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F(i)anart: So Long and Thanks for all the Clicks

Re: F(i)anart: Red Nepleslia Dakimakura

New Comic!
#24: Not so LFL
With Anselm and Talbain, because there aren't any other more obvious parings on the Acadia.


SARPWiki Kasserine if you don't already know what it does.

EDIT: Fixed the newspaper article and removed some unnecessary dialogue.

EDIT NOTE: For the new guys, there is an index of all the comics in the 1st page.
Re: F(i)anart: #24 Not so LFL

Re: F(i)anart: #24 Not so LFL

Oh dear god I laughed.

But now that I think about it - I'd be pretty scared too. Kaserine is nasty stuff.
Re: F(i)anart: #24 Not so LFL

This page is a testament to Nepleslia's finery and one truly fine Nepleslian GM.
Re: F(i)anart: Arin Berelai

THIS lady will throw BUCKETS of LCD at you.
She will put GRENADES DOWN your PANTS.

And her art just took a level in badass, just to boot!
Re: F(i)anart: Arin Berelai

Of course hulking ID-Sols will, when threatened, will very nearly commit severe acts of domestic violence.

Looks awesome, Fian.
Re: F(i)anart: Arin Berelai

Fian must introduce this fine lady to his good best buddy Rico sometime~
Re: F(i)anart: Arin Berelai

If Rico tries any stunts on Arin, there's about a 105% chance that Vincent will tear Rico's legs off and suffocate him with them.
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