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F(i)anart: So Long and Thanks for all the Clicks

Re: F(i)anart: #26/27: Galactic Peace Part 1/2

I added a link to these to our StarArmy Facebook and Twitter.

I also fixed the active topics thing.
Re: F(i)anart: #28: Galactic Service Message

I like the comic! Indeed lulzy, but I like the fem Nam uniforms more.
Re: F(i)anart: #28: Galactic Service Message

That's no ordinary NAM Spokeswoman/Engineer...
Re: F(i)anart: #29: Map Reform

I LOLed.
Re: F(i)anart: Arin Berelai

Commissioned art of Arin Berelai, my character on Luca's Phoenix.

The artist who did this is up for commission. PM me for details.
Re: F(i)anart: Arin Berelai

Fian said:

Commissioned art of Arin Berelai, my character on Luca's Phoenix.

The artist who did this is up for commission. PM me for details.

Tell me more of this artist, I'm always up for some good artwork.
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