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F(i)anart: So Long and Thanks for all the Clicks

Re: F(i)an-art [#10: Deus Ex Magazina]

Could you consider slotting one of my characters too, Fian? An hey, if you put Gyles in, you have the advantage of not having to draw the upper half of his facial expressions!
Re: F(i)an-art [#10: Deus Ex Magazina]

Oh man, Chandler got Godsmacked! EPIC!
I actually searched the forum for any of the characters saying clips instead of magazine, guess who turned up positive
(In consolidation, yours truly has also made the same mistake many times, if you didnt volunteer, it would have been Fian under that fist. Thanks)

You did good on Amelia there, though she may have used less kind language. :mrgreen:
Of the four characters involved, I spent the most time on Amelia. You should have seen the prototypes, they look NOTHING like the end result.

Also about future cameos, guys, chill. I've yet to even figure out what the next comic will be about but I'll put Nevaron, Gamer and Gyles in line.

In the mean time, I'did better get to work on the Omake. And after that, I'll trawl my computer to post up all 10 (13 if you count #2b #9b and #10b) comics in an archive.
Re: F(i)an-art [#10: Deus Ex Magazina]

*looks at his hands* I never knew they were celestial. Perhaps that knowledge is what perks K up sometimes.

I contend that Fian's art looks too much like me. I think I might sue for libel. After I clean up all the milk I coughed up in my laughing fit. There's a lot of it.

Well played, good sir.
Re: F(i)an-art [#10: Deus Ex Magazina]

To quote Doshi, PURE. WIN.

I could not stop laughing, that was a m a z i n g. Excellent use of Galar, 'twas perfect indeed.
Re: F(i)an-art [#10: Deus Ex Magazina]

I'll volunteer Nelew and Tweak for your use, just out of curiosity for what you'll do with them, lol. Also, maybe whatever you come up with for Nel's look might help me out, I haven't been able to draw her at all...
Re: F(i)an-art [#10: Deus Ex Magazina]

Eeek. Cameo requests are now closed for the forseeable future. I'll be under too much pressure to fit eveybody in.
Nevaron, gamer, gyles, tyler, missing.

I'm trying to get the missing comics from FM, I hope he still has them :|
Re: F(i)an-art [#10: Deus Ex Magazina]

Is FM still around? I haven't seen him on the site or IRC for ages. <.<;;
Re: F(i)an-art [#10: Deus Ex Magazina]

Fian said:
Eeek. Cameo requests are now closed for the forseeable future. I'll be under too much pressure to fit eveybody in.
Nevaron, gamer, gyles, tyler, missing.

I'm trying to get the missing comics from FM, I hope he still has them :|

If you can't get a hold of him, I will and ask. If he still has them I'll get a link or folder or something.
Re: F(i)an-art [#10: Deus Ex Magazina]

At first I was like: :|
But then I 'd
Re: F(i)an-art [#10b: Deus Ex Magazina]

Omake done!

#10b Deus Ex Bulleta

Cameos: Fay.

I'm going to have four papers in a row next week so... Dont expect anything new till friday.

In the other news, FM doesnt have 3,4,5. But I have the unedited and untexed panels on my computer. I redid #5 Use This Device At Your Own Risk but its not the same without that guy! If somehow Wes could pull them out of Starchan it would be nice.

EDIT: Reading #1 is vital to understanding #5, the link to #1 can be found in the master list which is in the first post of this topic.
Re: F(i)an-art [#10b: Deus Ex Bulleta]

Revised: Godsmacked AND shot.

Sick. This one's going on my Rooster Teeth profile too.
Re: F(i)an-art [#10b: Deus Ex Bulleta]

Hahahah! Awesome. Also, never read #5 and I have to say, 'tis an amazing follow-up.
Re: F(i)an-art [#10b: Deus Ex Bulleta]

Oh yeah! #3, #4, and #5 are up! (Refer to the first post of the topic for the master list)

Big giant thanks to Wes who pulled them out of the old starchan!
Re: F(i)an-art [#11:Battlefield YE30]

I'm not leaving Star Army before Fian does. His comics are the true win.
Re: F(i)an-art [#11:Battlefield YE30]

I approve of this comic lol.
Re: F(i)an-art [#11:Battlefield YE30]

Masako = Team Killer!!!!


I normally wouldn't think it, but it's hilarious.

And did Masako just go on a killing spree with a table set at the end?
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