy sound of a FALLING BODY interrupted him.

"aaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHOLY SHIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING HEEEEEERE" Ran screamed out at the person who just fell out of the damn ceiling, immediately throwing his drawing in the tank of the toilet and getting up to pull his pants up.
The cottage

Knight decided to work out the possibility of Aran'ya being important later. Maybe she really was one, Neko let the secret out and the lorath now tried to tell it off. Or maybe she was just normal person and it was a figure of speech. Knight had no idea so he decided to not occupy his computing space with it at the moment. Especially since there were other things to worry about.

The robot stood up from his seet and walked to the wardrobe. He opened it and took out a loose ring-mail shirt, putting it over his head and slipping into it. Next was a heavy leather duster which he put on. Reaching into the wardrobe again, he fished out a hand-and-half sword and put it on his back. Last item taken out of the storage was a Styrling Longbow rifle of large caliber. He grabbed it alone with an ammo-belt full of 100mm Big Killer rounds, which he put across his chest. He opened the rifle and checked to see if it was loaded.

"Well," the robot said, turning back to Porrim. "I reckon, I know who did that dastardly thing. We will have to pony up though. There is bunch of Half-wits west of here, living in old office building. They were up to no good, but since I've showed them not to mess with me and mine, they left us alone. I reckon they thought, they could mess with you lot. It was probably them if anyone."
The cottage

Akemi briskly moved to stand beside the captain at the opposite side of the threshold. Once Knight stepped out he'd take the lead with him. The fact that his team had a robot with them taking point was comforting given how durable he likely was. "Cool outfit, it looks pretty badass," he remarked as he watched Knight get ready. "So who's living in that spaceship near here? Do we have to watch out for them too?"
The cottage

Knight lifted its head and put his hat on, looking at Akemi. He then pointed his mechanical thumb at the ship wreck.

"These old thing here?" The robot said back. "Nah, no one lives there. Except for me sheep. I tuck them in there for night. The cargo is big enough and it has power to operate stuff like doors, the comms and my cradle. Which remind me that I should get the sheep in, before we go. What if some bastard comes here for them."

The robot cowby walked out side of the cottage, put two of his fingers in front of where his mouth would be and whistled. Well played a sound of whistling. A bark answered him and the fluffy hairy dog ran off. It took a bit, but soon it was coming back, chasing the sheep in front of it.

Knight nodded and looked at the crashed ship, a large doorway slowly opened and revealed a cargo space filled with hay. The dog chased the sheep inside and then ran up to Knight and barked again. "Good boy, mutt." The robot said and mechanically ruffled the hair on dogs head.

The fluffy monster then looked at Akemi and slowly approached the neko, sniffing him as he came closer.
The cottage

Even if she wasn't a royal, the L'manel certainly had the attitude and snark of some self-righteous individuals when the Neko riled her up. Aran'ya gave a slight grin across her alabaster features towards Akemi after his last comment. "To my tastes, eh? Well, if you're going to be that rough, than a lady's got to tie you down nice and tight first..."

The allusions in her response didn't have much time to sink in, though, before warnings about the imminent snowstorm and missing personnel on top of it streamed in her HUD from the mask hanging open, which she moved to secure it back in place and hide her pale face under the WIND's stonethread hood. "Well this is just great... a damn blizzard starting right when we have someone MIA and split up. The next planet we visit better be a tropical island world," she grumbled to noone in particular, rising up from the chair and pushing it back in with her foot, as hands instinctively checked her blade and pistol. "Aye Captain, let's go see what trouble Pulse's hips have got him into this time..."
The cottage

Knight stopped paying attention to the dog and looked back towards Porrim and Aran'ya. He looked at the snow that was starting to fall down around them. His eyes whirred as he looked about. Resting his rifle upon his elbow, the robot let out a mechanic sigh.

"The storms can get you in trouble pardners." The robot said. "Don't trust your sensors. There might be some hitches in comms as well. I suggest trusting your eyes before anything else. We should not run into anything on the way to the office builing, but Crabs might try to move about looking for easy prey that got stuck out in the cold. Hands on your colts, my friends."
Porrim’s Group, Outsidey

Ny’za was about to speak up after hearing J’ann’s distress call, but it cut out before she could say anything, and was soon followed by a loud alert as a flash blizzard set on them. She had no problem with the winds, but with low visibility and since she wasn’t sure if her sensors were affected, Ny’za decided to land the frame at least until she could see better.

Once down she spoke to both Porrim and Elm over the radio to make sure they both heard. “The building to the south east of the empty lot has one person who is making their way down, I do not know if they will leave with the onset of this storm. The north east building has two possible hostiles I translated as much of their conversation as I could….” There was a pause as she fiddled with the translation a bit. “The systems are taking much too long to translate it, I’ll send the audio to the neko.” She sounded repulsed by the last part but setup and audio packet and contacted Akemi.

“We need this file translated into trade.” She spoke in trade of course to the neko, and was rather brief before she sent the file over without another word.
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