Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: 188604 Fight School: The Onion Model

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date
"I'll raise your bet," Candon announced.
He loved being superhuman. Just a thought had Mr. Donovan mobilizing. Leaving the pistol in it's pocket the grumpy spy rose from his seat, excusing himself as he worked his way past the trainees in his row as he left the cluster of seats and approached the bold man who'd made his threat standing far too close for comfort.

"Son, you got some balls coming in here like this. I'll give you that, but you don't know me. I live and breath war and struggle. I will out-escalate you any second of any day of the week so I want you think really hard about your next words because no matter how safe you think you are with my gun holstered you always have a target on your back with me around."

True words, Kokū Ken was in fact active and ready just leaning discreetly in the corner, though it's appearance as a sheathed sword was ever deceiving.
Uso's face was at first, stern.

Then annoyed.

Then her hand covered her face as Candon came forward to directly confront the new comer.

"I mean... shit," Uso laughed, her face now having reached amused, "I kinda want to see how this plays out now. New guy, Rebuttle?"
"Did this turn into a hostage situation?" The young angel grimaced at Uso's laughing face from the back of the classroom, clearly not as pleased as the neko was.

"Running a planet isn't easy when you're dead, as much as that may shock you. And again, deliberately endangering the lives of students for the sake of... What, entertainment? This may be a combat school but the first day should not be lethal to any of the participants. Also, no emergency release on the doors? Whoever designed this place didn't think of what might happen during a power outage, did they..." Araxie continued to organize the mess of a city's systems, making no apparent move to fight, draw a weapon, or what-have-ye. Of course, only she would know what was going on that screen of hers, leaving her actual actions to be debated.
Alex sighed again.

"Lets all just calm down." He said.

Meanwhile, he used his neural implants to force his way through the meagre security measures Jay had put in place, opened the doors, and walked over to the young man with a stern look on his face.

"You made a very unwise decision."

Alex looked back towards Uso.

"I'll handle this one personally."
A surprised look passed across Jay's face.

"Impressive. Looks like I'm not the only one here who knows his way around a computer. I'm looking forward to working with you. I'd recommend we talk about this somewhere else, as I'd hate to have to go to all the trouble of killing someone just for the sake of a job."
"Mister Tasuki, this man just threatened us all," Candon reminded firmly as he kept his stare locked on Jay, "we need to detain him until we know who he is."
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"That means he is harmless." Uso said, waving her hand dismissively, "People only threaten people because they don't want to have to follow through on the threat otherwise they'd just start with blowing things up."
Jay began leaned against the wall, addressing the entire room, but staring at the ceiling.

"I believe we started off on the wrong foot. I am not here to hurt any of you. In fact, I'm sure you will find my services quite useful."

He looked directly at Uso now.

"That is, should you choose to accept my offer."
The class turned to Jay, dead silent until one young female cadet got up and walked over to Jay slowly.

The cadet' s hand flashed through the air, making contact with Jay' s check with a resounding clap.

Jay was sent staggering backward.

The young woman looked down at him.

"You disgust me. You treat this place as somewhere you can just waltz into, and get a job. This isn't some mercenary outfit. We're protecting this place, our home, and you have the gall to make a mockery of us?!"
Jay took a minute to process what just happened. For the first time, he didn't have an answer to give her. No witty remark, no slick comeback, no real credibility.

After what seemed like an eternity, he realized that these people had something to fight for. Sure, it's just a planet, but for them it's so much more. Head hung low, he finally spoke. Except this time, he had nothing to hide.

"Maybe that's all I have to hold on to. Honestly, this life has nothing for me. If I ever make a name for myself, I'm as good as dead. If I hold on to anything, I'm also as good as dead. 'Here' I thought, 'is a place I can do both and not die'. Of course, all people have ever done is use me. Use me for profit, use me for fame, use me for survival. My name is nothing but an illusion to convince myself I am free to make my own choices. Take me in if you want, you could probably use the money."
The young woman shook her finger at Jay.

"Uh uh uh. You don't have time for a pity party. You're one of us now, and that means you have to earn your place. And you've got a lot of work to do to catch up."
He lifted his head, somewhat relieved that no one there seemed to know who he was, but was also apprehensive.

"Fair enough." He replied, "But you must know that if I'm discovered to be here, there are people that will stop at nothing to get to me. No one hears of me because all the people that knew me are dead."
"Talk with me after," Candon instructed Jay as he backed off, "if you help this cause I'll see what I can do to help your situation."

He shot Uso a telepathic message, 'did you want me to talk to this class about anything?
"And yet you've gone and made yourself known to all of us. After threatening us, regardless of if you had chosen to actually carry on with your words. I'm not really sure why you came here in the first place, since you seem to have been managing all on your own for so long..." The sassy angel uncrossed and re-crossed her legs, not even bothering to look up from her work as she spoke.
"Firstly, they died because word got out. To help prevent that, I will not divulge specifics on my history or contacts. Secondly, my first significant life decision was coming here."
Serai simply huffed once and inflated one cheek for a few moments, returning her full active attention to the new plumbing installations taking place.