• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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FM Updates

Hey Star Army,

As part of our efforts to keep the site active I've been reviewing Faction Managers to make sure they're doing their jobs keeping their factions active and healthy and supporting their GMs. As an FM there's a higher level of expectations for you because GMs and players rely on your for RP events and for approval of new factional items, etc. During the last week I've been looking at all of Star Army's factions and determined there needs to be some changes for the good of the site:

1. The current rules say that only playable factions get FMs. This means Yamatai & its Elysian subfaction, Nepleslia, Neshaten, NDC, and HSC. No other factions can have an FM. I am going to be updating the banners so that there's no FM banners or groups of non-player factions, side factions, background factions, personal factions, etc. There shouldn't be factions run by just 1 person - NPC factions are there for all GMs to use. Putting something in the Star Army universe means it's out there for any GM to use (within reason, see the GM forum to check other GMs' plot plans to avoid toe-stepping).

2. Faction managers who have gone inactive are going to be removed ASAP. The standard we use for inactivity is no RP posts in a 1-month period. FMs who are removed for inactivity are not going to be allowed to immediately resume FMing if they come back unless it was due to medical stuff and so forth that's beyond their control.

List of Current FMs:
  • Alex Hart: Active NDC
  • Ametheliana: Active* (Nepleslia)
  • Andrew - Inactive (Yamatai) - Last post in May - He's away for medical reasons, will temporarily remove FM until he can return so people aren't trying to bother him for FM stuff)
  • Arbitrated - Active (Elysia)
  • Charmaylarg Dufrain - Active (Nepleslia)
  • club24 - Active (Neshaten)
  • HarperMadi - Active (NDC)
  • Jack Pine - Active (NDC)
  • Kai - Inactive (last RP post in April)
  • Legix - Inactive (last RP post over a month ago, only 5 posts (3 RP) in the previous 2 months)
  • Nashoba - Active (Yamatai and HSC)
  • RaWolfe - Inactive - Last RP post in May
  • raz - Active (but Kudhacari are not a playable faction)
  • Riko - Inactive (hasn't visited the forum this year and Valsh'Nar are not a playable faction)
  • Soresu - Active (however the Iroma aren't currently playable)
  • Syaoran - Active (but Abwehr aren't playable currently)
  • Toshiro - Inactive (Yamatai) - No RP posts since April
  • Wes - Active for Yamatai
  • Whisper - Active (NDC)
*I don't see any Nep RP in recent post history (last one was May) - will speak with her to get more info

So what is going to happen is non-playable factions will be removed as banner options and inactive FMs will lose FM status. This isn't a punishment so don't take it personal, it's just housekeeping for the site.
Glad im still considered active despite my super busy nature rn compared to a few months ago.

Im only going to get busier but imma keep posting for my nep plots and keep my nep stuff going best i can hopefully long enough for this pandemic stuff to calm down and my schedule can get back to normal!
Reactions: Wes
its not only medical to the best of my knowledge but rawolfe has been afk due to a lot of more pressing IRL things for the last couple of months so if he could get his back it'd be appreciated, if not no sweat
Okay, once he's active again I'll keep that in mind when restoring his FM banner. Thanks Club!
I've been busy for a little over a month and I get my FM rights stripped? That's a bit silly since in the past rights of FMs had been defended for far longer periods. And I only made 5 posts in 2 months? What does that have to do with anything? My plots move slow, sorry we don't make a chatroom out of things.

But if this means Char is FM, then I guess that's that. Not sure how Ame is given a free pass here for being spoken to but this is par for the course with how decisions get made here.

Edit: To reiterate, I think this is really silly to take my rights without so much as a word but you're going to contact Ame. I'd much rather remain an FM but if being busy for just a bit more than a month de-qualifies me, I'd hope that Wes will remove his own FMship should he ever need to take some sort of busy time. Or that anyone else would be held exactly to the letter of the rule.

But that won't happen.
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It's because she's still been posting RPs (Kaiyo ones) and you haven't. Additionally, you were warned already in the past the last time you were inactive for 30 days and you were given a second chance so it's not like this is out of the blue. At the end of the day the core of this site is about RPing on the forum and activity matters. If you got more concerns let's take it to DMs.
Currently active FMs grouped by faction

  • Nashoba
  • Wes

  • Alex Hart
  • HarperMadi
  • Jack Pine
  • Whisper

  • Ametheliana
  • Charmaylarg Dufrain

  • Arbitrated

  • club24

Hidden Sun Clan
  • Nashoba
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Reactions: Wes
Hey, I wouldnโ€™t have donated yesterday if Iโ€™d known that I couldnโ€™t develop my faction anymore. The only reason they havenโ€™t seen any progress is because I keep getting harassed every time I begin to make any progress. Like right now, I have a player who has only ever said hostile things to me encroaching on the area in which I am developing instead of choosing somewhere else in the entire Kagami galaxy to be.

Itโ€™s okay because I can just focus on Yamatai without doing Kud stuff but also pretty contrived, just like the Senti showing up near my developing species.
The faction can still be developed, it's just not a playable one so it doesn't get a green banner. If you'd like I can send you a refund. Contact me in conversation if so.

Madi wants the Senti to be basically everywhere so I guess that's expected but space is huge and there's no reason the stuff she's doing and your stuff have to interact in any way if you prefer not to.
Reactions: raz
Thanks for the clarification. Everything's good; I hope streamlining the FM roster provides a ton of cool opportunities for roleplay moving forward.

As always, thanks for running this cool sci-fi universe for us and future generations of SARPers.
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