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F(i)anart: So Long and Thanks for all the Clicks

Re: F(i)anart: #21: Costumes and Suits

Yamatai was so disgusted by Nepleslian mansuits they outlawed Nepleslian use of Yamataian-developed weaponry or weapons technology. We went ahead and did it anyway.

[/pathetic attempt at humor]
Re: F(i)anart: #22: Don't touch that dial...

... Okay, ow. The head-explodey is an unexpected side-effect, I hope.
Re: F(i)anart: #22: Don't touch that dial...

Well, they are ANTIMATTER-O'S! so, it's gotta have some kinda punch.
Re: F(i)anart: #22: Don't touch that dial...


Soldier: "Sir the zombies are invading how do we fend them off?"
Commander: "To the cereal aisle!!"
Soldier: "Sir?"
Commander: "We need ammunition soldier."
Soldier: "Sir...are you saying we're going to throw cereal at the zombies?"
Commander: "I am."
Re: F(i)anart: #22: Don't touch that dial...

I knew I should have made Viktor an "old-school" kinda guy, but no...

He goes and tries something new and gets his face sent into non-existence!
Re: F(i)anart: #22: Don't touch that dial...

I like the PowerThirst reference : D

"Made with lightning! REAL LIGHTNING!"
Re: F(i)anart: #23: In High Command, no one can hear y- ARRGHHH!






Re: F(i)anart: #23: In High Command, no one can hear y- ARRGHHH!

Oh f--- I can't believe I missed it.

Re: F(i)anart: #23: In High Command, no one can hear y- ARRGHHH!


Who's the Marine in the picture? Is that anyone from the actual Acadia crew or just a random grunt?
Re: F(i)anart: #23: In High Command, no one can hear y- ARRGHHH!

P3C Norvan Wallace, another new addition to the Acadia.
Re: F(i)anart: Red Nepleslia Dakimakura

But...but I can't kill SEXY Red Nepleslians... D:>
Re: F(i)anart: Red Nepleslia Dakimakura

MoonMan said:
But...but I can't kill SEXY Red Nepleslians... D:>

Wartime angst, then.

Every Red you kill could have been a hot girl, who just happened to share an opposing political viewpoint. The real tragedy in that, is that if the federalist-center and liberterian-right could have reconciled their differences and worked towards a better, stronger Nepleslia, there'd be a lot less thinly-veiled hard gay homoeroticism going on in Nepleslian plotships.

Since, you know. Having chicks around makes the marines a little less likely to pass time flexing their muscles and sport-tapping every passing recruit.
Re: F(i)anart: Red Nepleslia Dakimakura

MoonMan said:
But...but I can't kill SEXY Red Nepleslians... D:>

Yes you can, Moonie. You just have to crush that little boy inside you, the one that likes [hot] women.
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