Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: 188604 Fiscal Responsibility

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


ON> Queen's Slave

You should know what the main room looks like by now.

Uso slammed her hand down on the table,

"I swear to me, If I hear anymore bickering about this I'm going to shoot someone. Possibly two someones. I know this isn't the sexiest thing in the world but it has to be done."

Uso slowly looked across the room. The people she needed for this were all hear. Jack (or maybe Mark? Hard to tell sometimes), Alex, a senior Skyguard officer, Vier, and herself (of course).

"We gotta go over budget allocations for the next quarter. I assume you all have strong opinions."

The bushy bearded Skyguard officer stood. His voice was gruff. "Ma'am, I speak for the senior officers in the Skyguard when I express deep concerns about Section Six. It was established as a research and development group of the skyguard, and after it began to go rouge there was an official split. But now, its fleet is larger than the spacy. Spending needs to be reduced for section six. If the Skyguard recieved even a portion of the funds that you for some reason give to section 6 to build ships our numbers would be almost double."

Alex nodded his head. "What do you need all those ships for anyways? The only thing I can think of is some personal agenda, since you folks over there sure aren't working on much in the way of improving the lives of any of the soldiers outside of section 6's little private military."

"OH MY GOD THIS IS WHY YOU BEARDED NEPLESLIAN FUCKS NEVER WON A WAR," Uso said, throwing up her hands in exasperation, "Alex did you hire this guy just because he looks like a captain from one of your shows?" Uso's hand pointing accusingly at the Skyguard officer, "I know you did. Don't lie."

"Ma'am, I'm an Osman native. I got to where I am by doing my duty for this planet's people" The skyguard officer looked extremely offended.

Jack had sat quietly as accusations were thrown at him.

"We have offered you help in the past and you have turned us down, now I can not fault you for that as that was your choice. But, that will not stop progress. We at S6 have developed new advancements in technology, started a more proactive education system, we've developed an actual neighborhood, and we have added to the planets available defense assets. All with Uso's blessing. Nothing we have ever done has been against her wishes.",

"When have you ever offered us anything? You've kept all of your 'advancements' to yourselves." The bushy bearded man said.


Uso fired off her gun, putting a hole in the wall.

"Cool. Lets stop it with the inter-departmental rivalry. Frankly Vier gets half the resources you guys do and gets just as much shit done. There is a huge value in having your fleets split up with overlapping functions. Your sortie rates, ALL of your sortie rates, are through the fucking roof and I'd take any of your fleets over a Yami-one at this moment.

Remember, we've got a fraction of the ships and crew that everyone else has, so the only way we can compete is by using those ships more often. We're gonna live and die by Sortie rate.

Similarly, no one else could have pulled off that P.P. attack on such short notice against so many targets. Fucking Baller.

... Uh... I'm getting off topic.

Alex. The Skyguard needs to take on more responsibilities. I want to fold all of the utility ships that do protection and enviromental work around 188604 into the Skyguard. This also means bulking up the Skyguard fleet to serve as the main line of defense on 188604 while still letting it step out when we need to.

Jack. S6 is doing fine, you're on your way to developing your own lines of income which is fucking fantastic BUT YOU HAVEN'T BLOWN UP THAT PLANET I ASKED YOU TO BLOW UP YET HAVE YOU!?

Fucking do that already....

... Similarly, we need to figure out what percent of the budget to allocate for S6.

Vier. You do You.

Ragnarok ain't here right now, mostly because they are a ground based thing, but I also want to reserve a percent or two of our ship budget for their operations. Shuttles, transports, etc.

How do you guys feel about a 30-30-30 percent split of our ship budget?"

The bushy bearded osman man grumbled for a moment or two before speaking. "Well, I guess that's acceptable, but Section 6 needs to stop getting in the way of the spacey. For god sake, it's fleet is larger than the entire skyguard fleet."

"How exactly have we hindered you operations hmm? Last I checked your forces were doing a fine job at planetary defense. Recent deployments were against NMX and PP, with the former being in support of Candon who I must say my relationship with as an associate has improved. And yes we have offered you tech in the past, it is not our fault the communications got lost in transit, but the Maverick SABER uses was originally designed with the skyguard in mind. A modular weapon platform for the on the go pilot who might get caught behind enemy lines. Look we are not your enemy. NMX, PP, and other hostile elements are. So why are we bickering when we should be focused on common goals. Work with us and not against us.", Jack said still calm and umoved. The gunshot had not startled him in the least, as he was far to used to it. He only sat there as the metal overhead sparked from impact, his eyes never leaving the skyguard reps.

"Both of you... mostly Jack right now... cut the attitude. I don't care what happened, focus on your group and how you're improving it."

"The skyguard can be approved, but only with additional funding, not handouts from section 6."

"Always am boss. And there are others I can offer to. I'm sure rag can find ample use for our armor, guns, and a new tank in development."

The skyguard representative groaned. "Why are you wasting time and money developing those when there's no need to?"

Alex just sat and watched the Skyguard officer and Jack argue.

"Because there is always a need. If we are to grow we need to have the tools and equipment to support our forces. We have and need troops. Troops need armor, guns, and transport. Then you need the heavier stuff to back those troops. We do civilian projects as well, we've only been focused on weapons given recent escalation of offensive operations with Psychopomp."

"All of your designs for our troops are grossly expensive, such as the power armor you use, which is far to expensive for mass production, as well as your new mecha unit."

Uso hung her head, "Guys, you're killing me here... The reason, or at least one of the reasons, why we have different groups is so that you guys can do your own things your own way. If S6 is fucking something up, no doubt the Skyguard is doing it better. We learn and improve faster, have more iteration, and do better work. I don't mind you two arguing but it needs to be constructive... and really when it comes to stupid shit like min-maxing or optimizing cost... just stop fucking sniping at eachother? Who the fuck cares?"

"I care a lot actually. My major reason for being is..."

"VIER YOU SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH!" Uso snapped, "Don't you start too. I get it, you're a machine-thing. This doesn't apply to you as much as it does them."

Both Alex and the skyguard officer recoiled at Uso's language.

"What the hell Uso? She was only trying to get a word in edgewise."

"It's okay Vier we know you care as much as we do. By the way, how is your arm recovering?", Jack asked sincerely concerned sinced hearing about her injury received in the last operation.

"This node's arm is not injured. However the injured node should be back at full capacity within two days. I have noted not to use Essex without armor or a suitable weapon mount in the future." Vier replied, as robotic as ever.

Uso's eyes lit up, "OH so do I have to be the bad guy for you three to work together? Because I can totally do that if it means my department heads aren't trying to shit down one another's throats."

"I have done nothing to the skyguard, I only wish they would cease such a hostile position towards S6. You know I have always done as requested boss, granted the demolition of that asteroid had to be side lined because of recent events, but I just sent orders to Hammer to take a payload and several frigates to do the operation. They should be back within 5 hours."

The bearded man scoffed. "You've done nothing but appropriate all of the planet's money to grow your fleet. Since your group formed there hasn't been enough money left to build any more ships. And let's not forget the time you bankrupted us."

Jack gives a sigh, "Boss I'm not saying anything to that, this is pointless. Are we done bitchen at each other because I have a son I just got back that I could be spending time with, so can we get on with this."

"I don't think you understand just how much the populace doesn't trust you." The man said. "You seem to have gotten off with few if any concequences for what you caused, but I will be watching you, even if the Sky warden is lenient."

"Yeah well you can watch all you want, doesn't mean I can expect any actions to be taken. And I'm working on the PR situation. Candon is helping me on that front along with the new products I'm sending him. So keep blowing smoke in the wind, I'm tired of your beuracratic bull."

Uso flopped down on the table, "Guuuuys. You're both pretty. Stop fighting one another. You're both getting a budget increase, a FAIR budget increase. If you keep trying to dick one another over I'm going to start thinking its personal."

Alex just watched as the Skyguard officer reddened in the face, stammering for a moment. "Ma'am! I protest, this man's disregard for what he calls 'beauracratic bull' resulted in the collapse of our economy. There must be oversight for section 6!"

Alex leaned forward and tried to calm the bearded man down. "I think that while you're right that there needs to be oversight, we also need to give them a second chance."

He turned to Uso. "And I've noticed that the skyguard has been doing nothing but system patrols lately. It might help to keep everyone calm if you kept the skyguard busy. Coming to them with jobs instead of exclusively section 6 would go a long way towards that."

"I also think that a limit on S6's buildup couldn't hurt, since they're not going to be doing military operations normally."

"I have no problem with you giving skyguard more work, they need it. But. I do not agree with limitations. As for ops I still have another Psychopomp base to hit, not as big as the last one, but a decent sized lab. Before evacing from the Spora facility, some of my men managed to grab a few documents and notes. Nothing much to go on, but it did point to this facility for as far as we can tell has been a secondary site. Meaning less security and personnel as it's an older base. Even more so now that the majority of non-public assets were pulled when the fuckers went running.", Jack said as placed a small holo-projector on the table his organic irises beginning to glow red as he linked it to the Geist, and a less than clear image of a small base was displayed, "This is from a fly by of the location."

"Yeah, I need to hit up PP's board again, and I was going to blow up this little breakfast bistro on Nepleslia that Romanov likes. Literally anything you find of PP's just explode it." Uso added, before also adding, "And it isn't like I'm avoiding the skyguard. They had plenty of operations to handle during the PP attacks just like Vier, Ragnarok, yourself, etc. If the skyguard wants more work they need to go hunting for it. Develop on their own rather than forcing me to sit down and lead them around by the nose.

You're supposed to be leading them by the nose Alex.

Shit, fold in the terraforming work and a search and rescue hypen medical thing to the Skyguard's job list."