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F(i)anart: So Long and Thanks for all the Clicks

Re: F(i)anart: #20: Immigrants!

Jaqueline=>Jake=> Doshii

Also: Hell yeah! Bitchy drill instructor Kail! Very nicely done, Fian.
Re: F(i)anart: #20: Immigrants!

Doshii looks like Bald Gendo.

EDIT: I demand follow up to that idea.
Re: F(i)anart: #20: Immigrants!

The Jake cameo. Seriously though, what's the uniform have to do with porting from other RPs?
Re: F(i)anart: #20: Immigrants!

Cipher said:
The Jake cameo. Seriously though, what's the uniform have to do with porting from other RPs?

Because the factions in other RPs would have different uniforms. The joke is that the ported character inadvertently retained his uniform after the port.
Re: F(i)anart: #21: Costumes and Suits

Ahahaha. Nice. Nepleslia obviously needs more traditions.
Re: F(i)anart: #21: Costumes and Suits

Mansuit Day, it's on up there with National Barfight Day and Lewis Pasco day.
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