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Approved Submission Faction: USE


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Faction
Submission URL:
Faction Page -

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

The starting point, with more to be added as we go along. A lot of the information for the group is split between a lot of different pages and this serves to centralize things a bit. The team also seems to still be discussing flag options and I don't think we've found quite the right choice for that yet but when that does happen flag art will be added to the faction page.

This also means 188604 will qualify for major-faction status!
Last edited:
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Is the faction name a working title or is it what they intend to use on the intergalactic stage?
USE is already in use and I have no use for USE if it is in use.

So the name has been changed to U.S.O. which I am more happy with, and probably should have thought of the first time. It is a bit tongue n' cheek because Uso doesn't really take all this very seriously, but it is official enough to get the point across: You're dealing with an organization that can stand as its own nation, and that organization is basically inseparable from Uso herself.
So, I guess it won't be USEful to you then. Sorry, didn't mean to shut you down so much as point out a possible complication... I thought it might actually be too old to be relevant, unless Ketsurui Uesu makes some comeback and plants his flag as the Empire of Uesu!

As for U.S.O. that's sounds nicely whimsical to me... though I suppose some peope might call it a lie.

(what? I like puns!)
No offense taken.

I missed that USE was already an acronym for something. While it probably wouldn't be a big deal ICly, I'd rather not have duplicate-time-bomb-acronyms laying around.
Dumont, you are painfully quotable.

I think I'm going to stick with Uso's Star Organization because having 'star' in the title really fits with the site. Of course, I'll also be using Uso's Superior Organization sometimes, and may work that into the submission at a later date.
Let's start off with an admission: "race" and "faction" are not interchangeable, but in SARP, they're intertwined. No one has tried to make a faction without creating a new species, or at least a racial offshoot unassociated with any other faction's immediate history (Arieg's old deleted faction).

So in that sense, this is a first.

But if we follow the faction creation guide, it's clear that this still doesn't rise to the level of a faction, whether or not you consider the smaller, malnourished humans there a racial offshoot or not.

I think this submission meets the initial questions the guide asks. It appeals to players uninterested in the more established military-themed RP and has some interesting elements.

However, each time I read and reread the submission and its associated CCG, I get the feeling this is more of a plot upgrade and advertisement than it is an actual faction, let alone a major one. And it's an unfinished one at that.

The plot for it is proposed, not approved. Its main government leader also is unapproved. The faction article itself is very thin — even if we only compare it to a company's wiki.

There's no mention of its own technology, culture or real history beyond the vagueness of the original planet submission. That vagueness was fine for what it was for, but now it's being used to build an entire faction?

That doesn't pass the "lacking detail" on the Submission Review. There needs to be more if we're considering making this an actual real faction.

I don't know if it counts for a government/company either. Again, it builds off what the planet has already, which was already overthrown in the plot. It practically was a setting piece — a good one, but not enough to justify a full faction. There's no flag, sure, but what about a government document? Agencies? A submitted military?

The Elysians have a much larger faction article, and while they have history on their side, not all of that was RP'd. It simply was written out and detailed. We don't have that here with this submission.

By the Submission Review, this does not pass muster. However, I think it can — if we change it from a faction to an organization. I'd still like to see more than "we're making it up as we go!", but at least as an organization we could get the ball rolling.

This submission is pending.
'Because no one has done it before' Is terrible reasoning even if it were true. Origin was a faction and before that novacorp would certainly qualify.

The level of detail in the faction page is a decent amount as far as faction pages go, and remember that previous examples do not set precident as you've said before so the comparison to the Elysian page is faulty. The main faction page for Uso links to the other important pages and that is enough.

History on the plot and planet page are both up to date with IC events, so I don't understand the complaint there.

I also don't understand what you're talking about with the faction submission guide. Not only does this meet the requirements there it even meets many of the suggestions which makes me think you didn't read the guide.


As it is, this is the faction overview page and a CCG. The CCG has what it needs to sit on top of racial CCGs and let people make a character that fits a plot. The faction page ties into the exsisting setting elements nicely and those will get expanded as stuff happens.

Not only is the plot approved, We also have the ragnarok plot and all of the unapproved side plots going on. We have more active players and more activity than any other faction save Yamatai. This isn't just a faction, it is a major faction and should be treated as such.
I don't agree that new factions need a species, but I do agree with Doshii that we could really use a lot more "meat" in the faction page. I mean, just looking at the wiki article, there just isn't that much in there and I would like to see a higher level of quality since it's a played faction.

Suggested additions:
  • Territory
  • Culture
  • Economy
  • Uniforms, if any, and other symbols like insignia, flags, crests, mottoes, color schemes of their starships, any other distinctive symbols that show it's a faction and not just a bunch of random pirate dudes. Basically making it look "official" will go a long way.
  • How to NPC this faction
  • Faction "Will" in case you randomly get hit by a bus or meteorite.
  • Make it clear what plots are in the faction on the faction page and link to their plot: wiki pages
I did have a lot to add in terms of territory, culture, economy, and symbols for my part of the plot. But I also have term papers.
Are you referring to my character Aaron Grant as the unapproved government leader? If so I will work on that ASAP. Really though, Uso is the leader. Grant is sort of a planetary governor more than leader from what I understand.
Some points for clarity:

I didn't say that there had to be a new species. I said whether or not it has a new species, the submission doesn't rise to the level of a faction. I then listed why in a respectful, polite manner as guided by the guide for reviewers.

Second, previous submissions do not count toward justification of new technology. That's clearly spelled out in the submission rules. However, this isn't a tech submission, and I was comparing completeness and quality -- something I am within my authority to do. Even Origin and NovaCorp -- companies, not factions, as was hashed out later (you were banned at the time, Zack) -- had more for the initial submissions than this does, and this is proposing to be a major faction with FM powers.

When it comes to history, Wes' point covers my concerns just fine. I.e. give us more, because "Lacking Detail" is, frankly, a subjective catch-all. You have to convince us there's enough detail, and you aren't doing that by arguing.

Unapproved plots and side plots don't help the case for completeness.

As for reading the guide on faction creation, I read it a half-dozen times to make sure my thoughts were clear before I posted a reply. And I think they still are.
I'll respond to Wes's comments later when I have a PC in front of me, but it basically boils down to this page is as filled out as The nepleslian once, with all the assorted culture and faction articles being linked from the page.

Though I can certain start breaking culture articles and the like out from the exsisting planet, plot, and ccg articles.

As for Doshii, I'm not sure what you're talking about. My plot is approved, and I'm not sure what parts of the faction guide you think this is violating.

As for @ArsenicJohn a blurb about Aaron's government is on the planet page for 188604.

@Dumont, we are in no rush. The plan is to get the faction status approved and fill things in as we go along. A lot of the small things that I think we're important have been placed in the planet article though it looks like we'll need to build out a separate set of articles for each individual thing. Expect to see a GM post about organizing all this later on.
This isn't just a faction, it is a major faction and should be treated as such.

In your mind, is "major faction" an OOC or IC label? And going off of that, what is the goal of making a faction here? 188604 already has a forum, which is on par with what factions of its influence get, so what's missing? Green banners?

Without publicly detailing RP plans, is making Uso's faction more about better facilitating RP for your obviously popular plot or is it a stepping stone for future galactic expansion?

Everyone's already talked about more substance needing to be in these articles and they're right. Sounds like it's being handled, though.

Good luck!