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OOC Field Team Six


Inactive Member
Okay, since enough people have expressed interest in making it a thing, I feel confident to post up the OOC/actual sign-up for the plot in question. For those just stumbling across this who don't want to bother clicking out of here to find the interest check, but still want to know what's up: basically Field Team Six is a wet-works direct-action team for a newly forming group called the Nepleslian National Security Office. Essentially the NNSO is a civilian form of the IPG, more aligned with the senate (as it begins to reform) and the civilian populace as opposed to the Grand Admirals and military. One key difference besides that is they mainly operate within Nepleslia while the IPG operates - wherever the military may go. So there is more of a focus on domestic counter-terrorism, counter-intelligence, dealing with corrupt officials, and things of that nature.

While they boys in Nep green are busy shooting up the vast and expansive universe beyond the Democratic Imperium's borders, the NNSO takes care of similar issues on the home-front. So there will be plenty of opportunities to shoot people, blow things up, and in general drop the local lot values. The difference being that the characters will be law officers instead of soldiers . . . technicalities, basically.

So below is the character skeleton for those who don't already have a wiki character sheet written up.


Physical Description:


So while the GMNPC Valerie already has a complete wiki page for NPCs, I'll use her as an example because - why not?

Name: Valerie Kohler
Age: 29 years old
Gender: Female
Role: Team leader

Physical Description:
At roughly six and a half feet tall, Valerie is very clearly the daughter of an ID-SOL. She is well-built, tall, and has kept in excellent physical condition with a muscular form from her time serving in the Marines. Her hair is a dark red color, shaved at the sides, with the top kept long but usually tied back in a ponytail - though operations may require her to change from time to time.

Her skin, a light olive complexion, is covered in a variety of tattoos including particularly colorful sleeves and work on her shoulders, chest, stomach, and back. She has a heart-shaped face with sharp cheekbones, full cheeks, a strong jaw, and dark green almond eyes. Also, the bridge of her nose betrays that its been broken at least once in the past.

Valerie could be described as "one of the guys". She was born into a military family with three elder brothers and has clearly had that rub off on her. She's more a fan of kicking back with cold beer and watching air-bike races or other sports than doing anything close to shopping. As team leader, when dealing with members of her team the more experienced members of her team that have earned her trust know it when she begins to back off - giving orders less and offering suggestions more instead as they've proven they carry their own weight.

She differentiates between leaders and commanders, preferring to think of herself as the former: letting experienced and trusted agents work, listening to valid suggestions from even the greenest agents, and she prefers to be at the front of the charge whenever possible. This has, of course, developed some enemies for her in higher points of command in the NNSO. Some see her as a warhawk and claim that her often unconventional, and at times destructive methods could prove to hamper the agency's operations.

Its these very same things they see an issue with that have also developed a proven record as a field commander and could also reveal to some that she is not some straight-minded brute of her profession. She may not often express it, but she thinks - often and far ahead - about every major action she sees or makes.

Player - Character - Character Role
Saul - Valerie Kohler - Team Leader
SmokeEmpress - Jasmine Blackhawk - FNG/Demolitions
Gunhand4171 - Raphael Castiel - Sniper
Compouds117 - Jack Blackburn - Assault
Viralyte - Valyrie "Val" Sparken - Assault/Mechanic
Archander- Zylis Darkjasper - Tech​
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Name: Jasmine Blackhawk
Age: 21 years old
Gender: Female
Role: Team Probie

Physical Description:
Jasmine stands at the height of 5' 9". Her physique is that of a slim, almost delicate flower. But don't let that fool you. Her skin is like milk chocolate and her bone features are strong. She has a prominent nose that looks like a female version of a hawk. Her cheek bones are high, but not too high, and her eyes are in the shape of almonds. The colors are more of a golden-honey hue, with flecks of green. Her hair is the color of ebony that falls down straight to her waist, if she were to let it be loose. Typically, she has it pulled back in a single braid, save for a single strand at her right temple. That is braided with leather and beads, a feather hanging down at the end of it.

Though Jasmine is slim at the waist, her hips flare out just nicely and her chest gives her the right amount of curve at the top. Everything about her is clean and streamlined, except for her fingertips. There, one would notice the callouses and smudges from her work with explosives. Or could it be from her playing a guitar?

Jasmine is quick to smile and laugh, but she knows when something calls for being serious. She has a knack for being able to spot things most people miss at first glance. She doesn't think she's better, far from it. She just thinks that, if there's something that needs to be said about what is being observed, she will say it. Especially when there's a life on the line and time is of the essence.

Being new to being a field agent as it is, she will most likely do her best to listen to those with more experience, but she will not be afraid to speak up when she feels the need. Though she does like to make various types of explosives and see things get blown up, what she really loves is the challenge of taking apart another one's piece of artwork. Her hope, right now, is to get into the group well enough to be worth staying after her probationary period.

Okay, that's about all I can think of off the top of my head. I'll work on a sheet for her today and tomorrow and let you know when it's finished. If anyone has suggestions or questions, please feel free to respond here or message me personally!
Name: Raphael Castiel
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Role: Sniper/ Support

Physical Description: Raphael is about Seven feet tall. He has a light complexion, and white hair. He keeps it short and managed, normally keeping it under his father's Green Beret. Raphael is well built and slender, keeping physically fit. He has dark blue eyes. Raphael has a scar running from check to check across the bridge of his nose. His large white wings are normally tucked behind his back.

Personality: Raphael's family used to be part of the Yamatai Empire. His family were natural born killers. They were some of the best assassins the Yamatai had to offer. His mother and father's nickname were "The Angels of Death." From birth his family trained him to be a skilled assassin. When his family feared that the Yamatai would betray them, they defected to Nepleslia, giving the Castiel family asylum and after a few years citizenship. His father went on to become a marine sniper.

Some describe Raphael as cold and calculating. He has very few friends, but the ones he has he cares for deeply. His friends call him "A loyal smart ass. "He has a soft spot for the defenseless and fights to protect everyone. To have him defend you shows how much he cares. He know how hard it is to be hated by everyone but he just take it on the check and keeps on trucking. He very powerful foe to face.

I will work on the wiki tomorrow, but what do you guys think of it so far? It will be interesting how the others will interact with him.
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Okay here is bio 2.0

Gunhand4171New Member

Name: Raphael Castiel
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Role: Sniper/ Support

Physical Description: Raphael is about Seven feet tall. He has a light complexion, and white hair. He keeps it short and managed, normally keeping it under his father's Green Beret. Raphael is well built and slender, keeping physically fit. He has dark blue eyes. Raphael has a scar running from check to check across the bridge of his nose. His large white wings are normally tucked behind his back.

Personality: Raphael's family was part of the lowest tier of the Elysian nobility. Where others choose to accept it, his family fled to Nepleslia. Growing up in Nepleslia was hard on Raphael, being chewed up and spit out by everyone he met. Very few people defended him when he needed it most. The many years he spent as an outcast has made him cold.

Raphael excelled at marksmanship during his training as well as Infiltration. He was mocked and belittled, but still managed to one of the top in the class.

Some describe Raphael as cold and calculating. He has very few friends, but the ones he has he cares for deeply. His friends call him "A loyal smart ass. "He has a soft spot for the defenseless and fights to protect everyone. To have him defend you shows how much he cares. He know how hard it is to be hated by everyone but he just take it on the check and keeps on trucking. He very powerful foe to face.
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working on the wiki page for her now. I'm working slow, so it's no rush in getting an answer, but what will the uniforms, the weapons and anything else required be, if any? Just curious.

Also, liking the list of implants. Since she is going to be demolitions, thinking of making her eyesight and hearing altered for that. What other stuff you think she should have? Taking suggestions. Have an idea, but wanna see what you think.
Both characters are good to go. And while having the wiki page done is a good plus, it won't really be necessary until the plot officially becomes canon. However if you finish it before then I can get it added to the roster for the plot's wiki page. Also, Gunhand, for future reference you can simply edit your original post and replace it so you don't need to post twice. Helps to keep things trimmed down and organized that way.

I'll put the wiki-code for the inventory into the group PM for any interested.
Name: Jack Blackburn
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Role: Assaulter

Physical Description:
Standing at roughly five foot nine. Jack's skin is olive toned with a smattering of freckles across his slightly crooked nose. He is clearly muscular from his countless hours working out in the gym without becoming bulky. His rounded eyes are grey with a distinct black fleck in his right eye that he inherited from his father as well as his square jaw.

Jack's sandy is kept just long enough to come into slight contact his his eyebrows and the tips of his ears. A neatly trimmed goatee adorns the lower part of his face. He possesses a black tattoo of a large dragon coiled around his left bicep from his younger years.

Jack is serious and stern with a bluntness that gives him a concerning lack of tact and his service in the Second Mishuvurthyar War has made him cynical and hard. Due to this, any remark about a person or their performance that wasn't completely negative was probably supposed to be a complement or praise.

While his service in the war didn't leave him physically damaged it did cause slight psychological differences. Jack has trouble sleeping at night and has become quick to anger. Even though he won't admit it, it has also made him protective of his few friends. He risk his own life down to protect anyone unlucky enough to make a connection with him with very little though for his personal safety.

It's late and this was all I could drag out of myself. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Looks good for a skeleton. This isn't canon yet, after all. I added you to the PM conversation.
A great idea. I look forward to joining if it works out.

Simon Bardur
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Role: Medic

Physical Description:
Simon stands at about 5'9" and is lean with a runner's build. It is apparent he spends time outside due to his deep tan. His light brown hair is simply cut with a part along the right side on the top of his head.
He mostly has a casual soft smile for those he knows but a stern no nonsense look for those he doesn't. His almond sky blue eyes stand out from his tan on his heart shaped face.

He grew up in a dangerous neighborhood and learned early on how to deal with bullies. Simon's parents were loving and instilled in Simon ethics and respect. He credits these values on why he nevernturned to gangs or crime.

Once Simon finished his basic schooling he knew he wanted to help others. He joined the paramedics, a job that introduced him to medicine and where his toughness came in handy during conflicts.

After quite a few years as a paramedic and recognition of above and beyond service in a gang war crisis, Simon was approached to join the NNSO as an emergency field medic. He was given training in self defense and firearms, both of which he excelled at due to his steady hand and coordination.

Simon still keeps his values but now knows that to keep others safe a line may have to be crossed, he will take that resonsibility so that others may stay clean.
Whitehart, I added you to the group PM conversation, and put a message in that I'd like you to read over. For the most part, the character looks good. The message is just about some setting information that would be important to your character's history.
Name: Valyrie "Val" Sparken
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Role: Assault

Physical Description: Dockside mechanic turned NNSO agent, Val has carried her apparel to her current job. More comfortable in coveralls or a sweatshirt and loose cargo pants, she has a regular gripe about formal attire which is usually forced upon her for her duties. She has shoulder length dark brown hair, she prefers pulled into a small ponytail that match her dark brown eyes. She has a smaller frame with smaller, lean muscles that is more suited towards running and cardio rather than heavy lifting. She has a long running scar that runs vertically parallel to her left eye that extends from her hairline down to her jaw.

Personality: Not quite a beauty by Nepleslian standards, Val has developed a strong defensive reaction towards her relative homeliness. Val is more of a tomboy than she would like and tries to make up for it by being comparatively feminine in her off hours of work. Sometimes it is painfully obvious it's for show, but she enjoys feeling like a woman every now and again. With work, she enjoys being up close and personal with anyone who requires a bit more roughness than normal.

She has been known to have a mean streak and is all business during operations, usually to the point where she gets physical with operatives if they screw up or aren't doing what she wants. She alternates between being blunt and being coy, depending on her mood.

Might not be up to par just yet, I'll make a wiki page as this goes along if that's cool.
I'll be getting the IC thread up soon - ish. Before the weekend is, definitely. I'll make sure to notify you all in the PM conversation.
Name: Zylis Darkjasper
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Role: Tech Specialist

Physical Description: Standing at 5'8" and weighting a modest 148 lbs., the former UOC Peacekeeper is well toned and fit but isn't big and bulky. Zylis has shoulder length jet black hair that he maintains very well, usually kept pulled back, and frost blue almond shaped eyes. Despite his smaller somewhat tanned frame, he is actually stronger than he looks and has high physical endurance thanks to his Recon training. He usually prefers to be dressed in either a black or grey button down long sleeve shirt with black or khaki slacks or in his UOC Peacekeeper uniform, still kept pristine.

Personality: Zylis tends to be pretty quiet and reserved, especially when working with electronics or tinkering with tech. He’s a firm believer in the old proverb “Speak softly, and carry a big stick”, feeling that his actions should speak louder than his words. Being a Jiyuuian, he feels a strong sense of gratitude toward Nepleslia for their aid in saving his people from the NMX. Though a part of him wishes the UOC could have done more to protect their own, feeling a bit responsible for the deaths of his family even if there wasn’t anything he could do to save them.

Given the opportunity to join the NNSO, it was like a chance at redemption as well as a chance to improve relations between Jiyuuians and Nepleslians in his eyes. As such, he brings to the team solid support with his knowledge of electronics, modifying technology and dabbling in some hacking, and prior experience as a Recon unit.

Rough draft here, let me know if I need to change anything. Will begin working on a wiki page soon.
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