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F(i)anart: So Long and Thanks for all the Clicks

I think he was wondering if those three represented any SARP characters.
Oh. Most of the time I put down the SARP characters used in the comic in the same post with the pic, but sometimes I dont to preserve the punchline. In any case, the index on the first page will list PCs and their players that appear in each comic, and in this case, the three do no represent any SARP character.

I followed this pic
Well, this thread will probably be my legacy so I'm announcing here that I'm officially leaving the Star Army.

I'm sorry to the many people I know I have dissapointed in the past, but, it was fun while it lasted. I am grateful for all the chances all of you gave me.

I guess this is it... Thanks guys.
Wherever you go Fian, more thrust, more speed.
Reactions: Wes
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